EURAM's Grant to ERC Applicants
European Academy of Management (EURAM) offers a grant of 5,000 Euros to support
European Research Council (ERC) applicants who meet the following criteria:
- Applicants must be EURAM members at the time of their ERC
- Applicants must have received either:
- A score of "A" in Step 1 of the ERC application process
but did not receive funding, or
- A score of "B" in Step 1 of the ERC application process.
In the
event that multiple applicants apply for the EURAM-ERC grant within the same
year, priority will be given as follows:
- Applicants for an ERC Starting Grant will be prioritized over those
applying for Consolidator and Advanced Grants.
- Applicants for an ERC Consolidator Grant will be prioritized over
those applying for Advanced Grants.
multiple applicants meet the criteria and have the same priority level, the
grant will be divided equally among them.
application deadline for the EURAM grant coincides with the deadline for
EURAM's Research Grants Scheme.”
PDW: Research Funding Opportunities from Horizon Europe
A PDW on "Research Funding Opportunities from Horizon Europe" was hosted during the 2022 Annual Conference of EURAm in Wintethur, Switzerland. The objective of the workshop was to provide information about funding opportunities by Horizon Europe and similar funds. Horizon Europe is EU's key funding programme for research and innovation, with a budget of €95,5 billion. A range of issues were discussed in a panel including:
- Anticipating and identifying opportunities and calls
- Identifying partners and sturcturing consortia
- Managing consortia
- Developing research outputs from joint research
The panellists for the workshop include past award holders, consortia managers and research officers:
Panos Desyllas, Associate Professor University of Bath and EURAM VP, Research Funding
The slides presented by Jenniver McClung are available here.
EURAM PDW: Research Funding by the European Resarch Council (ERC)
As part of EURAM’s 2021 Annual Conference, we hosted a workshop on “Research Funding by the European Research Council (ERC)”. This workshop is part of a series of actions revolving around raising awareness regarding opportunities to obtain funding for management research. We commenced this initiative with funding opportunities by the ERC as one of the leading funding organisations for frontier research. The recording of the session can be found here.
At the workshop we discussed a range of issues in a panel discussion format including:
- Designing the proposed resesarch and demonstrating rigor, feasibility and significance
- Communicating scholarly significance and societal impact to both management and non-management ERC evaluation
- Navigating through the different stages of the evaluation process
The panellists for the workshop were past ERC award holders, academics that have served as evaluators of research proposals, ERC scientific research officers and EURAM executives:
Luis Diestre – Professor at IE University, ERC grant holder
Thomas Durand – Professor at Cnam, EURAM past-president
Jerko Markovina – ERC co-ordinator of SH1 panel
Kathrin Möslein - Professor at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, EURAM
Maria Rentetzi – Professor at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, ERC
grant holder
Ammon Salter – Professor at University of Bath, SH1 peer review panel
Panos Desyllas - EURAM, Vice President Research Funding, PDW Organiser