Call for papers: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development

Call for papers: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development

Special Issue on Internationalisation as an Entrepreneurial Process: Boundary Spanning for Regional Growth Across Diverse Contexts.

Special Issue Editor(s)

Vahid Jafari-Sadeghi, Pawan Budhwar, Julia Korosteleva, Tomasz Mickiewicz, Niina Nummela, Antonella Zucchella, Allan Discua Cruz

We invite researchers to contribute empirical, theoretical, and conceptual papers that advance knowledge and understanding of international entrepreneurship within the context of today's interconnected global landscape. Additionally, we encourage the exploration of initiatives employed by entrepreneurial firms to adopt through innovation, technology, and new business models for successful internationalisation, and of their subsequent regional implications.


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Special Issue International Journal of Human Resource Management

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Sustainable Global Careers

Objectives of the Special Issue on Sustainable Global Careers

The last decades have witnessed substantial changes in the world of work impacting the career landscape of individuals. This has triggered a heightened interest in sustainable careers investigating career journeys of individuals over time and in context (De Vos & Van Der Heijden, 2015; Van der Heijden et al., 2020).  However, sustainable global careers have not been sufficiently conceptualized nor empirically explored even though it is clear that working abroad creates substantially different career contexts, patterns and challenges (Mello et al., 2023).

The objectives of this special issue are ambitious. We seek to expand the concept of sustainable careers to explicitly include global working and international careers. Starting with a critical reflection about sustainable careers we encourage authors to conceptualize sustainable global careers delineating it from other frameworks such as sustainable human resource management (HRM) or global careers. This incorporates an understanding of non-sustainable global careers and a depiction of influences and processes that lead to transitions between sustainable and non-sustainable careers. The special issue seeks to create a more nuanced and context-sensitive understanding of sustainable global careers on the levels of individuals, organizations and society helping firms to envisage and develop successful HRM approaches for careerists engaged in global work.

Theoretical Contribution of the Special Issue on Sustainable Global Careers

A sustainable career can be defined as ‘the sequence of an individual's different career experiences, reflected through a variety of patterns of continuity over time, crossing several social spaces, and characterized by individual agency, thus providing meaning to the individual’ (De Vos & Van Der Heijden, 2015, p.7). Sustainable careers research examines the dynamic interplay of person, context, and time (Gunz & Mayrhofer, 2018; Bozionelos, Lin, & Lee (2020) to understand how person-career fit—the congruence between an individual’s career orientations and the career development opportunities provided by their work environment (Cha et al., 2009)—can enhance long-term sustainability, including happiness, health, and productivity as key indicators of sustainable careers (De Vos et al., 2020).

Sustainable careers have not received sufficient attention in the context of global work. A career shaped by global work experiences faces unique challenges and operates within a developmental environment that significantly differs from domestic work settings, due to the high-density nature of global work. High-density global work involves several key factors (Shaffer et al., 2012), such as physical mobility, the need for higher cognitive flexibility and more frequent considerable non-work disruptions. Additionally, the job-related characteristics of task complexity and a high-level of autonomy, faced by those working abroad, have been considered relevant component that characterize such a high-density nature of work (Mello et al., 2023).

The theoretical and empirical contributions are envisaged to relate to career theory. We seek to expand the sustainable careers concept into the realm of sustainable global careers and want to define these while delineating them from other theoretical frameworks. Many of the theoretical and practical contributions we seek are reflected in the indicative questions we pose:

Global careers: New insights for sustainable career frameworks

  1. How can sustainable global careers be conceptualized? How can they be delineated from sustainable careers, sustainable HRM, and global careers? How can the transitions between domestic and global sustainable careers be explored, depicted, and successfully navigated?
  2. What do successful sustainable global careers look like? What are some of the outcomes associated with successful sustainable global careers?
  3. What characterizes non-sustainable global careers? What factors impact global careerists in such a way as to make their careers non-sustainable?

Advancing sustainable global careers understanding in relation to person, context and time:

  1. How can individuals create and enhance career fit with respect to personal competencies and across diverse contexts to achieve sustainable global careers across a variety of temporal dimensions?
  2. What antecedents make individuals more prone to experience sustainable global careers? What are the links to health, happiness, and performance when working and living abroad?
  3. How do agentic behaviors of individuals shape the sustainability of their global careers?
  4. How can organizations understand the global career drivers of individuals to design HR approaches that enhance sustainability?
  5. How does the host country and organizational context as well as individual factors shape the perceived health, happiness, and productivity of global careerists?
  6. What role do HR approaches play in influencing individuals’ assessments? What trade-offs exist and what influences them?
  7. How do sustainable global careers unfold over time? What happens at crucial career transitions and when individuals experience career shocks?

We encourage authors who are addressing these or other, related questions that illuminate sustainable global careers and that generate substantial theoretical or practical advances to submit to the special issue.

Submission Instructions

Submission information

Please use the IJHRM manuscript submission system. It is important to indicate that your submission is to the Special Issue on Sustainable Global Careers. Please follow the Instructions for Authors of the journal when submitting your paper. The Special Issue Editorial Team will look at all submissions after 31 July 2025.


Receipt of Submission of First Draft of Manuscripts – between 01. June – 31 July 2025

Review & Response Letters – by 30 November 2025

Receipt of 2nd Submission – by 30 March 2026

Review & Response Letters – by 31 July 2026

Receipt of 3rd and final Submission – 30 November 2026

Final Acceptance – 28 February 2027

Publication – During Spring/Summer 2027

Call for papers: Reconceiving Business Corporations in Times of Political Contestation

Conference, 22-24 May 2025, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Organizers: Rutger Claassen & Ugur Aytac Utrecht University Submission Deadline: 10 January 2025

Over the last decade, societal scrutiny about the role and power of businesses has increased. From politicians to protest movements, from investors to influencers, many actors have geared their demands to reform corporate capitalism and render its power more accountable to the public, whether it be for the sake of the climate transition, the safe development of artificial intelligence, world-wide availability of vaccines, or sustainable finance. These demands also raise the question of how the institutional agency of business corporations should be revised, and what goals they should be made to pursue. In response to such pressures, the US Business Roundtable in 2019 famously dropped shareholder value maximization from its ‘corporate purpose’ statement and moved to stakeholder capitalism. The EU legislated to enforce corporate reporting on sustainability issues and responsibility for due diligence in the supply chains. But in recent years, these movements towards greater social embedding of business also met with resistance. US republicans pushed back against investors following ESG criteria (‘woke capitalism’), Exxon Mobile sued its activist shareholders. All in all, the role of business is politicized, with uncertain outcomes.


In academia, these developments have led to new debates about corporations’ role in politics, corporate personhood and purpose, corporate governance and different corporate forms transforming decision-making structures such as social enterprises, coops and steward-owned companies. How to interpret the current moment? Have corporations become too powerful? How are they run, and for whom should they be run? What avenues for reform are open? To address these issues, an interdisciplinary conversation is needed. This conference brings together scholars working in a diversity of disciplines, such as law, philosophy, economics, political science, management and organization studies, and business ethics. We welcome contributions about a wide range of topics within the conference theme.

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Special issue of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion on "The Backlash against DEI Programs"

Current deadline: Feb 1, 2025

There has been a growing backlash against Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs in work organizations, U.S. state governments, healthcare, and educational institutions (see Abrica & Oliver Andrew, 2024; Blackstock et al., 2024; Roberson et al., 2024.) For example, a number of work organizations, such as Meta, Zoom, Snap, Tesla, DoorDash, Lyft, Home Depot, and Wayfair, have eliminated DEI programs and DEI positions (Elias, 2023.) Furthermore, 26 states have currently proposed or already passed anti-DEI legislation designed to restrict or eliminated DEI initiatives, and 30 states have introduced bills that would restrict or eradicate DEI programs in higher education (Adams & Chiwaya, 2024.) Although all of these bills have not yet become law, some states (e.g., Florida, Texas, Utah) have passed bills that have abolished DEI programs on college campuses. Further, the backlash seems to have reached wide-ranging proportions. For instance, when a large cargo ship collided with and caused the collapse of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge in March of 2024, Utah state Rep. Phil Lyman argued that DEI was responsible (Bunn, 2024.) Indeed, DEI has become a scapegoat for many problems facing our society.

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Despite the backlash against DEI, research shows that there are a number of benefits of diversity and inclusion for individuals and organizations (see Hebl & King, 2024; Mor Barak, 2015; Shore et al., 2011). Such research has shown positive impacts on organizational performance (e.g., productivity, return on equity and market performance; Richard, 2000), improved decision making, increased creativity, greater customer satisfaction, and increased employees’ perceptions of belonging, inclusion, engagement, and organizational culture (Roberge et al., 2010.) Furthermore, the backlash against DEI programs is alarming at this point in time given a growing diversity in the U.S. population and many other countries (e.g., European Union.). There is an increase in the number of racial and ethnic minorities, older people, individuals with cognitive, mental, and neurodiverse impairments, and individuals who want to be more authentic about their sexual orientation and/or gender identity (see Argueta-Rivera et al., in press). If organizations reject the importance of diversity, they will not avail themselves of the many talents and skills that people of color and many others (e.g., women, older workers, people with disabilities) bring to the workplace. Such restricted employment of people will make it difficult for companies to fill all of their positions, and compete with organizations in the worldwide marketplace.
The primary goals of this special issue of EDI are to foster research (a) on the underlying bases for the backlash against DEI programs, (b) consider the reasons that DEI programs are perceived as ineffective, (c) develop strategies for enhancing the diversity and inclusion of outgroup members. We prefer empirical research articles but will also consider reviews of the existing literature, theoretical pieces, and opinions pieces that are based on empirical evidence.Potential paper topics might include a) evidence citing the extent of the backlash, b) reasons for the backlash, including but not limited to the misperceptions of DEI programs and initiatives, reactions toward increased diversity, perceptions of threat, c) links between anti-DEI and other current beliefs and movement, d) the experiences facing those threatened by backlash, d) how targets of this backlash are responding, coping, and trying to protect themselves, e) how individuals and organizations can be allies to this backlash.

List of Topic Areas
· Diversity 
· Equity 
· Inclusion 
· Backlash 
· DEI programs 
· Social justice

Guest Editors
Dianna L. Stone, 
University of New Mexico, USA, 
Lynn M. Shore, 
Colorado State University, USA, 
Mikki Hebl, 
Rice University, USA, 
Submissions Information
Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available here. Author guidelines must be strictly followed. Please see here. Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to ““Please select the issue you are submitting to”. Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.
Key Deadlines


CGIR Junior Scholar Consortium and Paper Development Workshop

10th ICGS Annual Conference, Friday, November 8th, 2024

The CGIR Doctoral Consortium and Paper Development Workshop (PDW) will be held on Friday November 8th, 2024 as part of the preconference program of the 10th ICGS annual conference, that will be held at Arizona State University, November 9th-10th, 2024. The event, sponsored by Wiley, is organized in close collaboration between ICGS and CGIR, and involves current and former CGIR Editors. Participating Editors include Michael Abebe (Texas), Ruth Aguilera (Northeastern), Lili Dai (UNSW), Omrane Guedhami (South Carolina), Niels Hermes (Groningen), Tanusree Jain (Copenhagen), Aneel Keswani (City), Elko Klijn (Old Dominion), Krista Lewellyn (Florida), Maria Marchica (Manchester) Andrea Melis (Cagliari), David Oesch (Zurich), Amedeo Pugliese (Padua), Bo Qin (Melbourne), Trond Randøy (Copenhagen), Peter Roosenboom (Erasmus), Eduardo Schiehll (Montreal), Konstantinos Stathopoulos (Manchester), Till Talaulicar (Erfurt), Alessandro Zattoni (LUISS), Liandong Zhang (Singapore) and Yuping Zhao (Houston), among others.


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ICGS and CGIR’s mission is to improve the quality and relevance of international corporate governance (CG) research. The purpose of the consortium and PDW is to provide junior scholars with developmental feedback on their research papers in the field of CG. We are soliciting doctoral students and junior faculty members – from any discipline (e.g., accounting, finance, organization, strategy) and any country – to submit an original paper on CG.


The consortium and PDW are divided into two parts. For the first part, CGIR Editors will meet individually with two authors at a mutually agreed time virtually or in person and provide feedback on how to improve their papers, so to increase the probability of acceptance by CGIR or other CG journals. For the second part, the CGIR Editors-in-Chief and Senior Editors will present the journal’s mission and scope, the key statistics on submissions and acceptance rate, and the editorial review process. The second part will be held in person at Arizona State University. This will be followed by a question-and-answer session with the editorial team. At the end of the PDW, there will be the possibility to have informal conversations with the Editors-in-Chief, Editors and Editorial Board Members of CGIR so to learn the nuances of successful publication strategies.

Application process

Each applicant may submit only one paper, which may or may not also be scheduled to be presented later in the conference. Submitted papers must be less than 10,000 words in length, include an abstract, up to five keywords, and follow the CGIR author guidelines. Papers should be submitted via ConfTool at using Track G. Please indicate during your submission whether you plan on participating virtually or in person. The deadline for submissions is September 1st, 2024. Submitters will be notified whether they can participate in the event by September 10th, 2024 and are asked to confirm their participation by September 30th, 2024.

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Call for papers in HRM

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Scaling Up: Exploring the Role of Human Resource Management in Exponential Growth Contexts
This special issue calls for theoretical and empirical papers that are specifically focused on the interface between scaling and HRM. We expect papers to draw upon theories and models from HRM, entrepreneurship, growth, strategy, organizational behavior and psychology.

For more details, please see
Submission window: 1-28 February 2025

2024 JPIM Annual Research Forum (September 14-15)

The 2024 JPIM Annual Research Forum (September 14-15), powered by the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA), seeks submissions from scholars from all disciplines who share a common interest in new product development and innovation management research.

Extended submission deadline for the 2024 JPIM Research Forum: April 30th, 2024.

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The submission deadline has been extended until April 30th, 2024, for the 2024 JPIM (Journal of Product Innovation Management) Research Forum. We welcome the following submissions on new product development and innovation management depending on the stages of your research projects: competitive papers, developmental papers, and posters. Awards will be given for the best competitive paper, best doctoral student paper, and best poster. Details can be found in the CFP provided in the link: JPIM Research Forum - PDMA.


The conference will take place on September 14-15 in beautiful St. Louis, Missouri, a city famous for blues music, beer, and BBQ. The venue is the St. Louis Union Hotel, an iconic Hilton property in the former Union Train Station near downtown St. Louis and other tourist attractions. Fun local activities will be offered for attendees during the conference: a tram ride to the Gateway Arch, the tallest monument in the U.S., and a relaxing scenic cruise on the Mississippi River to see the city’s beautiful riverfront.


We are pleased to announce several exciting plenary sessions in addition to competitive paper sessions, a developmental paper workshop, and a poster competition:

  • Dean Darren Dahl (University of British Columbia), one of the most impactful innovation and marketing scholars, will provide the keynote opening on the changing landscape of innovation research and the opportunities it presents.
  • Jelena Spanjol (LMU-Munich) and Gloria Barzcak (Northeastern University), current Editors-in-Chief, will offer a moderated panel discussion along with JPIM’s new incoming editors about the journal’s achievements and publishing in one of the world’s top innovation outlets.
  • Oguz A. Acar (King’s College London) will talk about and deliver a hands-on workshop on integrating generative AI into teaching to enhance and support innovative education.
  • Gina O’Connor (Babson College) will, in a bridge session between academicians and businesspersons, speak on connecting the worlds of scholarship and practice, while Drs. Aric Rindfleisch (University of Illinois) and Frank Piller (RWTH Aachen University) will share visions and research insights on the specific case of AI in innovation.


Do not miss this great opportunity to network with innovation scholars, practitioners, JPIM's Editorial Team, and the PDMA community. We look forward to your submissions! If you have any questions, please contact the conference co-chairs, Cheryl Nakata at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (, Yazhen Xiao at Portland State University (, or Destan Kandemir of INSEEC Business School (

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ANPAD Divisional conferences

The conferences will be held in the city of São Paulo, Brazil at ESPM - Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing de São Paulo, from May 15th to 1th, 2024. The conferences are promoted by the Brazilian Academy of Management (ANPAD).

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Call for Papers Special Issue of BRQ Business Research Quarterly: “ESG, Greenwashing and Financial Controversies in organizations”

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Call for Papers Special Issue of BRQ Business Research Quarterly:

“ESG, Greenwashing and Financial Controversies in organizations”

Submission deadline: January 31, 2025

Guest Editors: 

Florencio López-de-Silanes
Skema Business School

Jorge Bento Farinha
University of Porto

Enzo Scannella
University of Palermo

Óscar López-de-Foronda
University of Burgos


BRQ Business Research Quarterly has opened a call for a Special Issue on “Registered Reports in Entrepreneurship”, edited by Ana Maria Bojica (University of Granada); Julia Olmos-Peñuela (University of Valencia); Paul Steffens (University of Adelaide) and Ted Baker (Rutgers University). Scholars are invited to send original, relevant and sound research plans that approach any aspects of the multifaceted phenomena of entrepreneurship, expanding upon theories currently in use and bringing in new theories to gain new insights into the complexity of entrepreneurial processes, contexts and outcomes. Research plans should be submitted before data collection and thoroughly document the research question, theoretical framework, hypotheses, methods, and planned analysis. The deadline for research plan submissions is September 30th, 2024. For information about the special issue and the journal please see this link:;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!WUyLrkVGZ-A_Y7u5PhujvenDesegcnJvLP38mBLnUanS7oVHzGI9CvYFlGDvsBDHXJHzsxkJZAuAjEmL$

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Behavioral Science & Policy Association 2024 Online Conference, May 2 and 3, 2024

BSPA seeks proposals by February 14, 2024

The Behavioral Science & Policy Association (BSPA) will hold its annual conference online on May 2 and 3, 2024. More than 500 leading behavioral scientists, policy makers, executives, and members of the media are expected to attend. All of the programming, uniquely fit for digital, will be hosted online with live streaming and interactive sessions from 11am-5pm (EST).


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BSPA seeks proposals by February 14, 2024 for short presentations highlighting issues relating to six key areas in which behavioral scientists could have significant influence on policy. Each area will be introduced by an invited keynote speaker, followed by a handful of compelling 8-minute presentations.


Poverty & Financial Wellbeing

Global Health

Environment & Sustainability

Organizations & Management

Justice & Ethics


Each short presentation session is designed to inform and influence academics, policy makers, and managers.  Presentations may demonstrate recent key research findings (potentially from multiple papers) with meaningful implications for policy and practice and need not present new work-in-progress. These presentations should not be highly technical.

Click here to learn more and to submit: 

BPSA Conference Chair: Anuj Shah (Chicago Booth), Co-Chairs: Michael Hallsworth (BIT) and Carolina Toth (BIT)

BSPA Co-Founders: Craig Fox (UCLA) and Sim Sitkin (Duke)


Solicitation of Proposal for JAP Virtual Research Proposal Development Workshop

DEADLINE TO APPLY: March 4, 2024

Journal of Applied Psychology Research Proposal Development Workshop Call for Participants

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The Journal of Applied Psychology is hosting a workshop designed to support junior researchers from a variety of backgrounds who have relatively less experience and support with developing a research idea and corresponding methodology. This workshop has three goals. It seeks to (a) provide feedback on a research proposal developed by junior scholars; (b) provide opportunities for junior scholars to develop adequate and high-quality methodology in order to test well-crafted research ideas; and (c) share insights and knowledge with regards to research proposals of others. The workshop will be facilitated by current and former Associate Editors and winners of JAP’s “Best Editorial Board Reviewer” award. Each participant will be assigned to a small group led by one team leader. Please note that it is unlikely that the assigned team leader or other participants in the session will be an expert in your specific research. In this small group, participants will receive written feedback on their research proposal from the team leader and verbal feedback from other session participants. 

The sessions will be held virtually between May 30-August 30, 2024. Exact day and timing will be determined based on participant time zones and availability. This interactive workshop will last 2 hours.

Please note that in order to keep the size of the discussion group small, space for this workshop is limited. The application process is competitive, and applications will be evaluated based on the participant’s experiences with publishing research in top-tier outlets, participant’s current mentoring team, and the fit of topic areas between the manuscripts and the expertise of the participating team leaders. We will be giving priority placement to qualified applicants from non-WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) countries. The topic of your research proposal needs to be related to cognitive, motivational, affective, and behavioral psychological phenomena in work and organizational settings, broadly defined. Finally, participating in the workshop does not guarantee the eventual acceptance of the manuscript by the Journal of Applied Psychology.

To apply for participation in the JAP Research Proposal Development Workshop, please complete this Qualtrics survey ([]) to provide more information about yourself and your research proposal (including a 2-page summary of the research idea). If you are selected to participate you must submit an 8-page proposal (maximum, excluding references, figures/tables and supplementary materials) and mock study preregistration form (using the form found here: by April 15, 2024. 

Application deadline for the workshop is March 4, 2024. You will be notified about the workshop acceptance by March 15, 2024. 

If you have any questions, please contact Lillian Eby (

Journal of Applied Psychology Call for Editorial Fellowship Nominations for Scholars from Historically Excluded Groups

Application Deadline: March 7, 2024

The editorial leadership team for Journal of Applied Psychology seeks nominations for 5 editorial fellowship positions for early-career scholars (ECSs) from historically excluded groups. Fellows serve one 12-month term beginning June 1, 2024. The position includes an honoraria stipend of $1,000 USD per fellow.

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In service of APA’s recent resolutions to address systemic racism in psychology, this fellowship program seeks to elevate leadership opportunities for ECSs from historically excluded groups, particularly Black, Indigenous, and other scholars of color, as well as members from other communities (e.g., LGTBQ+ individuals, individuals with disabilities, individuals from the Global South) which have been historically excluded from leadership opportunities in research and publishing.


Fellowships are open to qualified candidates from historically excluded groups who have completed their Ph.D (or equivalent) and are no more than 10 years postdoctoral. Candidates may hold a position at the rank of associate professor or assistant professor (or equivalent, such as a research scientist). Qualified candidates must have experience conducting peer reviews. Expertise in topics of cultural and ethnic diversity is desirable. We also look for evidence of a broad perspective, good judgment, exceptional communication skills, and strong management skills, as well as a commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion.


The fellows will work closely with the journal’s Editor or one of the Associate Editors to develop their editorial leadership skills. Each fellow will be mentored through the editorial process on approximately 6 manuscripts over the course of the year. This process will include working with an associate editor on screening manuscripts for appropriateness, identifying reviewers, making an editorial decision based on reviews, and shepherding the manuscript through to publication if accepted.

The successful candidate will also be expected to participate in monthly meetings with their mentor to ensure goals are met. Most of these meetings will be video teleconferences, although in-person meetings at scientific conferences are also possible.

Fellows will be credited on the journal masthead and, upon successful completion of the fellowship, will be considered for the journal’s editorial board, if not currently on the editorial board.

How to Apply

Interested and qualified candidates should complete a brief Qualtrics survey (or cut and paste this link your browser: which will ask them to upload a letter of interest and their CV in a single Word or PDF file. Applications are due March 7, 2024. Appointments will be made in April 2024 and positions will begin June 1, 2024.

Sinergie-SIMA 2024 Conference


Foreword from the Conference Chairs

Dear friends,

Our objective in arranging the Sinergie-SIMA 2024 Management Conference is to sustain a valuable platform for the dissemination of our community's latest research, as well as to acquire constructive input through engaging in discussions concerning pivotal aspects of management studies and their progression.



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The Conference will take place in Parma, with the first day hosted at Crédit Agricole Green Life, one of the city's prominent economic institutions, while the second day will be held at the Department of Economics and Management. During the plenary sessions, distinguished keynote speakers from both the academic and business sectors will alternate, while in the parallel sessions, scholars will present their research on the Conference's central  theme  as  well  as  the  various  topics  and  special  tracks  encompassed  by SIMA's Thematic Groups. 

We are confident that our endeavours will help maintain the collaborative exchanges that drive scientific progress  within  our  field  and  offer  an  opportunity  to  engage  with  the scholarly  community  of  Italian management. 

We look forward to seeing you in Parma at the 2024 Sinergie-SIMA Management Conference.  

See you on the moon!




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Application deadline is 31st of January, 2024.

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Dear collegues,
we are pleased to share the call for applications for participating in Summer school in
Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Finance that will take
place from 6 to 9 May 2024 at Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, Fondazione
Alessandro Volta, Villa del Grumello, in Como, Italy.
The Summer School aims to address some factors of emerging importance which affects the creation, success, survival and effective development of new businesses and ventures, such as: the internal and external decision-making processes, the social and environmental
concerns, the entrepreneurial ecosystems, the availability of financial instruments and the
changing financial environment. The broadest purpose is to develop an ongoing and
constructive dialogue among senior, young and aspiring entrepreneurship, innovation, and
finance scholars to conduct research relevant to entrepreneurship theory and practice in the
contemporary world.
The school is addressed to doctoral students and early-stage researchers with a research
proposal in the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation or finance for a maximum of 24

The application deadline is 31st of January, 2024.
To learn more about the school, please visit the website
For the online application, please visit and read carefully the call for applications included here.

For enquiries regarding the application procedure and accomodation please contact:

For enquiries about the scientific aspects of the school, please contact:

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Call for Papers for a Special Issue on "National Institutions, International Business Actors, and Sustainable Value Creation"

Call for Papers for a Special Issue on "National Institutions, International Business Actors, and Sustainable Value Creation" at the Journal of World Business The Journal of World Business' submission system will be open for submissions to this Special Issue from 01/07/2024 and before 31/07/2024.

Dear colleagues and friends,

We would like to bring to your attention a Call for Papers for a Special Issue on the theme of "National Institutions, International Business Actors, and Sustainable Value Creation" at the Journal of World Business.

This Call for Papers aims to stimulate and assemble novel cross-disciplinary research on the multiple influences between national institutions and international business actors in shaping sustainable value creation paths, thus contributing to perhaps the most important issue of our time.

Special Issue Editors:

Nikolaos Kavadis (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark,
Niels Hermes (University of Groningen, the Netherlands,
Jana Oehmichen (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany,
Alessandro Zattoni (LUISS University, Italy,

Supervising Editor

Stav Fainshmidt, Florida International University, JWB Reviewing Editor (

You may find more information on the SI in the JWB ( and you may find useful to read the perspective article presenting the SI published in the JWB (

The Journal of World Business' submission system will be open for submissions to this Special Issue from 01/07/2024 and before 31/07/2024.


Call for Papers - Special Issue of BRQ Business Research Quarterly

“Registered Reports in Entrepreneurship”

 Submission deadline: September 30, 2024

 Guest Editors:

 Ana Maria Bojica, University of Granada
Julia Olmos-Peñuela, University of Valencia
Paul Steffens, University of Adelaide
Ted Baker, Rutgers University


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This special issue focuses on empirical quantitative studies in entrepreneurship using the publication approach of “registered reports”. Registration of research plans is an increasingly popular practice in other research fields that provides several benefits to both individual researchers and the research community, such as early feedback towards improving study design and the reduction of publication biases in favor of statistically significant results. Altogether, registered reports encourage practices oriented to a more transparent, reproducible, and replicable research. 

We invite scholars to send original, relevant and sound research plans that approach any aspects of the multifaceted phenomena of entrepreneurship, expanding upon theories currently in use and bringing in new theories that can help gaining new insights into the complexity of entrepreneurial processes, contexts and outcomes. Research plans should be submitted before data collection and should thoroughly document the research question, theoretical framework, hypotheses, methods, and planned analysis. The deadline for research plan submissions is September 30th, 2024.


BRQ Business Research Quarterly is a quarterly journal looking to publish a small set of high-quality articles in each issue that address central topics in the field. For information about the special issue and the journal please see this link:


Call for European students for the 1st PhD Winter School in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

January 22-26, 2024 in Bern, Switzerland

If you are working on your PhD in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship and you are interested in a cross-cultural view on research that fosters sustainable development, join us in Bern in January 2024 for our 1st Swiss-African Winter School. The call is still open for European PhD students!

This is a great week to broaden your horizon, learn something new and meet like-minded scholars who are working on solving Grand Challenges of our Society. You will have the opportunity to discuss your ideas and challenges not only with peers, but with senior researchers and editors from Academy of Management JournalJournal of Business ResearchJPIM Journal of Product Innovation Management and Journal of Business Venturing.


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Don't miss out and apply for the few last spots in our Winter School. Deadline for the last spots is November 30th! There is no course fee, students just pay their own accommodation and travel.

More information on the Winter School is here.

For any questions, please reach out to Bern University of Applied Science Winter School coordinator
Alissa Aeberhard (


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It's almost time for the 1st PDW organized by SIG Entrepreneurship to dawn!!!

EURAM SIG Entrepreneurship 1st Paper Development Workshop

Online, 23 October

Can we expect to see you there? 

There is so much to be excited about. 


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Here are the papers to be presented and discusses:

✅ Startup-Accelerator Fit. Assessing the Interplay of Startup Characteristics and Accelerator Configurations 

authored by Benedikt Unger & Bjorn Schafer

& discussed by Francesca Sanguineti

✅ Shaping the Hype-Disappointment Cycle: The Influential Role of Celebrity Entrepreneurs in the Digital Era

authored by Jack Richter

& discussed by Gorkem Aksaray 

✅ The relevance of Entrepreneurship on highly skilled female refugees. A systematic review of the literature 

authored by Eunice Kisakye Cascant

& discussed by Galit Klein


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Special Issue in Dubious, Destructive, or Decisive? Spotting, Avoiding, and Rehabilitating the Dark Sides of Entrepreneurship, Small Busines

Submission of extended abstracts: November 10, 2023 
Submission of full papers: March 1, 2024


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- Amitabh Anand, Excelia Business School, France 
- April Spivack, Hanken School of Economics, Finland
- Oana Branzei, Ivey Business School, Western University, Canada 
- Christina Theodoraki, TBS Business School, France 
- Dieter Bögenhold, Alpen-Adria-University, Austria 
- Anders Örtenblad, University of Agder, Norway


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Call for papers: 2nd SBEJ Conference for Early Career Researchers (online)

Friday 15th December 2023, 1pm (London time) 

Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal (Springer Nature Group)


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3 pages extended abstract deadline: Sunday 12th November (send your application to

Organized by: 
• Alex Coad
• Christina Theodoraki 
• Christina Günther 
• with the precious support of the editors of Small Business Economics

Download the call for papers:   


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Call for Papers Workshop (Hybrid): “Entrepreneurial ecosystems: Theory, Evidence and Practice”

IU Europe Gateway, #Berlin, 6

Abstract submission Deadline: 15 January 2024 (1700 GMT Time)

Location: Gneisenaustraße 27, 10961 Berlin, Germany



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Workshop Organizers:
• David Audretsch (Indiana University Bloomington, USA)
• Maksim Belitski (Loyola University New Orleans, USA; ICD Business School, France)
• Miruna Radu-Lefebvre (Audencia Business School, France)
• Christina Theodoraki (TBS Education, France)
• Jip Leendertse (Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands) 
• Charles Wakefield Wessner, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), France)

Sponsors: Loyola University New Orleans, USA and Indiana University Bloomington, USA


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Call for Papers on “An Exploration of being Childfree at Work: Challenges and Opportunities”

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The submission deadline is the 30th of April 2024.

Please find the call below:

Laura Radcliffe, Danna Greenberg and Sophie Hennekam

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JMO Editor in Chief – Expression of Interest at March 2023

Call for Expressions of Interest
Journal of Management & Organization

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The Journal of Management & Organization (ISSN 1833-3672) is the journal of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM), published by Cambridge University Press. The Journal of Management & Organization is an international peer-reviewed journal, committed to publishing high-quality and influential research to provide an in-depth understanding of management and organizational issues. It therefore welcomes novel contributions that are empirical or conceptual to extend theoretical understandings.
The incoming Editor-in-Chief is expected to: sustain the focus of the Journal of Management & Organization on publishing high-quality and influential management and organisational research; and build its reputation for publishing quality scholarship. This approach encompasses traditional academic articles, case studies, literature reviews, meta-analyses, approaches to teaching and learning, as well as management development.
Nominations are sought for the position of Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Management & Organization. This is a service role commencing on March 13, 2024, following a transition period that involves working with, and learning from the current Editor-in-Chief. The transition period will commence at the earliest convenience of the incoming Editor-in-Chief. The term is three years with an additional year to mentor the incoming Editor-in-Chief. The responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief can be met by one Editor-in-Chief or two to three colleagues who share this position. The ANZAM Board of Directors provide a budget towards the costs of an Editorial Assistant to support administrative duties.

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[CALL FOR PAPERS] 3rd International Research Workshop in Wine Tourism // October 18-20, 2023 in Italy

[CALL FOR PAPERS] 3rd International Research Workshop in Wine Tourism // October 18-20, 2023 in Italy 

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[EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION] 3rd International Research Workshop in Wine Tourism // October 18-20, 2023 in Italy 

The Corporate Chair “Wine and Tourism”, EM Strasbourg Business School, University of Strasbourg, together with the Agrifood Management and Innovation Lab, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in Italy and the Weincampus in Neustadt/Weinstrasse in Germany co-organise the 3rd International Research Workshop in Wine Tourism “Trends for a sustainable and resilient wine tourism industry”.


The 2023 workshop will take place in the areas of the production of Prosecco wine, one of the most successful PDOs in European wines. It aims at allowing the international audience to gain an in-depth knowledge of the specificities of the production area and of its experience and tourism-related opportunities.


The aim of the International Research Workshop is to contribute to wine tourism research and calls for research papers investigating topics related (but not limited) to:

  • Eco-system, new business models and innovation at the intersection between wine production and promotion of destinations and territories
  • Entrepreneurship in wine tourism industry
  • Strategic management: cooperation, collaboration, networks and alliances to promote the territories of wine and to generate local economic development
  • ICTs and digital practices in wine tourism and wine-related territorial development
  • Wine tourism experience
  • Cross-cultural studies and cultural influences
  • Sustainability, ESG and circular economy in the wine tourism sector
  • Wine tourism events/festivals
  • Wine destination management
  • Cellar door management and wine hospitality
  • Competences, skills and professional development trajectories in the wine tourism sector
  • Case studies: e.g. best practice


Key Dates

  • Deadline for extended abstract submissions: May 15, 2023
  • Notifications to authors: July 3, 2023
  • Receipt of final extended abstract for proceedings: September 4, 2023
  • Final date for registration: September 11, 2023

More information about the submission process and the event: 


For further information, please contact:

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Research Handbook on Work-Life Balance and Employee Health

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Edited by

Associate Professor Connie Zheng, Centre for Workplace Excellence,

UniSA Business, University of South Australia, Adelaide



Work-life balance (aka most of time “work-life conflict”, or work-family conflict, acronyms as WLB/WLC or WFB/WFC subsequently) have a critical effect on employee health.  Yet research on WLB/WLC and employee health tend to be separate into two domains that are examined with various contributors in different fields (e.g., management, sociology, health sciences, psychology, environmental health, and political sciences). It’s nonetheless understood that occupational (employee) health is influenced by and intertwined with work-life intricacies. Often these aspects of research focused on how WLC leads to burnout, mental health, sleep deprivation, and other health-related consequences. The accumulative work has been swelling especially in recent years when the boundary of work and life has become even more blurring because of lengthy COVID-19 lockdown and increasing adoption and use of flexible work arrangement by employers and employees alike post-COVID time.

This research handbook will include selective articles that are illustrative of the complex nature of this research area and to provide a bird view of overarching issues to address work-life balance and employee health for those unfamiliar with this important intersective topics, whilst also highlighting possible research agenda and emerging ideas for future endeavour in the field.

Commissioned by Edward Elgar Publishing, the proposed Research Handbook on Work-life Balance and Employee Health is organized with 6 themes as outlined below. I am soliciting 2-3 chapters to be included in each theme. Each chapter should be written with no more than 10,000 words long (incl. all tables, figures and references). Please forward your relevant manuscript (s) that would fit one or more of the following themes for consideration to be included in this research handbook.

  • Advancing research methods for investigating work-life balance and employee health
  • Cultural influences on work-life balance and employee health
  • Country context on work-life balance and employee health
  • Institutional factors contributing to work-life balance and employee health
  • Industry differences on work-life balance and employee health
  • Best practices on work-life balance and employee health



Manuscript submission due date:           31 July 2023

Review outcome:                                    31 October 2023

Revision due:                                          31 December 2023

Publication date:                                     31 July 2024


For further information, please contact Dr. Connie Zheng via email:


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Call for Submissions: 3rd IEEE-TEMS ICTE 2023 Digital Ecosystems for Sustainable Society

DEADLINE EXTENSION | Deadline: 3rd April 2023 | 3rd IEEE-TEMS ICTE 2023 Digital Ecosystems for Sustainable Society


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Dear Colleagues, 

You are invited to participate in the highly anticipated 3rd IEEE TEMS-ICTE 2023 conference on Digital Ecosystems for Sustainable Society, which will take place on October 9-112023, Kaunas, Lithuania This Conference will bring together leading minds from academia and business to share their insights, knowledge, and expertise on the impact of digital transformation on the development of a sustainable society. 

We welcome submissions across diverse academic fields that reflect conference topic areas and aim at one of the conference theme tracks. We organize the submission process into two stages: 1) abstract and 2) full paper submission. The NEW deadline for up to 1000-word abstract submissions is 3rd April 2023. 

Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous peer-review process and, if accepted, can be published in IEEE Xplore proceedings indexed in Scopus. For more information about the submission, guidelines and deadlines, please visit our website at  

Abstract submission and acceptance are compulsory if the authors wish to deliver a presentation during the Conference.

The Conference will focus on the following research tracks but is not limited to:

Track 1: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems Converging in Response to Digitalization, Greening, and Opening of Innovation Network

Track 2: Sustainability-Based Business Models and Consumption Behaviour

Track 3: Digital Transformation, Road Mapping, and Scenario Building

Track 4: Technological Entrepreneurship

Track 5: Sustainable HRM and Organizational Sustainability

Track 6: Digital Healthcare and Platforms 


We are excited to learn more about your research.

 Welcome to the 3rd IEEE-TEMS ICTE 2023 on October 9 – 11 in Kaunas, Lithuania


 3rd IEEE-TEMS ICTE 2023 Conference Co-chairs




Call for papers for Special Issue of Journal of Managerial Psychology titled "Psychological contract: Issues and emerging developments"

Submission window: 1st July, 2023- 1st November, 2023  

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This special issue aims to expand our knowledge and understanding of psychological contract and provide newer insights.  For more information and to see the full Call for Papers, please refer to 

Guest Editors:

Dr. Smirti Kutaula, Associate Professor in Human Resource Management, Kingston Business School, Kingston Hill, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7LB, United Kingdom  

Dr. Alvina Gillani, Lecturer in Marketing and Strategy, Surrey Business School, Guildford, GU2 7XH, United Kingdom 

Professor Pawan S. Budhwar, Professor of International HRM and Head, Aston Business School, Birmingham, B4 7ET, United Kingdom

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available at: 

If you have questions about a potential submission, feel free to contact any of the guest editors.


Smirti, Alvina and Pawan 

New Technology, Work and Employment

Call for Papers for a Special Issue
The rise of algorithmic management and implications for work and organizations

Submission Deadline: 30 September 2023

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Guest Editors
Mingqiong Mike Zhang, Monash University,
Fang Lee Cooke, Monash University,
David Ahlstrom, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Nicola McNeil, La Trobe University,

We are living in a digital age, where data-fuelled and machine-learning algorithms have become widespread and are increasingly permeating organizational life and activity, everywhere from decision making and operational optimization to marketing and service delivery (Burrell & Fourcade, 2021; Leonardi &Treem, 2020). Organizations are increasingly relying on data-mining algorithms to innovate business models, improve supply chain management, enable novel forms of work and organizing, and better surveil and manage remote forms of work (de Vaujany et al., 2021). Lee, Kusbit, Metsky, and
Dabbish (2015) have defined such a trend where algorithms progressively assume more managerial functions in the workplace as ‘algorithmic management.’ According to Duggan et al. (2020, p.119), algorithmic management is “a system of control where self-learning algorithms are given the responsibility for making and executing decisions affecting labour, thereby limiting human involvement and oversight of the labour process.” 

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Business Research Quarterly - Special Issue

Call for Papers for a Special Issue “Mental Health, Well-being, and Entrepreneurship” Submission deadline: January 31, 2024

Call for Papers for a Special Issue
Mental Health, Well-being, and Entrepreneurship
Submission deadline: January 31, 2024

Guest Editors:

Daniel Lerner: 
Ana Pérez-Luño:
Ute Stephan:
Johan Wiklund:

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Entrepreneurship is an important driver of economic activity, change, and well-being.
Globally, there are worldwide ambitions to “promote well-being for all at all ages”
(United Nations, Sustainable Development Goal #3) and to track well-being in assessing
a nation’s level of development alongside economic performance (European
Commission, 2016). Similarly, the interest in mental health and well-being in
entrepreneurship is growing (Stephan, 2018; Wiklund et al., 2019). This includes, among
other issues, understanding entrepreneurship as a career choice for those with mental
health conditions (e.g., Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity (ADHD)), as well as exploring
entrepreneurship’s potential for both great stress and fulfilment, and thus for both mental
illbeing and well-being. The Covid-19 pandemic, the current energy crisis, the rising cost
of living, and armed conflict have further fueled such research interest: Entrepreneurial
action in the face of adversity can help individuals and communities to safeguard their
well-being and build resilience, while the challenges of crises have also highlighted how
precarious entrepreneurs’ mental health and well-being is (Stephan, et al., 2022).
Well-being and ill-being (negative well-being) are anchored in different research
traditions on the origins of health versus disease (Ryan & Deci, 2001; for
entrepreneurship: Stephan, Rauch, & Hatak, 2022). For instance, in examining well-being
at work, organizational behavior focuses on positive wellbeing and its motivational
effects (Judge et al., 2017), whereas distress and health impairments are typical outcomes
studied in occupational health (Ganster & Rosen, 2013), and mental disorders are the
focus of clinical psychology and psychiatry (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
The parallel nature of these bodies of research is unfortunate, leading to siloed knowledge.
We suggest that entrepreneurship has the potential to bridge and fuse these parallel
traditions. Entrepreneurship is considered as relatively “extreme work” because it entails
both richer wellbeing resources and more intense stressors than conventional employment
(Baron, 2010; Rauch, Fink, & Hatak, 2018).
Considering positive and negative well-being simultaneously opens new avenues for
empirical inquiry as well as theory building by providing a more systematic way to 

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Call for papers (Frontiers in Psychology) : Paradoxes of Diversity and Inclusion: From the Lab to the Social Field

To express your interest to contribute to the Special Issue please send us a 500 words abstract by the 20th of February 2023. The final submission deadline is 20th July 2023. However, due to Frontiers’ fast-track review process means each article is published online as soon as it’s been successfully peer-reviewed and accepted (typically within 90 days).

Dear colleagues,

We, Maria Popa-Roch, Smaranda Boroş, and Claudia Toma, have the pleasure to invite you to contribute to a Special Issue of Frontiers in Psychology called “Paradoxes of Diversity and Inclusion: From the Lab to the Social Field”.

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We are facing successive crises and periods of economic downturn, known to correlate with a rise in intolerance and an escalation of intergroup tensions. In the current socio-economic-political global context, insights on diversity and inclusion at different levels (from school to organization and the larger society) are more needed than ever, to inform evidence-based (policy) interventions. In recent years, a plethora of research has been published on the topic in different fields. What is lagging however, is a cross-disciplinary approach that spans across various levels of analysis.

With this aim in mind, we initiated a dialogue among us, starting from our different backgrounds and foci of research (social psychology, organizational behavior, educational psychology). This dialogue raised more questions than answers, so we decided to open the conversation to get insights and inputs from a variety of researchers in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) coming from different theoretical and research approaches. Hence this call for papers.

We want this to be the most up-to-date and impactful collection of research on this topic. With your knowledge and expertise on diversity, equity and inclusion, the editorial team invites you to submit an article. 

Why publish in our Research Topic?

Alongside a top group of authors, your work will be published in Frontiers in Psychology, a leading journal in the field with a Journal Impact Factor of 4.232 and a CiteScore of 4.0.

You can read more about the collection here:

Please click the link under our signature to register your interest in submitting an article. As well as Original Research, we also welcome Brief Research Report, Conceptual Analysis, Curriculum, Instruction, and Pedagogy, Data Report, Empirical Study, General Commentary, Hypothesis & Theory, Methods, Mini Review, Opinion, Perspective, Policy and Practice Reviews, Registered Report, Review, Systematic Review.

To express your interest to contribute to the Special Issue please send us a 500 words abstract by the 20th of February 2023. The final submission deadline is 20th July 2023. However, due to Frontiers’ fast-track review process means each article is published online as soon as it’s been successfully peer-reviewed and accepted (typically within 90 days).

As an open-access journal, publishing fees are applied to accepted articles. Please contact to discuss fees, institutional waivers, and discounts. 

The team at Frontiers will be in touch over the next few days to explain more about contributing to the collection. If you have any other questions in the meantime, please let us know.

We believe your insight will be a great addition to this topic and look forward to hearing more about your latest research.

Looking forward to a rich conversation together,

Maria Popa-Roch, Smaranda Boros, and Claudia Toma

Call for papers - Native American and Indigenous Persons' Work Issues

Research in Human Resource Management

The U. S. Bureau of the Census (2022) estimates that there are 6.79 million Native Americans in the U. S. which is 2.09% of the entire population. Further, there are about 574 federally recognized Native American tribes in the nation. In addition, the World Bank reports that there are 476 million Indigenous People worldwide, and they make up about 6 percent of the global population. Many of these individuals live in poverty, have a low life expectances, and have difficulty gaining access to jobs (World Bank, 2022). There are several reasons for these problems including: unfair discrimination or prejudice, the fact that reservations are located in remote locations with few employers, many of these individuals have lower levels of education than their counterparts, and there are differences in cultural values that create challenges for them in organizations (e.g., role ambiguity, lack of specific skills and abilities.)


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Although there are a large number of Indigenous people around the world, relatively little research has focused on their work issues (Stone et al., 2022). Thus, the primary goal of the present special issue is to spark interest in research on a variety of issues that Native American and Indigenous people experience in the work place. Thus, we hope that authors from around the world will submit their papers for the special issue.

Topics for the special issue should focus on micro-oriented Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and Industrial and Organizational Psychology (individual and small group level), work issues facing Native Americans and Indigenous persons. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: work values, factors affecting job satisfaction, enhancing well being, differences in cultural values and the impact on HR practices (e.g., recruitment, training, rewards,) leadership, teamwork, mentoring, alternative work arrangements, the unique talents and skills these individuals bring to the workforce, etc.

All final papers are be due November 1, 2023.

If you or someone you know is interested in submitting a paper please email and include a couple of sentences on your topic.
We will ask you to submit a short proposal (1-3 pages) by November 1, 2022..

Note that Research in Human Resource Management is a peer reviewed research series
so all papers will be reviewed by two subject matter experts and the editors.

Please send this email to others who conduct research in Indigenous persons' work issues.

Thank you,

Dianna Stone
Editor, Research in HRM


13th Congress of the Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (AEI 2023)

Strasbourg, 28 - 29 - 30 June 2023 

Tomorrow's entrepreneurship: New issues, new challenges?


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The environment of the entrepreneur is currently facing many upheavals due to the health crisis, societal and technological developments, geopolitical risks, climate change ... Entrepreneurship therefore appears more and more as having to think in a complex environment, both constrained and evolving, which calls for changes in the way to live and operate. Moreover, the aspirations of entrepreneurs are more and more marked at the personal and societal levels and lead to rethink the purpose of entrepreneurial activities.

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New Book: What Every CEO Should Know About AI

Viktor Dörfler (SIG 12: Research Methods & Research Practice) has just published a book "What Every CEO Should Know About AI", part of the Cambridge Elements in Business Strategy series edited by JC Spender, and published by the Cambridge University Press, it features a foreword by Tom Davenport.

The pdf version of the book can be downloaded free of charge until 18th March here, courtesy of the publisher. If you are interested, claim your free copy and feel free to share with others who may be interested

Dr Viktor Dörfler combines his background in developing and implementing AI with scholarly research on knowledge and cultivating talent to address misconceptions about AI. The book explains what AI can and cannot do, carefully delineating facts from beliefs or wishful thinking. Filled with examples, this practical book provokes thinking. The purpose is to help CEOs figure out how to make the best use of AI, suggesting how to extract AI’s greatest value through appropriate task allocation between human experts and AI. The author challenges the attribution of characteristics like understanding, thinking, and creativity to AI, supporting his argument with the ideas of the finest AI philosophers. He also discusses in depth one of the most sensitive AI-related topics: ethics. The readers are encouraged to make up their own minds about AI, and draw their own conclusions rather than accept opinions from people with vested interest or an agenda.