Family Business Research

The Strategic Interest Group on “Family Business Research”  (SIG FABR) is dedicated to conceptual, theoretical, and empirical research, as well as future directions of the family business and entrepreneurial families research field. The field is located at the intersection of management, leadership, finance, sociology, and psychology. Topics include, but are not limited to, sustainability and firm ownership; family leadership; female leadership in family firms; family firm marketing; luxury, fashion & family firms; wealth management; family firm performance; socio-emotional wealth; family conflicts; succession; and transgenerational ownership. We especially encourage young scholars to submit their work and to experience the vibrant and friendly atmosphere of our division SIG FABR.

SIG FABR Leadership:

SIG Chair, Prof. Dr. Elena Casprini, University of Siena,
SIG Programme Chair, Prof. Dr. Allan Discua Cruz, Lancaster University
SIG Programme Chair-Elect,  Prof. Dr. Rafaela Gjergji, LIUC- Università Cattaneo
SIG Communications Officer, tbc (first week of September)

Our latest conference booklet can be downloaded here: EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT - FAMILY BUSINESS RESEARCH SIG - 14 -16 JUNE 2023 - CONFERENCE BOOKLET (