Strategic Interest Groups Committee
The EURAM Strategic Interest Groups (SIGs) were launched in 2009 during the EURAM Annual Conference.
The research themes cover broad and transversal management disciplines for which EURAM members have shown a keen interest over the years. SIGs have their own governance structure, and are run by their SIG, programme, track chairs and other officers whenever necessary (Consult the Rules and policies for Strategic Interest Groups here).
The SIG officers have gradually taken on increasing responsibilities in the programme building of the conference and contributing to other EURAM strategic activities by:
- Offering SIG General Tracks;
- Running Standing Tracks, which attract a sustained interest over the years;
- Hosting more specialised topics and symposia. Topics can become standing tracks over time. Proponents of emerging topics are encouraged to gather like-minded researchers to start building communities;
- Providing time for the members of their SIGs' members interaction and engagement during the annual conference such as kick-off & wrap-up activities;
- Organising social events as an opportunity to network and share similar interests;
- Collaborating with the European Management Review for special thematic issues;
- Cooperating with the Doctoral Colloquium Chairs and the Early Career Consortium Chairs to welcome the more junior community within the Academy.
SIGs are also active throughout the year and propose workshops, seminars, conferences to their communities. Those events can be found here and on their respective webpages.
EURAM SIGs share the EURAM values of a professional community of engaged management scholars and reflective practitioners - open, inclusive, international and cross-cultural. EURAM also fosters courage, creativity, diversity and humanizing management research and practice.
All SIGs work is on a voluntary basis within EURAM, and we take this opportunity to thank the current SIG chairs for their dedication and guidance in advancing the research in their field.
Chairs of the Strategic Interest Groups Committee

Hamid Kazeroony
NWU/Walden University
Diego Matricano
Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"Strategic Interest Groups Committee

Business for Society
Davide Bizjak, Chair
Corporate Governance
Patricia Gabaldon Quiñones, Chair
Diego Matricano, Chair
Family Business Research
Elena Casprini, Chair
Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations
Faiza Ali, Chair
Patrick Spieth, Chair
International Management
Piyush Sharma, Chair
Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
Antonio Abrantes, Chair
Project Organising
Christine Unterhitzenberger, Chair
Public and Non-Profit Management
Filippo Giordano, Chair
Research Methods and Research Practice
Michael Schlaile, Chair
Research Methods and Research Practice
Huiping Xian, Chair
Strategic Management
Daniel Alonso Martinez, Chair
Strategic Management
Albena Björck, Chair
General Conference Track
Francesco Capone, ChairSIGs Menu
- Strategic Interest Groups
- _______________
- Business for Society
- Corporate Governance
- Entrepreneurship
- Family Business Research
- Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations
- Innovation
- International Management
- Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
- Project Organising
- Public and Non-Profit Management
- Research Methods and Research Practice
- Strategic Management
- General Conference Track