Invitation to the EURAM Annual General Assemblies 

6 June and 16 June 2023

Agenda modified on 16.05.2023, to include items 7 and 8 on 16 June 2023. 

Dear EURAM Member,
On behalf of the Chairperson, Niels Noorderhaven, and the EURAM Board, I have the pleasure to invite you to the General Assembly of the European Academy of Management.
Exceptionally this year, we have scheduled two General Assembly meetings. This is due to modifications in the EURAM statutes required by recent changes in the Belgian law concerning all not-for-profit organisations as well as the amendments that the Executive Committee, with the approval of the Board, would like to propose for your approval.

The dates and venues of the two General Assemblies are:

I. Extraordinary General Assembly on 6 June from 12:00 (noon) to 13:00 CEST online *


  1. Welcome by the EURAM Chairperson – Niels Noorderhaven
  2. EURAM Statutes Modifications Approval ** - Dorota Dobija, (VP Governance & Finance)
  3. Report on the EURAM Country Representatives Council – Dieter Bögenhold & Lucrezia Songini (Chairs of Country Representatives Council)
  4. Report on EURAM Activities
  • EURAM Research – Hervé Dumez (VP Research)
  • EURAM Funding Initiatives - Panos Desyllas (VP Research Funding)
  • EURAM Practice – Stefan Gueldenberg (VP Practice)
  • EURAM SIGs – Rémi Jardat (VP SIGs), Anabel Fernandez-Mesa & Hamid Kazeroony (Chairs of SIG Committee)
  • EURAM Journal: European Management Review (EMR) – Anna Grandori & Michael Morley (EMR Chief Editors)
  • EURAM Doctoral Consortium 2022 and EURAM Doctoral Accelerator – Mine Karatas Ozkan (VP Talent Development)
  • EURAM Early Career Consortium 2023 and Plans for EECC 2024 - Pierre Dussauge (VP EECC)

    6. Close of the Extraordinary General Assembly

** Members can access the EURAM Statutes here (click on “Account” in the menu bar and select “Members only”).

The reason for the Extraordinary General Assembly is to approve the following changes in the EURAM Statutes:

  • Recent modifications introduced in the Belgian legislation concerning all not-for-profit associations.
  • Harmonisation of all terms of elected officers and vice presidents to three years renewable once.
  • Clarification on signatories of contracts and deeds.
  • Appointment of the journal’s editor(s) by the Executive Committee.
  • Approval process for representation budget of the Executive Committee.
  • Chairmanship of SIG Committee and Country Representatives Council.
  • Annual financial audit process.

The revised statutes necessitate the approval by the General Assembly. Should the quorum of attendance not reach two thirds of the membership, (See Article 7 of the current statutes) the approval of the revised statutes will be conducted at the second General Assembly to be held 16 June 2023 in Dublin.

To attend the online Extraordinary General Assembly of 6 June 2023, please register here by 23 May. You will receive a secure link a few days before the meeting. 

II. General Assembly of 16 June 2023 from 11:00 to 11:45 GMT+1, A&K Dargan Theatre, Trinity Business School
1. Welcome Address by the EURAM Chairperson, Niels Noorderhaven
2. Ratification and Approval of Minutes of the General Assembly 2022 *** – Niels Noorderhaven (Chairperson)
3. EURAM Accounts 2022 & EURAM Budget 2023 *** – Dorota Dobija (VP Governance & Finance)
4. Report on EURAM Activities

  • EURAM Developments 2022/2023 – Alessandro Zattoni (President)
  • EURAM Conference 2023 - Eythor Ivar Jonsson (VP Conferences) & Andrew Burke (Conference Chair 2023)
  • EURAM 2025 – Eythor Ivar Jonsson (VP Conferences)

5. EURAM Membership – Niels Noorderhaven (Chairperson)
6. EURAM External Relations – Niels Noorderhaven (Chairperson)
7. Report on the EURAM Country Representatives Council – Dieter Bögenhold & Lucrezia Songini (Chairs of Country Representatives Council)
8. Report on the EURAM SIG Committee - Anabel Fernandez & Hamid Kazeroony  (Chairs of the SIG Committee)

9. EURAM Fellows College - Peter McKiernan (Dean of Fellows College)

10. EURAM EURAM Statutes Modifications Approval if quorum is not reached on 6 June ***   - Dorota Dobija (VP Governance & Finance)
11. EURAM Bylaws Approval - Dorota Dobija
12.  AOB & Questions & Answers – Niels Noorderhaven (Chairperson)

The General Assembly will be followed by a presentation of the EURAM 2024 Conference Chair, Steve Brammer, University of Bath, and the Awards Ceremony.

*** Members will receive access to the minutes of the EURAM General Assembly 2022, EURAM Accounts 2022, EURAM Budget 2023, the Auditor’s Financial Report 2022 and the EURAM Bylaws on 16 May 2023 at the latest.

For any questions, please contact

Looking forward to seeing you again online and in Dublin.

Best wishes,

Luisa Jaffé
Executive Officer

Official Notice *

In line with the recent modifications in the Belgian legislation allowing not-for-profit associations to hold their general assembly in a virtual format (Amendment to the Code of Associations & Companies, Chapter 11, published on 24 December 2020), the EURAM Board decided on 24 January 2023 to convene the EURAM Extraordinary Annual General Assembly online at Tilburg University, Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB Tilburg, The Netherlands.