Doctoral Colloquium 2024

The EURAM 2024 Doctoral Colloquium was held in University of Bath and the School of Management, Bath, UK, on 24-25 June 2024.

EURAM 2024 Doctoral Colloquium Awards

1st Prize Best Awards: Zuzanna Staniszewska, Kozminski University
Title: Voices of Change: Re-imaging Leadership in the Quest of Inclusivity
SIG Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations

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2nd Prize Best Paper Awards:  Laura de Boom, University of Antwerp
Title: Walking the talk: A two-phase study on the effect of diversity (mixed) messages with the moderating role of race
SIG Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations

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3rd Prize: Bryan Solorzano, Universitet i Sørøst-Norg
Title: Iron cage for indigenous entrepreneurship? A case study of a high institutional distance context in Ecuador
SIG: Entrepreneurship

Relevant & Responsible Research Award: Alejandra Rojas, Aarhus Universitet
Title: Organizing Service Robots in Healthcare: An Inquiry on the Design, Development, & Implementation Practices
SIG:Organisational Behaviour & Human Resource Management

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Doctoral Colloquium 2023

The EURAM 2023 Doctoral Colloquium was held in Trinity Business School,Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, on 12-13 June 2023.

EURAM 2023 Doctoral Colloquium Awards

1st Prize Best Awards: Timothee Gomot, Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), France
Title: Promoting technology entrepreneurship to foster regional development: The case of a French public innovation policy
SIG: Entrepreneurship

2nd Prize Best Awards: Catherine Cawley, Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Title: Are Business Schools Ready for Artificial Intelligence?
SIG: Strategic Management

3rd Prize Best Awards: Angela Nativio, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Title: The evolution of Italian saving banks as financial infrastructures of civil society – Towards an archaeology of social impact
SIG: Public and Non-Profit Management

Relevant & Responsible Research Award: Claudia Díaz Leyva, University of Rovira i Virgili, Spain
Title: Diversity management from a socially sustainable perspective
SIG: Gender Race and Diversity in Organizations

Doctoral Colloquium 2022

The EURAM 2022 Doctoral Colloquium was held in ZHAW School of Management and Law (SML), Winterthur, on 13-14 June 2022.

EURAM 2022 Doctoral Colloquium Awards

1st Prize Best Awards: Julia Trautendorfer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Title: Freedom of Information and Government Transparency: Citizen Requests and Bureaucratic Responsiveness under the Premise of Access-to-Information Laws
SIG 11: Public and Non-Profit Management

2nd Prize: Lucas Boucaud, Institut de Recherche en Gestion, France
Title: How CSR management control systems are made? Ethnography of a dispositive of accountability within a French multinational
SIG: Business for Society

3rd Prize: Daniela Frau, University of St Gallen, Switzerland 
Title: The Impact of Variable Pay for Mixed Performance on Trust in the Employer Through the Lens of Fairness Heuristics: A Longitudinal Mixed-Method, Field Quasi-Experiment
SIG: Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management

Relevant and Responsible Research Award : Jose Rodrigo Juarez Cornelio, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Title: Large infrastructure projects: factors that influence their termination
SIG: Project Organising

The EURAM 2021 Doctoral Colloquium was held online on 14-15 June 2021

EURAM 2021 Doctoral Colloquium Awards

1st prize: Thomas Draschbacher, Graz University of Technology, Austria 
Title: Strategies to address bottlenecks in nascent green innovation ecosystems
SIG: Strategic Management

2d prize: Louise Lecomte, Paris Dauphine University, France
Title: The mechanisms of a symbiotic feminism
SIG: Business for Society

3r prize: Neveen Saied, Vierick Business School, Belgium
Title: The client’s role in influencing the independent workers’ thriving
SIG: Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management

We would like to warmly thank all the Doctoral Colloquium Mentors, Speakers and Chairs for their collaboration.