Project Organising

Project Organising
Main supporters: |
The Project Organising SIG aims to promote state of the art thinking, creation of knowledge and facilitation of debate on all aspects related to project organising. We intend to enhance the scholarly and managerial understanding of projects, programmes, megaprojects as well as project-based organisations by providing a platform for dialogue, collaboration and networking. Our ambition is to build an open global and divers community of researchers interested in the organisation of projects across all sectors and disciplines. By doing so we will be able to move our discipline forward and attract contributions from new and established scholars.
We promote the creation and diffusion of knowledge in relation to project organizing. Our ambition is to develop a global project organizing research community leaning on management and organization disciplines like strategy, entrepreneurship, organization theory, organizational behaviour and institutional theory, but also open to contributions from other disciplines. We therefore aim to stimulate discussion about a variety of topics related to the organization of projects and programs across all sectors.
Publication possibilities
The Project Organising Track has a close cooperation with the four leading Project Management journals.
The best paper awards honour the best paper and the best student paper of the Project Organising SIG. These prizes are sponsored by the Project Management Institute.
PO SIG Best Paper Award EURAM 2024 (sponsored by PMI)
PO SIG Best Student Paper Award EURAM 2024 (sponsored by PMI)
Furthermore, the PO SIG Best Reviewer Award EURAM 2024 (sponsored by APM) was given to:
Christoffer Rönndahl, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
In addition, Emerald Group Publishing sponsored in 2024 a Best Paper Award in Multilevel Perspectives on Major and Megaprojects Track
and a Best Student Paper Award in Multilevel Perspectives on Major and Megaprojects Track
Making Sense of Collaboration in Major Construction Infrastructure Projects by Christoffer Rönndahl and Petra Bosch-Sijtsema
Congratulations to all recipients of these awards. All members of the Project Organising SIG wish to express their sincere thanks to our sponsors who, year after year, continue to encourage excellence in the research on the management of projects.
SIG roles
Christine Unterhitzenberger, University of Leeds, United Kingdom (Chair),
Maude Brunet, HEC Montréal, Canada (Chair-Elect),
Luca Sabini, Leeds University, United Kingdom (Programme Chair),
Carl Marnewick, University of Johannesburg, South Africa (General Track Chair),