- EURAM Innovation in Management Teaching Award
EURAM Innovation in Management Teaching Award is awarded to individual scholars who have provided an excellent contribution in teaching of public, profit or nonprofit management. This contribution to impact and innovation in teaching management may involve direct teaching and mentoring activities, educational innovations and high-quality teaching materials. Submissions from full or associated professors are encouraged.
Submit here
Deadline 14 December 2024
Criteria to be found in call here - EURAM Best Book 2024 – Prize Money 2500 Euro
The Best Book award is also given during the Award Ceremony of EURAM Conference.
Submit here
Deadline 21 January 2025
Criteria to be found in call here - EURAM Research Grants Scheme – Grants between 3000 – 5000 Euro
EURAM promotes research through the EURAM Research Grants Scheme.
Submit here
Deadline 12 February 2025
Criteria to be found in call here - EURAM Edith Penrose Award for Trailblazing Researchers sponsored by INSEAD
To be trailblazing a scholar will demonstrate how they have challenged established wisdom and have been the first to propose a new, alternative or complementary view of it: i.e., they have blazed a new trail (as did Penrose in 1959).
New deadline 21 March 2025
Criteria to be found in call here

7th Edition of the EURAM Edith Penrose Award sponsored by INSEAD for Trailblazing Researchers
New deadline for (self-)nominations: 21 March 2025
Dear colleague,
We are pleased to call for (self-)nominations for the EURAM Edith Penrose Award sponsored by INSEAD. The new deadline to apply is 21 March 2025.
To be trailblazing a scholar will demonstrate how they have challenged established wisdom and have been the first to propose a new, alternative or complementary view of it: i.e., they have blazed a new trail (as did Penrose 1959).
In no more than 250 words they will demonstrate why their work should be considered a trailblazing contribution in a specific field on enquiry that falls under the auspices of EURAM.
In addition, they should nominate a referee that the committee might consult in the process of determining the award.
The Award will reflect EURAM's emphasis on multidisciplinary theoretical perspectives and methodological pluralism as well as critical examinations of the historical and philosophical roots of management theory and praxis and also the values of rigor and relevance for creating impactful knowledge to which both EURAM and INSEAD adhere.
The Award value is €5,000, generously provided by INSEAD.
How to apply
The applications can be either self-candidatures or nominations of other researchers judged to deserve it. Each applicant can make multiple nominations, provided that one nomination letter is submitted for each nominee.
The nomination letter should provide an argumentation for why the nominee/s (or applicant) should be considered a trailblazer in a given management research area, including the references for the publication/s which substantiate such claim. The letter should not be longer than 250 words. In addition, they should nominate a referee that the committee might consult in the process of determining the award.
The winner should be either a current member of EURAM or become a member in order to accept the Award (please contact nicola.pellegrino@euram.academy for queries about membership status).
Applications should be submitted online by 21 March 2025. A designated committee will choose the winner(s), based on the criteria of originality, rigor, relevance and impactfulness mentioned above.
Apply here
The winner(s) will be announced at the EURAM 2025 Conference in June 2025.
Best wishes,
Hervé Dumez, Vice President Research
Previous recipients of the Edith Penrose Award
Jay Barney, University of Utah (2019)
Stewart Clegg, University of Technology Sydney (2020)
Amy Whitaker, University of New York (2021)
Giovanni Dosi, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa & Anna Grandori, Bocconi University (2022)
Barbara Cziarnawska, University of Gothenburg (2023)
Bruce Kogut, Columbia Business School (2024)
Bio of Edith Penrose
Edith (Elura Tilton) Penrose (1914–1996) was a USA-born British citizen who spent significant time of her academic career in Europe, first at the London School of Economics and later becoming the first woman faculty in INSEAD who also served as Dean for Faculty. She published several articles and books, some of which became seminal in the management field, such as her 1952 article challenging the biological or evolutionary analogy of the firm and her book titled ‘The Theory of the Growth of the Firm’ first published in 1959 in which she challenged the then dominant (economics’) view of the optimal size of the firm: firms continue to grow because their managers identify in firms’ resources potential of generating new services and serving a market need. That is why Penrose is considered the forerunner of the resource-based view of the firm.
Dear colleague,
We are pleased to announce that the platform for nominating the Best Book of the Year is open.
The Award is granted annually to a scholarly authored book in the general field of management studies (single or multiple authored). Only scholarly books/monographs (not edited books or textbooks) may be nominated. The language of the book should be English. Date of publication must be the last year before the annual conference (for 2025: books with 2024 as year of publication). All fields of management are included. The Award is accompanied with a cash prize of
Dear colleague,
We are pleased to announce that the platform for nominating the Best Book of the Year is open.
The Award is granted annually to a scholarly authored book in the general field of management studies (single or multiple authored). Only scholarly books/monographs (not edited books or textbooks) may be nominated. The language of the book should be English. Date of publication must be the last year before the annual conference (for 2025: books with 2024 as year of publication). All fields of management are included. The Award is accompanied with a cash prize of € 2,500.
A nomination for a book can be made either by a Strategic Interest Group (SIG), or by any individual, including self-nominations online. There is no formal nomination form, but the nomination document should be no longer than 600 words (plus a short cover letter).
Upon submission, you may upload an e-book. EURAM head office will contact you prior to review to let you know where to send three copies of your book.
At least one of the authors of the book should be a current member of EURAM to be nominated for the Award (contact luisa.jaffe@euram.academy for queries about membership status).
Submit your book here by 21 January 2025.
A nomination for a book can be made either by a Strategic Interest Group (SIG), or by any individual, including self-nominations online. There is no formal nomination form, but the nomination document should be no longer than 600 words (plus a short cover letter).
Upon submission, you may upload an e-book. EURAM head office will contact you prior to review to let you know where to send three copies of your book.
At least one of the authors of the book should be a current member of EURAM to be nominated for the Award (contact luisa.jaffe@euram.academy for queries about membership status).
A designated committee will choose the winner, based on the criteria of scholarly impact – rigor and relevance of the book – with consideration for the ‘European’ element of the book.
The winner(s) will be announced at the EURAM Conference of 2025.
Past winners of the award:
2017 Winner
The Quest for Professionalism: The Case of Management and Entrepreneurship (2016), Oxford University Press
Georges Romme
2018 Winner
Managing the Family Business: Theory and Practice (2017), Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd
Thomas Zellweger
2019 Winner
Using Praise for Reinventing Business Models: How firms cope with disruption, (2018), Oxford University Press
Henk Volberda, Frans A.J. Van Den Bosch, Kevin Heij
2020 Winner
Hierarchy: A Key Idea for Business and Society, Routledge (2019)
John Child
2021 Winner
Cross-cultural management revisited. A qualitative approach, Oxford University Press (2020), Philippe d’Iribarne, Sylvie Chevrier, Alain Henry, Jean-Pierre Segal & Geneviève Tréguer-Felten
2022 Winner
Paradoxes of Power and Leadership, Routledge (2021)
Miguel Pina e Cunha, Stewart R. Clegg, Arménio Rego, Marco Berti
2023 Winner
Reimagining Sustainable Organization, Palgrave Macmillan (2022)
Birgit Helene Jevnaker, Johan Olaisen
2024 Winner
Interdisciplinarity in Entrepreneurship, Investigating Issues and Debates with New Lenses, Palgrave Macmillan (2023)
Diego Matricano
For additional questions, please contact info@euram.academy.
Best wishes,
Hervé Dumez, EURAM Vice President Research
New EURAM 2025 Innovation in Management Teaching Award (Triennial)
EURAM is pleased to launch the first edition of the EURAM Innovation in Management Teaching Award to be awarded every three years.
EURAM Innovation in Management Teaching Award is awarded to individual scholars who have provided an excellent contribution in teaching of public, profit or nonprofit management. This contribution to impact and innovation in teaching management may involve direct teaching and mentoring activities, educational innovations and high-quality teaching materials. Submissions from full or associated professors are encouraged.
Members* submitting their candidature for this award will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- innovation on teaching subject (new management concepts or issues)
- innovation in an interdisciplinary teaching approach
- innovation in teaching methods
- innovative interactions with students
- innovative student assessment methods
- innovative course materials
EURAM members are invited to send their nominations, which should include:
- A nomination letter (of about two-three pages or 1350 words max.) addressing the nominee’s achievements (vis-à-vis the criteria).
- Three letters of recommendation in support of the nomination (in PDF Format).
- A full current CV for the nominated individual (in PDF Format).
- A short video (mp4 of 3-5 minutes max.) explaining the innovations.
- A short PowerPoint with teaching materials (up to 20 slides in PDF Format).
- Teaching awards if any.
The submission deadline is 14 December 2024.
Submit your application here:
A designated committee will evaluate the individual submissions based on the above criteria.
The winner(s) can present their contribution to innovative teaching management at the conference or in a webinar for the EURAM community. The Award will be given during the 2025 Conference in Florence, Italy.
For any questions, feel free to contact info@euram.academy.
Best wishes,
Hervé Dumez, Vice President Research
* EURAM Members 2024 and 2025 may apply. The recipient of the award will need to become a EURAM member 2025 if it is not already the case.
Doctoral Colloquium Awards
Best Paper and Relevant and Responsible Research Awards from 2021 to 2024 !
Best Reviewer
Best Reviewer 2024 - Prize Money 500 Euro
Matin Mohaghegh, Stockholm School of Economics
SIG Strategic Management
Best Reviewer 2023 - Prize Money 500 Euro
Michael Collins, The University of Queensland Business School
SIG Organisational Behaviour & HRM
Best Reviewer 2022 - Prize Money 500 Euro
Adam Ayaita, RTWH Aachen, Germany
SIG Gender, Race & Diversity in Organisations
See video of Award Winner here. Adam tells how he approaches the task of reviewing papers for a conference.
Best Reviewers 2021
Alexandre Azoulay, GREDEG, France, SIG Strategic Management
Nuno Oliveira, Tilburg University, SIG Strategic Management
Francesca Sanguineti, University of Pavia, SIG Entrepreneurship
Christine Unterhitzenberger, University of Leeds, SIG Project Organising
Best Reviewers 2020 - Prize Money 500 Euro (Starting in 2017)
Rosa Lutete Geremias, ISCSP - School of Social & Political Sciences University of Lisbon
SIG Organisational Behaviour
Best Reviewers 2019- Prize Money 500 Euro
Dennis Veltrop, University of Groningen
SIG Corporate Governance
Best Reviewers 2018- Prize Money 500 Euro
Kazem Mochkabadi, University of Wuppertal
Strategic Interest Group: Entrepreneurship
Best Reviewers 2017 - Prize Money 500 Euro
Emilie Malcourant, Université Catholique de Louvain
Strategic Interest Group: Managing Sport
Desmond Tutu Ayentimi, Curtin University, Australia
Strategic Interest Group: International Management
Best Reviewers 2016
Ami-Church-Morel, IAE Savoie Mont Blanc
Strategic Interest Group: International Management
Eda Ulus, University of Leicester
Strategic Interest Group: Business for Society
Best Reviewer 2015
Axel Walther,Reinhard-Mohn Institute, University of Witten/Herdecke
Strategic Interest Group: Corporate Governance
Best Reviewer 2014
Lies Dobbels, Ghent University (Managing Sports SIG)
Strategic Interest Group: Managing Sport
Best Reviewer 2013
Barbara Unger, Technische Universitaet Berlin
Strategic Interest Group. Project Organising
Best Reviewer 2012
Tomi Lamaanen, University of St. Gallen
Strategic Interest Group: Strategic Management
Best Reviewer 2011
Aswin van Oijen, Tilburg University
Track: Top management teams & business elites
Best Reviewer 2010
Audra Mockaitis, Victoria University of Wellington
Track: Leveraging the positive in multicultural teams
EMR Best Reviewer Award
Best Reviewers 2023 (Prize money 750 Euro)
Olav Sorenson, Anderson School of Management, UCLA
Domenico Rocco Cambrea, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Jonas Gabrielsson, School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability, Halmstad University
Best Reviewers 2022 (Prize money 1,000 Euro as of 2023)
Oliver Butzbach, Universita delgi Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
Robert Nason, McGill University
David W Williams, University of Tenessee at Knoxville
Best Reviewers 2021
Wisanupong Potipiroon, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Brian Harney, Dublin City University, Ireland
Best Reviewer 2020
Vikrant Shirodkar, University of Sussex Business School, UK
Best Reveiwer 2019
Mark NK Saunders, University of Birmingham
Gabriele Morandin, University of Bologna
Best Reviewer 2018
Nagarajan Ramamoorthy, School of Business Administration, University of Houston-Victoria
Best Reviewer 2017
Linda Baines, University of Southampton
Best Reviewers 2016
Angel Barajas, University of Vigo
Dorota Bourne, Henley Business School
Jose Pascal da Rocha, Columbia University
Andri Georgiadou, University of Hertofrdshire
Olivia Kyriakidou, Athens University of Economics and Business
Best and Most Inspirational Papers
Best Paper - Prize Money 1,000 Euro (Starting in 2017)
Projecting for accelerating sustainability transitions: practices of joint value creation in circular economy programs
Marina Bos-de Vos, Delft University of Technology; Miia Martinsuo, University of Turku; Ellen Loots, Erasmus University Rotterdam
SIG 10 Project Organising
The Spark that Ignites the Whole: A Case-study on Aggregation Processes of Individual Ambidexterity within Entrepreneurial Teams in the Creative Industries
Florian Koch & Elmar Konrad, University of Applied Sciences Mainz; Alexander Kock, TU Darmstadt
SIG Entrepreneurship
When the going gets tough: In-group bias and board gender diversity in the wake of economic shock, Shibashish Mukherjee, EM LYON Business School & Sorin Krammer, University of Exeter Business School
SIG Gender, Race & Diversity in Organisations
The Choice of a Leader: CEO Sociopolitical Activism as a Signal of Authentic Leadership, Moritz Appels, University of Mannheim
SIG Organisational Behaviour
From theory to theorizing: framing and assessing the vitality of management and organization studies, Stwart Clegg, University of Technology Sydney, Miguel Cunha, Nova School of Business and Economics, Marco Berti, University of Technology Sydney,
SIG: Research Methods and Research Practice
Best Paper 2019 - Prize Money 1,000 Euro
Dividends in the Family Firm Context: Does Socioemotional Wealth Matter?
J. Samuel Baixauli-Soler, Maria Belda-Ruiz and Gregorio Sanchez-Marin, University of Murcia
SIG : Family Business Research
Most Inspirational Paper . Prize Money, 1,000 Euro (Since 2017)
This is me as a leader: Visualizing ethics of care in professional narratives of women in leadership
Zuzanna Staniszewska, Kozminski University
SIG Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organisations
How Effective is Implementation of Gender-based Equality and Diversity Practices in Project-based Organizations?
Marzena Baker, The University of Sydney
SIG Project Organising
Looking through the Kuhnian lens: The structure of scientific misconduct and the four futures of management, Ksenia Keplinger, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart Germany & Russell Cropanzano, University of Colorado
SIG Business for Society
The micro-foundations of ambidexterity for corporate social performance: A study on sustainability managers’ response to conflicting goals
Maria Carmela Annosi, Wageningen University, Elisa Mattarelli, San Jose State University, Domenico Dentoni, Montpellier Business School & Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli, Politecnico of Bari
SIG: Business for Society
Spoiled Kids? Or Not? Age and Generation Effects on Luxury Expenditure
Manfei Li, Department of Economics, LMU Munich
SIG: Research Methods & Research Practice
It’s not what you know, it’s where you are: understanding the relationship between hierarchy and experience on performance
John Eklund, University of Southern California & Ankur Chavda, HEC Paris
SIG: Strategic Management
Self-locking effects and strategy relatedlearning. The protracted way to heralding new project epochs.
Georg Windish, Techncial University Mûnchen,
SIG: Project Organising
Most Inspirational Paper 2019 - Prize Money, 1,000 Euro
Motivating on-demand workers through task-effective strategies: The differential effects of setting single vs. double goals on performance contingent upon regulatory foci
Xiao Chen, Faculty of Business, University of Prince Edward Island and Wei Chi, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
SIG Organisational Behaviour
Best Paper 2018 - Prize Money 1,000 Euro
Runner Up
Doing Gender at Corporate Christmas
Henriett Primecz, Corvinus University of Budapest & Anna Hidegh, Budapest Business School
Strategic Interest Group Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations
Managing Innovation in a Multi-Divisional Firm: How Mobility across Divisions Affects R&D Managers’ Performance
Anne ter Wal, Imperial College Business School, Paola Criscuolo, Imperial College Business School London, Martine Haas, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Ammon Salter, University of Bath
SIG : Innovation
Most Inspirational Paper 2018 - Prize Money, 1,000 Euro
Disentangling the Concept of the Owner Family in Family Business (Research), Sabrina Schell, Julia de Groote, Andreas Hack, University of Bern and Nadine Kammerlander, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
SIG : Family Business Research
Exploiting the Potential of Intuition in Interpretative Organizational Research, Barbara Kump, Vienna University of Economics and Business and Christina Schweiger, FHWien GmbH
SIG : Research Methods and Research Practice
Best Paper 2017 - Prize Money 1,000 Euro (Starting in 2017)
Runner up
Incumbents’ Sensemaking and Responses to Institutional Challenges of the Sharing Economy
Julian Lehmann, Florian Weber, Lorenz Graf-Vlachy, & Andreas König - University of Passau
SIG : Strategic Management
The Influence of Cultural Intelligence on Expatriate Knowledge Sharing: A Multilevel Country Analysis
Sebastian Stoermer, Samuel Edward Davies & Fabian Jintae Froese - University of Goettingen
SIG : International Management
Most Inspirational Paper 2017 - Prize Money, 1,000 Euro (Starting in 2017)
Political Ties and Anti-Trust Holdup: How do firms use non-market strategies to influence the regulatory control over their market strategies?
Asli Kozan - IPAG Business School, Birgül Arslan - Koç University
Best Paper 2016
Beauty or beast: Organizational Aspirations and Dynamic Embeddedness in Strategic Transactions
Elio Shijaku, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Martin Larraza-Kintana, U. Publica de Navarra and Ainhoa Urtasun-Alons, U. Publica de Navarra
SIG : Strategic Management
Most Inspirational Paper 2016
The impact of fairness on performance of crodwdsourcing on empirical analysis of two intermediate crowdsourcing platforms
Erica Mazzola. Universita di Palermo, Mariangela Piazza, Uiniversity di Palermo, Nuran Acur, University of Strathclyde, Giovanni Perrone, Universita di Palermo
SIG : Innovation
Best Paper 2015
The more International Experience, the better? The link between Itnernational Experience Variety and Career Advancement
Dimitrios Georgakakis, University of St. Gallen, Tobias Dauth, HHL Leipzig and Winfried Ruigrok, University of St. Gallen
SIG : Corporate Governance
Most Inspirational Paper 2015
Sharing Knoweldge on Demand: Some Paradox of Organiszational Factors. Empirical Evidence from International Manufacturing Companies
Sara Lombardi, LUISS Guido Carli University, Vincenzo Cavaliere, University of Florence and Mariacristina Bonti, University of Pisa
SIG : Organisational Behaviour
Best Paper 2014
Role of Performance Aspiration Gaps and Ownership in explaining Business Exits
Xavier Castner, University of Lausanne and Nikolaos Kavaidis, Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management
SIG : Corporate Governance
Best Paper 2013
Organizational Control Systems in the Public Sector and in Research Governance
Margit Osterloh, Zurich University, Bruno S. Frey, University of Warwick and Homberg Fabian, Bournemouth University
SIG : Public and Non-Profit Management
Best Paper 2012
Trust in the Entrepreneur-Angel: Investor Dyad: Functions and Dysfunctions
Yannick Bammens and Veroniek Collewaert, Maastricht University
Best Paper 2011
Research as Practice: Practical Insights for Developing Rigorous Conceptual Knowledge for and from Practice
Marie-José Avenier, Grenoble II Pierre Mendes France University and Aura Parmentier Cajaiba, University of Grenoble / CERAG
SIG : Research Methods & Research Practice General Track
Best Paper 2010
A Dynamic Managerial Capabilities Model of Organizational Ambidextrity
Heavy Ciaran, University College Dublin and Simsek Zeki, University of Connectictut
SIG : Strategic Management
EMR Best Paper Award
EMR Best Paper Award - Prize Money GBP 1,500
Best Paper 2023
The biasing effect of networks in the implementation of innovations
Balazs Szatmari, Amsterdam Business School & Dirk Deichmann, Rotterdam School of Management
Revitalizing double-loop learning in organizational contexts:
A systematic review and research agenda
Mercedes-Victoria Auqui-Caceres & Andrea Furlan, University of Padova
The rationality of qualified lotteries
Bruno Frey & Margit Osterloh, University of Basel, Katja Rost, University of Zurich
Best Paper 2022
Private corruption: An integrated organizational model
Roberta Troisi, Primiano Di Nauta & Paolo Piciocchi
European Management Review, 19(3), 476-486.
Best Paper 2021
Contextual Expertise and the Development of Organization and Management Theory
Ali Aslan Gümüsay, University of Hamburg and John M. Amis, University of Edinburgh (2021)
European Management Review, Vol. 18(1), pp. 9-24
Renewing creative work for business innovation: Architectural practice in the trading zone.
Marianne Stang Våland, Silviya Svejenova, Cophenhagen Business School, and Rune Thorbjørn Jason Clausen, VIA University College (2021)
European Management Review, Vol. 18 (4), pp. 389-403.
Best Paper 2020
New Entrant or Incumbent Advantage in Light of Regulatory Change: A Multiple Case Study of the Swedish Life Insurance Industry
Volume 17, Issue 1
Martin Sköld & Ake Freij, Stockholm School of Economics, and Johan Frishammar, Lulea University of Technology
Best Paper 2019
The impact of Global Economic Crisis and Austerity on Quality of Working Life and Work-Life Balance
Volume 16, Issue 4
Uracha Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, Middlesex University Business School, Rea Prouska, London South Bank University, Alexandra Beauregard, Middlesex University Business School
Best Paper 2018
Integrating the Dark Side of Competition into Explanations of Business Failures: Evidence from a Developing Economy
Volume 15, Issue 1
Joseph Amankwah‐Amoah, University of Kent, Issek Antwi‐Agyei and Hongxu Zhang, Bristol University
Best Paper 2017
Social capital formation in EU ICT SMEs. The role played by the mobility of knowledge workers
Volume 14, Issue 4, Winter 2017
Kanellos-Panagiotis Nikolopoulos, Open University Nederland and Leo-Paul Dana, Montpellier Business School Montpellier
Runner Up
Hidden Entrepreneurs: Informal Practices within the Formal Economy
Volume 14, Issue 4, Winter 2017
Rashid Al-Mataani, University of Southampton, Thomas Wainwright, Royal Holloway University of London Egham, and Pelin Demirel, University of Southampton
Runner Up
Hidden Entrepreneurs: Informal Practices within the Formal Economy
Volume 14, Issue 4, Winter 2017
Rashid Al-Mataani, University of Southampton, Thomas Wainwright, Royal Holloway University of London Egham, and Pelin Demirel, University of Southampton
Prize Money 2,000 Euro
Best Paper 2016
Managing Creativity: A Critical Examination, Synthesis, and New Frontiers
Volume 13, Issue 4, Winter 2016
Barbara Slavich, IÉSEG School of Management and Silviya Svejenova, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; and BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
Runner Up
The Dynamics of Organizational Routines in a Startup: The Ereda Model
Volume 13, Issue 4, Winter 2016
Stefania Mariano, IKI-SEA, Bangkok University and Andrea Casey, The George Washington University
Runner Up
The Concept of Meta-Organization: Issues for Management Studies
Volume 13, Issue 2, Summer 2016
Heloïse Berkowitz and Hervé Dumez, Ecole polytechnique, CNRS, Université Paris Saclay
Best Paper 2015
Embodying Sensemaking: Learning from the Extreme Case of Vann Nath, Prisoner at S-21
Volume 12, Issue 1, Spring 2015
Miguel Pina e Cunha, Stewart Clegg, Arménio Rego and Jorge F.S. Gomes
Best Paper 2014
Show Me the Money! Pay Structure and Individual Performance in Golden Teams
Volume 11, Issue 1, Spring 2014
Edoardo Della Torre, Antonio Giangreco and Johan Maes
Best Paper 2013
Management Innovation: Management as Fertile Ground for Innovation
Volume 10, Issue 1, Spring 2013
Henk W. Volberda, Frans A.J. Van Den Bosch, Cornelis V. Heij
Best Paper 2012
Knowledge Sharing in an Online Community of Volunteers: The Role of Community Munificence
Volume 9, Issue 4, Winter 2012
Zeynep Erden, Georg Von Krogh, Seonwoo Kim
Best Paper 2011
Gurus or Wizards? A Review of the Role of Management Consultants
Volume 8, Issue 4, Winter 2011
Anna Canato and Antonio Giangreco
Best Papers 2010
Women directors' contribution to board decision-making and strategic involvement: The role of equality perception
Volume 7, Issue 1, Spring 2010
Sabina Nielsen and Morten Huse

7th Edition of the EURAM Edith Penrose Award for Trailblazing Researchers Sponsored by INSEAD
7th Edition of the EURAM Edith Penrose Award sponsored by INSEAD for Trailblazing Researchers New deadline for (self-)nominations: 21 March 2025 |
Dear colleague, We are pleased to call for (self-)nominations for the EURAM Edith Penrose Award sponsored by INSEAD. The deadline to apply is 26 February 2025. To be trailblazing a scholar will demonstrate how they have challenged established wisdom and have been the first to propose a new, alternative or complementary view of it: i.e., they have blazed a new trail (as did Penrose 1959). In no more than 250 words they will demonstrate why their work should be considered a trailblazing contribution in a specific field on enquiry that falls under the auspices of EURAM. In addition, they should nominate a referee that the committee might consult in the process of determining the award. The Award will reflect EURAM's emphasis on multidisciplinary theoretical perspectives and methodological pluralism as well as critical examinations of the historical and philosophical roots of management theory and praxis and also the values of rigor and relevance for creating impactful knowledge to which both EURAM and INSEAD adhere. The Award value is €5,000, generously provided by INSEAD. How to apply The applications can be either self-candidatures or nominations of other researchers judged to deserve it. Each applicant can make multiple nominations, provided that one nomination letter is submitted for each nominee. The nomination letter should provide an argumentation for why the nominee/s (or applicant) should be considered a trailblazer in a given management research area, including the references for the publication/s which substantiate such claim. The letter should not be longer than 250 words. In addition, they should nominate a referee that the committee might consult in the process of determining the award. The winner should be either a current member of EURAM or become a member in order to accept the Award (please contact nicola.pellegrino@euram.academy for queries about membership status). Applications should be submitted online by 21 March 2025. A designated committee will choose the winner(s), based on the criteria of originality, rigor, relevance and impactfulness mentioned above. Apply here The winner(s) will be announced at the EURAM 2025 Conference in June 2025.
Best wishes, Hervé Dumez, Vice President Research
Previous recipients of the Edith Penrose Award Jay Barney, University of Utah (2019) Stewart Clegg, University of Technology Sydney (2020) Amy Whitaker, University of New York (2021) Giovanni Dosi, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa & Anna Grandori, Bocconi University (2022) Barbara Cziarnawska, University of Gothenburg (2023) Bruce Kogut, Columbia Business School (2024)
Bio of Edith Penrose Edith (Elura Tilton) Penrose (1914–1996) was a USA-born British citizen who spent significant time of her academic career in Europe, first at the London School of Economics and later becoming the first woman faculty in INSEAD who also served as Dean for Faculty. She published several articles and books, some of which became seminal in the management field, such as her 1952 article challenging the biological or evolutionary analogy of the firm and her book titled ‘The Theory of the Growth of the Firm’ first published in 1959 in which she challenged the then dominant (economics’) view of the optimal size of the firm: firms continue to grow because their managers identify in firms’ resources potential of generating new services and serving a market need. That is why Penrose is considered the forerunner of the resource-based view of the firm. |