The Academy is governed by its Board which holds the powers of administration except those vested in the General Assembly. The Board may confer specifically-designed powers to designated representatives and/or committees (ad hoc or otherwise), including even those tasks that the present Statutes specifically attribute to the Board.

Thomas Durand
Le Cnam Paris
Alessandro Zattoni
LUISS University
Francesca Cuomo
Vice President
University of East Anglia
Dieter Bögenhold
Chair Country Representatives Council
University of Klagenfurt
Konstantinos Koronios
Chair Country Representatives Council
University of Peloponnese
Hamid Kazeroony
Chair Strategic Interest Groups Committee
NWU/Walden University
Diego Matricano
Chair Strategic Interest Groups Committee
Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
Peter McKiernan
Dean of the Fellows College
Strathclyde University
Luisa Isabella Jaffé
Member ex officio