Corporate Governance

Mission and Scope
Governance SIG has as its purpose the advancement of research and practice
of corporate governance to improve the functioning of firms and markets. Towards
this end, this SIG welcomes work that examines any aspect of the internal and
external governance of firms, including scholarship that explores how the formulation,
pursuit, and attainment of economic and social goals is affected by the interplay
of corporate governance and the executive leadership, the stakeholders, the strategy,
and the institutional context of companies.
To spur the imagination and start
interesting, new conversations, our SIG is dedicated to bringing together scholars
and papers reflecting diverse research traditions. In this context, the SIG welcomes
all potentially fruitful contributions regardless of the theoretical lens and the
method of research used. Moreover, the SIG invites studies that investigate corporate governance in different types of enterprises and different contexts,
including different countries and regional cultures.
The Corporate Governance SIG has been
a regular feature at EURAM since 2002. From 2005 onwards, the SIG developed in
collaboration with the European Corporate Governance Group (ECGG) whose main
aim is to support and develop a European management-related corporate
governance community.
Every year, the SIG organizes pre-conference
and social activities. These furnish an
excellent setting for catching up with old friends and making new ones.
Tracks - EURAM 2025:
GT02_00 – Corporate Governance General Track
ST01_01 / ST02_01 – Rethinking
the Responsible Corporation: Bridging Management, Law and Purpose (co-sponsored
B4S & CoGo SIGs)
ST02_02 – Boards of Directors,
Top Management Teams, and Diversity in the C-Suite
ST02_03 – Corporate Governance and Diversity
T02_04 / T13_09 – Purpose-Driven Strategies, Transformation, Corporate Governance, and Resilience (co-sponsored COG & SM SIGs)
SIG OFFICERS 2024-2025:
Chair: Patricia Gabaldon (IE University) -
Chair-Elect: Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska (Warsaw School of Economics)
Programme Chair: Esha Mendiratta (Vlerick Business School) -
Communication and Promotion Officer: Jatinder Sidhu (University of
Leeds) -
SIGs Menu
- Strategic Interest Groups
- _______________
- Business for Society
- Corporate Governance
- Entrepreneurship
- Family Business Research
- Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations
- Innovation
- International Management
- Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
- Project Organising
- Public and Non-Profit Management
- Research Methods and Research Practice
- Strategic Management
- General Conference Track