
Welcome to the Innovation SIG!

Mission Statement

Innovation” as Strategic Interest Group (SIG) of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) explores and develops a deep understanding of the innovation frontier. Our aim is to create an open community of academics, practitioners, entrepreneurs and policy makers who care about the creation, development and implementation of innovations in organizations and markets.

Our SIG was founded during Euram Annual Meeting 2006 in Oslo/Norway under the leadership of John Bessant. Since then our SIG has grown towards more than 400+ members within Euram. This makes us on of the TOP 3 largest communities at Euram.  

Early career scholars and managers with an interest in the field are equally welcome to join our activities, projects and conversations. We are committed to each year to bringing together scholars and practitioners from around the globe for presenting and developing high-quality research. Our SIG also puts particular emphasis on in-between-events for offering more value to our communities. Here, we have four focus areas: 1) paper development workshops, 2) talent development (PhD level), 3) early career development (junior faculties), and 4) dialogue with practitioners. 

Each year, the Innovation SIG hands out two awards: Best Paper Award and the Most Inspirational Paper Award. 

Leadership Team

SIG Officers

Paper Development Workshops (Academic Publications) Officers

Talent and Early Career Development Officers

Dialogue with Practitioners Officers

Marketing and Communications Officers

    Former SIG chairs 
    July 2022 to June 2024: David W. Versailles (Paris School of Business, France)
    July 2020 to June 2022: Vivek K. Velamuri (HHL Leipzig, Graduate School of Management, Germany)
    July 2017 to June 2019: Pascal Le Masson (MINES ParisTech, France)
    July 2013 to June 2016: Jan Dul (Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management, Netherlands) 
    July 2006 to June 2013: John Bessant (University of Exeter, Business School, England)

    Join us on

    Submissions and Conference Tracks

    During Euram Annul Conferences, SIG Innovation offers three different types of tracks. The GENERAL TRACK is the overarching track of our SIG. STANDING TRACKS are ongoing conversations that you can join, and which will continue within the SIG for a number of years. Finally, every year there are TRACKS that are selected in a competitive submission and review process (they may become standing tracks in the future if they prove to be of continued interest).

    • GT06_00 – Innovation General Track
    • ST03_01/ST06_01/ST13_01 – Business Model – Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Venturing (co-sponsored ENT / INNO / SM)
    • ST06_03 – Digital Innovation: Strategies, Competencies, Ecosystems, Theories, and Practice
      • ST06_05 – Innovation for Sustainability, Circularity and Green-tech
      • ST06_07 – Open Innovation and Inter-Organizational Networks for Innovation
      • ST06_08 – Managing Creativity for Innovation: Design, Collaborative Spaces, and People
      • T06_09 – Innovation Ecosystems
      • T06_11 – From Science Management to Innovation Management
      • T06_13 – Innovation Management in Healthcare: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities for Value Creation

      Best Paper Awards and Most Inspirational Awards

      SIG Innovation is awarding its peer-reviewed and blindly selected papers on every conference occasion. Best Paper Awards and Most Inspirational Awards are usually handed out during the SIG social event.

      2024 / Bath

      • Best Paper:
        • #1: "Enhancing the role of community based enterprises for sustainable local development through community-based business models" by La Ode Sabaruddin, Wiwik Supratiwi
        • #2: "Managing duality: The paradoxical interface of agile and conventional NPD in organizations" by Leonie Müller, Tobias Röth
        • #3: "A sensemaking approach to the analysis of digital transformation in established firms" by Daniele Cerrato, Anna Sofia Yanson
      • Most Inspirational Paper: No nominations

      2023 / Dublin

      • Best Paper: "The power of networks: A field data analys of geographic network effects in the circular economy" by Christoph Ratay
      • Most Inspirational Paper: "Exploring the experiences of women researchers participating in academic engagement; A Bourdieusian perspective" by Afua Owusu-Kwarteng, Derrick Boakye, David Sarpong, Dirk Meissner

      2022 / Winterthur

      • "Affordable or Premium Innovation? The Influence of Individual and Contextual Factors on Innovators’ Engagement in Different Innovation Types" by Nadine Hietschold, Ariane Segelitz-Karsten, Ronny Reinhardt, Sebastian Gurtner

      2021/ Montréal (Online - COVID pandemic)

      2020/ Dublin (Online - COVID pandemic)

      2019 / Lisbon

      • Hannele Väyrynen "Self-managing the idea for innovation with the Innovator Action Grant Model (IAGM)"
      • Tim Mosig "My Data – My Precious: Tearing Down Barriers to Data-Driven Business Model Innovation"
      • Vidya Oruganti "The Effects of Upstream & Downstream Dependencies of a Firm on Market Returns from its Innovation Efforts"

      2018 / Reykjavik

      • Frank Nagle "Learning by Contributing - Gaining Competitive Advantage through Contribution to Crowdsourced Public Goods"
      • Kristel Miller "An Exploration of the Role of Value Creation and Value Capture in University Technology Transfer Business Models: A Quadruple Helix Stakeholder Perspective"
      • Katrien Verleye "Building Legitimacy for New Service Constellations with a Social Objective"

      2017 / Glasgow

      • Joan E. Ricart "Unfulfilled promises in the sharing economy? Exploring the value proposition of airbnb",
      • Xiaolan Fu "Valuation of early stage technology in the information and communication industry" and 
      • Martin Schymanietz "Data-driven service innovation – An exploration of actors and challenges in the German manufacturing industry"

      2016 / Paris

      • Lisa Carlgren “Design thinking in innovation, in practice: the case of Kaiser Permanente”
      • Steve Diasio “A Techno-Social Perspective of Innovation Jams- Defining and Characterizing”
      • Acur Nuran, Erica Mazzola, Mariangela Piazza, Giovanni Perrone - “The impact of fairness on the performance of crowdsourcing: an empirical analysis of two intermediate crowdsourcing platforms”

      2015 / Warsaw

      • Julia K. Fröhlich and Andreas Hack - “What Makes a Good Idea? A Signaling Approach to the Assessment of Idea Quality of Innovation Ideas”
      • Juliette Brun, Hicham Ezzat, and Benoît Weil -“Managing the Impacts of Non-Verbal Devices on Idea Generation: A New Challenge for Creative Leaders”
      • Patrick Spieth and Sabrina Schneider - “Business Model Innovation: A Strategic Entrepreneurship Perspective”