What is the Doctoral Colloquium
The EURAM Doctoral Colloquium (DC) is one of the most established and high-profile events in the academic community, aligned with our key values for engaged and inclusive scholarship. This two-day programme is one of our flagship events preceding the EURAM annual conference every year. If you are a second or higher year doctoral student, it is an opportunity to become part of a highly motivated international community of like-minded young researchers and to meet the leading scholars in your field. You will also be able to join the conference at a reduced rate for PhD students. Finally, the DC provides opportunities to network during social events as well, which is crucial for academic career development.
EURAM DC provides doctoral students
with the opportunity to present their work to their peers and mentors,
who are experienced supervisors and leading scholars in their field, and
engage with one another in a setting that is relatively informal but
that allows for meaningful and constructive scholarly exchanges. The aim
of the Doctoral Colloquium is to contribute towards a transformative
journey for doctoral students, who will not only receive feedback on
their doctoral research but also learn about fundamentals of a doctoral
journey including research methods related matters, publishing from a
PhD and reviewing for journals, and obtain advice on academic career
paths. DC is an entry point into joining a wider community of peers and
engaged management scholars.
General Information
Information will be posted on the conference website available from EURAM’s homepage. To apply, you will need to send a single authored text of maximum 20 pages together with your CV, a letter of motivation and a letter of recommendation. Authors of best papers are awarded with prize money of 1.000 Euro for the best paper, 500 Euro for the 2nd best paper and 300 for the 3rd best paper.
Should you require more information, do not hesitate to contact Professor Mine Karatas-Özkan, University of Southampton, mko@soton.ac.uk, Chair of the Doctoral Colloquium.