College of Fellows
Since 2012, EURAM has awarded the distinguished status of “EURAM Fellow” outstanding scholars who have an excellent reputation in the research community, made in the past extraordinary contributions to the EURAM association, and can be expected to be leaders of our community for the future. The ambassadorial and leadership role of the Fellows supports the work of the EURAM Board and its Executive Committee.
Peter McKiernan was elected as inaugural Dean of EURAM's College of Fellows in January 2021.
The Mission Statement of the College of Fellows (June 2022) can be found here.
The Fellows nominations process can be found here. It was approved by the Fellows College on 8 February 2022.
Dean of the Fellows College

Peter McKiernan
Strathclyde University (2012)-Chair of EURAM Annual Conference 2004 -Vice President 2001 - 2006 -President of EURAM 2006 - 2010
EURAM Fellows

Julienne Brabet
Université Paris Est Créteil (2018)-Founder of the SIG B4S -Vice President for Membership 2011-2016 -Conference Chair EURAM 2016

Stewart Clegg
The University of Sydney (2018)-Active member of B4S and PO SIGs -Best EMR Paper Award 2013 -Keynote Speaker at EURAM 2017 in Glasgow

Donatella Depperu
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (2015)-Founding Member -Vice President Research & Communications 2003-2009 -Chair of EURAM 2003

Hervé Dumez
École Polytechnique (2022)- Vice President Research since 2019

Thomas Durand
Le Cnam Paris (2012)- President 2018-2020 - Co-Chair of EURAM Annual Conference 2007 - National Representative for France, 2003 - 2006

Pierre Dussauge
HEC Paris (2015)- First Editor of EMR 2004-2005 - Co-Chair EURAM 2007 Paris

Anna Grandori
Bocconi University (2016)-Keynote speaker at EURAM 2013 -Recognised as a theorist in Europe and worldwide

Armand Hatchuel
Mines ParisTech (2023)- Emeritus Professor, Design and Management Science, Theory of the Enterprise and New Forms of Governance - French National Representative at the EURAM Board 2006-2012 - Fellow of the Design Society - Member of the French National Academy of technologies

Morten Huse
BI Norwegian Business School (2016)-Founder of the Corporate Governance SIG -President of EURAM 2010-2012

Mine Karataş-Özkan
University of Southampton (2019)-Member of the Scientific Council -Doctoral Colloquium Chair since 2018

Romain Laufer
HEC Paris (2019)-Member of the Scientific Council -Co-author of Marketing Democracy and The -New Foundations of Marketing

Silke Machold
Leeds Becket University (2020)- Vice President (Governance) 2014-2020 - Past SIG Chair of Corporate Governance - Mentor for EURAM EECC

Miia Martinsuo
Unviersity of Turku (2021)- Vice President Membership 2018-2021 - National Representative for Finland 2015-2021 - Past SIG chair of Project Organising SIG

Jérôme Méric
Poitiers University / IAE Management School (2024)- Past Business for Society SIG Chair - President of Société Française de Management - Scientific Advisor, Haut Conseil de l’Évaluation de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche

Kathrin M. Moeslein
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg & HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management (2015)Founding member Member of EURAM 2005 Org. Team Book track at EURAM 2004-2009 Vice President Prof. Development 2006-2012 Doctoral Colloquium Chair 2008-2012 Co-founder of EECC in 2009

Michael Morley
University of Limerick (2024)- Co-Editor-in-Chief of European Management Review - Chair, Irish Academy of Management (2007-2010) and Fellow of the Academy (2013) - President, International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (2013-2014)

Niels Noorderhaven
Tilburg University (2012)-National Representative for Netherlands, 2003 - 2009 -Vice President 2003 - 2009 Founder of International Management SIG

Mustafa Özbilgin
Brunel University (2022)
Ralf Reichwald
Technical University Munich & HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management (2017)-National Representative for Germany, 2003-2009 -Introduced fellowship at EURAM -Co-Chair of EURAM 2005 -Established links between Peter Pribilla Foundation and EURAM for TUM Research Excellence Award

Joan E. Ricart
IESE Business School / University of Navarra (2012)-Founding EURAM President 2001 - 2006

Susan C. Schneider
University of Geneva (2018)-Founder of active scholarly communities in Switzerland (LLORG) and France (FFORG) -Active in bridging practice and research -Co-author of best selling book "Managing Across Cultures"

Anne Sigismund Huff
DCU (2012)-Co-Chair of EURAM Annual Conference 2005 -Mentor, Professional Development for PhD Students and Junior Faculty

Howard Thomas
Singapore Management University (2021)- Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management and Management Education at Singapore Management University - Current Dean of Fellows at British Academy of Management - Awardee of Richard Whipp Lifetime Achievement Award by BAM in 2013.

Hans van Ees
University of Groningen (2016)
Henk W. Volberda
University of Amsterdam Business School (2017)-Vice President Research 2006-2012 -Conference Chair EURAM 2012 -Best EMR Paper Award for 2013 -Founder of the Strategic Management SIG

Georg von Krogh
ETH Zurich (2020)- Member of the Scientific Council - Keynote Speaker at the EURAM Conference 2006 - National representative for Switzerland (2008-2014)

Sibel Yamak
Wolverhampton University (2020)- President 2016-2018 - Conference Chair 2013 - Corporate Governance SIG Chair 2012 - Scientific Council Member 2017-present

Alessandro Zattoni
LUISS University (2019)-2018 EECC Organiser -Member of Scientific Council -Past SIG Chair of Corporate Governance -National Representative for Italy, 2012-2015