Expressions of Interest to Organise a Future EURAM Annual Conference in 2027 or 2028
The Annual Conference is the main event of the academy where our members meet and exchange. EURAM Conferences are growing and can attract up to 2,000 delegates from Europe and beyond.
The Conference gives an opportunity to scholars, PhDs or more senior ones, to present their latest research and receive feedback. Other events allow them to network with like-minded colleagues in one or more of the 13 existing Strategic Interest Groups. There are also all-academy events and time for social activities.
EURAM has been to a variety of countries and continues to explore Europe and beyond to develop existing and new communities.
Expression of Interest
The initial expression of interest should not be longer than 2 pages, and include:
- Motivation;
- Proposed dates;
- Location and facilities; capacity (expect +/- 1800 participants in the main conference attending sessions in +/- 60 parallel rooms from a Tuesday afternoon to Friday afternoon (3.5 days in total), +/- 80 participants in the Doctoral Colloquium to be held on Monday and Tuesday preceding the main conference);
- Estimated costs of facilities;
- Universities and other organisations to be involved;
- Key personnel involved – conference chair(s) and other members of the local organising committee (LOC);
- Experience with organising conferences and previous involvement in EURAM events;
- Hotel capacity in the vicinity;
- Accessibility of the venue
- Sponsorship opportunities;
- Optional: short video about the university, location and facilities.
Proposals are reviewed by the Executive Committee. Proposals will be assessed based on:
- The size, quality and reputation of business school or faculty of management
- Presence of research interests in a wide range of management disciplines
- Overall capacity and accessibility
- Hotel capacity
- Venue costs
- Experience of the LOC and the prior involvement with EURAM.
- Geographical location considering past (and future) EURAM conferences
- Attractiveness of the location apart from the aspects mentioned above (e.g., history, architecture, culture …).
- 30 October: 2-Page Document sent to luisa.jaffe@euram.academy
- November 2024: Proposals examined by Executive Committee and Board
- Early December 2024: Shortlisted candidates contacted for the organisation of a site visit
- Spring 2025: Site visits
- June 2025: Full bid and presentation to the Executive Committee and Board
Should the proposal be (pre)selected, a site visit will be organised to assess feasibility. More detailed criteria assessed are listed here * (hyperlink, for this text, under the text).
The conference host is selected at least three years in advance and will be working with the Vice President Conferences, EURAM staff and the Professional Conference Organiser on a project cycle of 24 months.
An agreement detailing the roles and responsibilities of each party involved will be signed between EURAM and the hosting university.
For any questions, please contact luisa.jaffe@euram.academy.
EURAM Webinar: "Using Machine Learning in Management”
22 April 2024
Using Machine Learning in Management
Speaker: Bart Vanneste, Associate Professor in the Strategy & Entrepreneurship group of the UCL School of Management.
Description: The role of machine learning in management research is rapidly increasing. This webinar provides an overview of the different ways that machine learning is applied.
A good introduction book on statistical / machine learning (it's free!):
and accompanying course:
Also good courses:

Webinar: "Addressing problems arising from endogeneity in management research"
25 September 2023, from 15:00 to 16:00 CEST
We are pleased to invite you to join a EURAM Webinar on 25 September 2023, from 15:00 to 16:00 CEST:
Title: Addressing problems arising from endogeneity in management research
Speaker: Professor Marco Giarratana, Vice-Rector of Research and Coordination, IE University, Madrid, Spain
Summary: Endogeneity in quantitative research is one of the most common problems that prevent management researchers from specifying models accurately and making causal claims. In this EURAM webinar, Professor Marco Giarratana will draw on his experience as an associate editor, member of editorial boards and research funding councils to discuss how appropriate research design and statistical techniques can help address endogeneity concerns and mitigate problems.
Registration: To attend, please register here.
You will receive a secure link a few days before the webinar.
Organiser: Panos Desyllas, Vice President Research Funding
Webinar: "Applying for Starting Grants by the European Research Council (ERC)"
23 October 2023, 15:00-16:00 CEST
We are pleased to invite you to join a EURAM Webinar on 23 October 2023, 15:00-16:00 CEST:
Title: "Applying for Starting Grants by the European Research Council (ERC)"
Speaker: Adriana Cristoiu, ERCEA; SH1 panel: Economics, Finance, Management
Summary: The ERC, set up by the European Union in 2007, is the premier European funding organisation for excellent frontier research in any field, without predetermined priorities. It funds creative researchers of any nationality and age to run projects based across Europe. In this EURAM webinar, Adriana Cristoiu will present information about Starting Grants, which are designed to support talented Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme.
Registration: will open in September 2023.
Organiser: Panos Desyllas, Vice President Research Funding
EDAMBA and EURAM join forces
Tuesday, 26 January 2021 17:30 Brusssels time
EDAMBA and EURAM join forces to advance thinking on practice and quality standards in doctoral education and supervision in management and business studies across Europe and beyond.
A new generation of early stage researchers and educators is facing rapidly evolving global research, policy-making and practice challenges. The two associations have agreed to work together to move forward the debate and thinking on how to train new generations of researchers to address these challenges and to build a rich and diverse scholarly community that educates and produces knowledge which is relevant to society."