Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is responsible for the daily management of the Academy and reports to the Board. The Executive Committee can delegate certain management responsibilities to its members, especially the Executive Officer. It reports to the Board on the Academy’s financial status, and the management of the annual conference. The Executive Committee coordinates the Academy’s activities in specific areas which include, without being limited to, newsletters and publications, research and education, external relations and the development of the Association’s early career and doctoral members.
The Executive Committee is chaired by the President who is elected by the Academy’s members through an electronic ballot and majority vote. The term of appointment of the President is 3 years, with the option for re-election for one further term. The President develops EURAM strategy and agrees priorities with the executive committee, chairs executive committee meetings, supports the EURAM community in pursuing the vision and purpose of the Academy, and collaborates with the Chairperson and other committees in pursuit of EURAM’s objectives.
EURAM's Executive Office

Alessandro Zattoni
LUISS University
Francesca Cuomo
Vice President
Responsible for Governance & Finance University of East Anglia
Panos Desyllas
Vice President
Responsible for Research Funding & EURAM 2024 Conference Co-Chair University of Bath, School of Management & University of Cambridge
Isabel Diez-Vial
Vice President
Responsible for Sustainability, Diversity & Inclusion Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
Hervé Dumez
Vice President
Responsible for Research École Polytechnique
Eythor I. Jonsson
Vice President
Responsible for Conferences Akademias
Mine Karataş-Özkan
Vice President
Vice President Talent Development University of Southampton
Audrey Rouzies
Vice President
Responsible for Strategic Interest Groups Toulouse School of Management, Toulouse Capitole University
Joanna Szulc
Vice President
Responsible for the EURAM Early Career Consortium Gdansk University of Technology
David Versailles
Vice President
Vice President Responsible for Dialogue with Practitioners Paris School of Business & Luxembourg School of Business
Sara De Masi
Conference Chair
Unviersity of Florence
Andrea Paci
Conference Chair
Unviersity of Florence
Anna Grandori
Member ex officio
Editor-in-Chief Bocconi University
Luisa Isabella Jaffé
Member ex officio
Executive Officer EURAM
Michael Morley
Member ex officio
Editor-in-Chief University of Limerick