Strategic Management

Welcome to the Strategic Management SIG!
Mission and scopes
The Strategic Management Special Interest Group (SIG) is devoted to promong state of the art strategic thinking by encouraging dialogue among several interrelated lines of inquiry crucial for increasing scholarly and managerial understanding regarding strategic choice, competitive advantage, adaptation, and long-term performance and survival.
The SIG was launched at the EURAM 2010 conference in Rome attracting close to a hundred submissions including the best conference paper of the year. Since then the SIG has gone from strength to strength.
We are committed to each year bring together scholars from all around the world to engage in the development and exchange of high-quality research ideas with the potential to fertilize and drive the future directions of scholarly and practitioner strategic thinking alike.
Submissions and tracks
Empirical, conceptual, and practitioner-oriented papers from a plurality of theoretical perspectives, units of analyses, contexts, and research designs are welcome, with particular encouragement for those integrating multiple theoretical lenses and/or methodological approaches. All submitted papers have been reviewed on a double-blind basis by two reviewers.
A key pillar of our success is the high-caliber academics that chair our sessions and help authors develop their ideas. These scholars will bring their ample experience from publishing and serving on the editorial boards of leading journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Management Science, Organization Science, and Journal of Management Studies to engage with you in state-of-the-art dialogues in strategic management.
Strategic Management general and standing tracks are:
- GT 13_00 Strategic Management General Track
- ST13_01 - Business Model - Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Venturing (co-sponsored by Entrepreneurship SIG-03, Innovation SIG-06 and Strategic Management SIG-13
- ST13_02 - Behavioral Strategy
- ST13_03 - CENA - Coopetition, Ecosystems, Networks and Alliances
- ST13_04 - Mergers & Acquisitions and Divestitures: A Glimpse into the Future
- ST13_05 - Microfoundations of Strategy: Dynamic Capabilities and Knowledge Mechanisms
- ST13_06 - Strategic Ambidexterity: Solving the Tensions between Existing and New Processes
- ST13_07 - Strategic Processes and Practice: Theorizing Strategic Processes and Practices for Sustainability
- ST13_08 - Business Ecosystems in a New Digital Landscape
- T13_09 - Artificial Intelligence for Strategic Management and ESG Development
- T13_10 - Supply Chain Strategies for a Sustainable Business
- T13_11 - Challenges and Solutions for Sport in Future
SIG OFFICERS (2023-2024)
Daniel Alonso Martínez (University of León, Spain) - SIG Co-Chair
Albena Björck (Zurich University of Applied Science, Switzerland), - SIG Co-Chair
Audrey Rouyre (Montpellier Business School, France), - SIG Programme Co-Chair
Martin Pit (University of Twente, The Netherlands), - SIG Programme Co-Chair
Silvia Blasi (University of Verona, Italy) -SIG Development Chair
Anne-Sophie Fernandez (Montpellier Business School, France), -SIG Development Chair
Isabel Estrada (University of Groningen, The Netherlands), SIG Development Chair
Oleksandra Kochura (ESSCA School of Management), - Communication and Social Events Co-Chair
Nicole Steller (University Witten-Herdecke, Germany), - Communication and Social Events Co-Chair
Nuno Oliveira (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) - SIG Programme Co-Chair of kick off activities
Katharina Cepa (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands) - SIG Programme Co-Chair of kick off activities
Charlotte Chappert (Montpellier Business School, France), - SIG Online Conference & Special Projects
Anisha Varughese (University Lancaster, United Kingdom), - SIG Online Conference & Special Projects
Primary Contact for General Track: Audrey Rouyre (Montpellier Business School),
Xavier Castañer, (University of Lausanne, Switherland),
Tomi Laamanen (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)
Joan Enric Ricart (IESE Business School, Spain)
Henk Volberda (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
SIGs Menu
- Strategic Interest Groups
- _______________
- Business for Society
- Corporate Governance
- Entrepreneurship
- Family Business Research
- Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations
- Innovation
- International Management
- Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
- Project Organising
- Public and Non-Profit Management
- Research Methods and Research Practice
- Strategic Management
- General Conference Track