European Academy of Management (EURAM)
2019 Doctoral Colloquium


The EURAM 2019 Doctoral Colloquium was held in the ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) on 24-25 June 2019


EURAM 2019 Doctoral Colloquium Awards


We would like to warmly thank all the Doctoral Colloquium Mentors, Speakers and Chairs for their collaboration:

 António Abrantes

Madalena Abreu

Linda Baines

Jay Barney

Andrea Caputo

Helena Carvalho

Stewart Clegg

Sarah Chahine

Regis Coeurderoy

Pelin Demirel

Ingi Runar Edvardsson

Aristides Ferreira

Vadim Grinevich

Jorge Gomes

David S. A. Guttormsen

Fabian Homberg

Shahnaz Ibrahim

Sofia Kalakou

Mine Karataş-Özka

Hamid H. Kazeroony

Marta Marsilio

Pablo Martin de Holan

Luis F. Martinez

Miia Martinsuo

Giacomo Marzi

Hamid Mazloomi

Pedro Neves

Eddy NG

Ralitza Nikolaeva

Patricia Palma

Miguel Pereira Lopes

Aron Pereny

Katia Pina

Paul Ryan

Francesco Rentocchini

Sara Sassetti

Jorge Sinval

Runólfur Smari Steinþórsson

Sarah Wittman

Daniel Yar Hamidi

Huriye Yeröz


chairs of the EURAM Doctoral Colloquium

Professor Mine Karatas-Ozkan, University of Southampton

Professor Francesco Rentocchini, University of Milan

Professor Runólfur Smári Steinthorsson, University of Iceland

Aristides Ferreira, ISCTE Business School Lisbon


Co-organiser and Contact Person for the EURAM Doctoral Colloquium

Nicola Pellegrino, Project Management Officer - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


List of accepted Phd Students 

Congratulations to all the applicants who have been accepted on the programme! See you in Lisbon!

(If you have not sent an application to attend the programme, it will not be possible to attend the programme)


(alphabetical order)

Eugene Agoh

Doaa Althalathini

Ivija Bernatovic

Davide Calandra

Shasanka Chalise

Pedro Couto

Jane Dowson

Ozioma Egwuonwu

Siavash Farahbakhsh

Selma Furtado

Liudmila Gapeyeva-Yukce

Sarah Glännefors

Susana Gonzalez

Sedat Günay

Arijana Haramincic

Anastasiya Henk

Elina Honkasalo

Carsten Kaufmann

Paris Koumbarakis

Malgorzata Kuczara

Vittoria Magrelli

Olive Maitha

Paul Mansell

Luis Marques

Valerie Matheja

Kayode Abraham Mayah

Anna Mineeva

Belinda Nwosu

Yekaterina Pak

Foteini Papadopoulou

Belén Payán-Sánchez

Duarte Pires

Michael Plasch

Adam Potter

Samantha Ragot

Hicham Rahali

Ramya Ranee Konna Segaran

Beatrice Re

Mohamad Hasan Sadri Karami

Judith Sanderse

Sophia Schwoy

Maria Skordia

Jonas Soluk

Shuaib Ahmed Soomro

Christina Sun

Olga Tishchenko

Melike Tunalioglu

Francesca Vinci

Han Wu


Are you a second or higher year doctoral student?

Would you like to become part of the EURAM research community?

Do you want to engage with doctoral students from different parts of the world?

Do you want to meet the leading scholars in your field face-to-face?

Do you want to become the winner of the “EURAM 2019 Doctoral Colloquium Best Paper Award”?


Exchange and expand

Exchange knowledge and expand your network and initiate dialogues with leading management scholars!

Experienced management scholars will share their knowledge about undertaking doctoral research and pursuing a career as an academic. Learning from those scholars and asking them all the questions you’ve always wanted to ask is a great opportunity. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the tacit knowledge underlying a PhD process and to get useful insights on how to complete a PhD in a successful way.



Collaborate with your peers and participant mentors!

The largest part of the colloquium is dedicated to the discussion of your papers in small groups – each supervised by an experienced senior researcher, many of them global thought leaders in their field. The aim is not that you shall give a “traditional” paper presentation, but to concisely outline your research and from that engage in intensive interactive sessions aiming at giving you advice and feedback for the particular questions you have. We will circulate the papers of each group member in advance to make sure that each one can read the papers of the others before meeting.



Identify your way of joining the EURAM community of researchers!

You will get useful hints on how to become part of the EURAM research community. We will invite you to become part of, for instance, the European Early Career Community (EECC) and the EURAM Strategic Interest Groups (SIGs). The SIGs are the “heart and soul” of EURAM and SIG representatives will join in – not only with their scientific expertise – but also with information on the scientific development of EURAM that may be of great value for conference newcomers.



Express your talent and win the EURAM 2019 Doctoral Colloquium Best Paper Award!

Our scientific committee will select the winners of the EURAM 2019 Doctoral Colloquium Best Paper Award among all accepted submissions (1st price is 1000 Euro; 2nd price is 500 Euro; 3rd price is 300 Euro). This is an excellent opportunity to advance in your academic career!


How to Apply?

Important Dates

Deadline for submissions to Doctoral Colloquium: 22 January 2019, 2 pm

Notification of acceptance: 14 March 2019

Deadline for registration: 18 April 2019


Fees (including the 80 € membership fee for 2019)

Participation in the Doctoral Colloquium only: 180 euro

Reduced participation fee for the Doctoral Colloquium & Full Conference
(only open to those accepted to the Doctoral Colloquium): 410 euro


Reduced participation fee for the Doctoral Colloquium & Full Conference
& Gala Dinner (only open to those accepted to the Doctoral Colloquium): 485 euro


IMPORTANT: For all three categories of fees, all payments must be registered at latest 18 April 2019
in order for your notification of acceptance to the Doctoral Colloquium to still stand as valid.


Submission Process

Submit your application at latest 22 January 2019, 2:00 pm, Belgian Time. The link to the IT platform for submissions is

In order to submit a formally valid application, provide the following four documents in pdf-format:  

  1. Your CV.
  2. A Letter of Motivation
  3. A letter of recommendation written on the stationery paper officially used by your university and signed by your main supervisor (including all contact info) (Max 2 pages).
  4. A single authored text (= written by yourself only) on maximum 25 pages named EURAM_DC_2019_[YOUR LAST NAME]_[YOUR FIRST NAME]_TEXT-TYPE_4x. The text should neither be published nor submitted for publication in any form. The text cannot in any version or variant also be submitted to EURAM 2019 Main Conference.[1]


Dependent on the type of dissertation you are doing and on how far gone you are, you shall provide one of these three text-types:

a. A research proposal regardless of what kind of dissertation you are doing (mainly if you are not that far gone in your PhD process yet).

b. A summary of your conventional monograph dissertation.

c. A summary of each paper done/planned in your compilation dissertation + a summary of your compilation dissertation as a whole.


Regardless if you choose text-type 4a, 4b or 4c, your text must include the following elements and sections:

  • What text-type you are submitting (either 4a, 4b or 4c, see above)
  • Particular questions/issues that you are encountering on which you would like to get feedback/ advice at the Doctoral Colloquium.
  • Short abstract (max. 300 words)
  • Up to 4 keywords
  • The following outline/headlines of your main text:
    • Introduction (including research gap and associated research questions)
    • Relevance of your dissertation; theoretically, empirically, practically
    • Theoretical framework/Key literature you are building on
    • Methodological approach/es and method/s used
    • Empirical findings (if you write a research proposal, please present expected/intended empirical findings)
    • Discussion and conclusions (not applicable for text-type 4a)
    • (Potential) contributions of your study (theoretical, methodological, practical)
    • References
  • Choose one topic area from the list below that best matches the positioning of your PhD dissertation (these topic areas are identical with the SIGs of EURAM, except for the last one ‘General Management’, which is no SIG in EURAM):
    • Business for Society
    • Corporate Governance
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Family Business Research
    • Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations
    • Innovation
    • International Management
    • Managing Sport
    • Organisational Behaviour
    • Project Organising
    • Public Management and Non-Profit Management
    • Research Methods and Research Practice
    • Strategic Management
    • General Management (If you work in an area not covered by any of the 13 EURAM SIGs above).



Please consult for general information about the EURAM 2019 Doctoral Colloquium and Conference. Also, follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter ( and LinkedIn (


Who to Contact?

Chairs of the EURAM Doctoral Colloquium

Professor Mine Karatas-Ozkan, Chair of the EURAM Doctoral Colloquium; Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the University of Southampton, United Kingdom (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Professor Runólfur Smári Steinthorsson, Chair of the EURAM Doctoral Colloquium; Professor Strategy and Management at the University of Iceland, Iceland (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Professor Francesco Rentocchini, Chair of the EURAM Doctoral Colloquium; Associate Professor of Strategy and Innovation at the University of Milan, Italy (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Professor Aristides Ferreira, Chair of the EURAM Doctoral Colloquium; Assistant Professor in Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Co-organiser and Contact Person for the EURAM Doctoral Colloquium

For questions on operational matters related to the EURAM Doctoral Colloquium, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Why Apply for the Doctoral Colloquium?


EURAM Doc Colloquium Feedback -Lisbon 2019 – Olive Maitha, Dublin City University, Ireland

EURAM Doc Colloquium Feedback -Lisbon 2019 – Olive Maitha, Dublin City University, Ireland

2019 was my first EURAM conference and it was an incredible experience. Not only did I get to hear from seasoned academics but I also got the opportunity to have my work reviewed by my peers. The doctoral colloquium was the perfect platform for me to share my research and receive very constructive feedback from my mentors and other PhD students. The mentor groups met twice, the first time to discuss the student papers and to offer feedback. The second meeting (the next day) was for the student to ask further questions or to seek clarification on the feedback given after giving it some reflection. At the end of the doctoral colloquium, I had connected with peers from across the world in very diverse fields of research within management. These chats over the breaks allowed me to give elevator pitches on my research to different audiences and based on how it was received, I learnt to adapt the pitch based on who I was talking to and their area of research interest. It was a very rewarding experience.

EURAM Doc Colloquium Feedback -Lisbon 2019 – Jane Dowson, LJMU, UK

EURAM Doc Colloquium Feedback -Lisbon 2019 – Jane Dowson, LJMU, UK

The Programme was organised and delivered with the current and future needs of PhD students in mind and echoed the values of the EURAM community. The mentoring sessions were extremely useful, highly supportive and provided a reflexive opportunity to develop and grow. Meeting other PhD students from around the world was also a particular highlight.

EURAM Doc Colloquium Feedback -Lisbon 2019 – Maria Skordia, Sheffield University Management School, UK

EURAM Doc Colloquium Feedback -Lisbon 2019 – Maria Skordia, Sheffield University Management School, UK

I really enjoyed the EURAM 2019 Doctoral Colloquium! I met some great people from all over the world and received valuable guidance from senior academics. The mentoring sessions were very helpful. The Colloquium helped us create an international network of researchers, while the organizers were amazing; they made us feel welcome from the very beginning till the end!

Alex Alterskye, University of Lincoln, UK

Alex Alterskye, University of Lincoln, UK

EURAM is a forward thinking, innovative and most of all supportive group of scholars... being part of the EURAM DC has helped me think about my research in new ways and it has really boosted my confidence.

Sarah Wittman, INSEAD, France

Sarah Wittman, INSEAD, France

I found the EURAM Doctoral Colloquium a great forum to get feedback on my work, learn from others, and make new friends. The feedback that I received both from my mentor and from the other students in my group was relevant and helpful, and has given me some great ideas on ways to move forward with finishing my dissertation and with publishing my work. The organization of the event was exceptional, the sessions very interesting, and the speakers engaging. I've already recommended the event to people in several schools with whom I have contact, and hopefully will be successful in encouraging more students from a diversity of programs to attend.

Maria Albertina Barreiro Rodrigues, Universidade Europeia, Portugal

Maria Albertina Barreiro Rodrigues, Universidade Europeia, Portugal

To participate on the EURAM Doctoral Colloquium is a great opportunity to meet other researchers on the same stage that we are and share expectations, knowledge and experiences. On the other hand, the EURAM Doctoral Colloquium gives us the opportunity to hear several fabulous academics about their perspective of how to develop a good and sustainable research while we get feedback on our work. The EURAM Doctoral Colloquium really represents a good opportunity to think on our approach and to define our research.

Rachel von Kauffman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Rachel von Kauffman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

I'd like to thank the Doctoral Colloquium organizers for an outstanding work. The Doctoral Colloquium program was very enriching, and contributed significantly for my growth both as an academic and as a practitioner. It widened my professional horizons and contributed to my awareness and involvement in the management scholar community EURAM Doctoral Colloquium



With warm wishes,

EURAM 2019 Doctoral Colloquium Team


[1] Further detail instructions: 1) The entire paper (title page, abstract, main text, figures, tables, references, etc.) must be in ONE document. 2) The maximum length of the paper is 25 pages (including all tables, appendices and references). 3) Use Times New Roman 12-pitch font, 1,5 space, and 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin all around. 4) Number all of the pages. 5) Check that all your submitted documents print correctly and ensure that the files are virus-free. 6) Only submissions in English done via the EURAM 2019 on-line website shall be considered for acceptance.  7) If experiencing technical problems when submitting, contact EURAM asap. 8) NO CHANGES in your text and accompanying documents can occur between submission deadline and registration/payment. 9) IF accepted and WHEN your Mentor starts to organise your group, an UPDATED version of THE VERY SAME MAIN TEXT YOU HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED UPON can be circulated within your group.



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Euram 2019

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