EURAM Doctoral Accelerator
Our Doctoral Accelerator programme invests in you, our doctoral students, as the next generations of knowledge producers, academics and researchers, practitioners in industry or policy makers as whichever your chosen career paths will be!
Do you want to learn from your peers and senior academics about conducting doctoral research?
Do you want to explore networking and collaboration opportunities with your peers and mentors?
- You will enjoy an amazing network of peers and mentors who will not only motivate and energise you in ups and downs of the doctoral journey but also provide their scholarly input and connections, which are invaluable for your doctoral journey and career development.
- You will also contribute to this wonderful community by paying forward as you give feedback on your peers, present your papers at our conferences, collaborate with senior colleagues and enjoy the social activities as well.
Do you want to consider, and get prepared for, career options in transitioning out of your PhD?
- There is no formula to prepare you for the post-doctoral world but we will do our utmost best to focus on your career development and make you explore your career options and help you get better prepared for these options.
- We will endeavour to involve colleagues with PhDs, DBAs etc. who have embarked on careers outside academia such as in industry or policy organizations so you can better understand how to link your doctoral research to businesses and all sorts of organisations and also potentially pursue a career path in some of these organisations.
Who can join?
How do you join?
PhD Buddy Scheme
Applications are closed at the moment. More information about the process - click here.
Our Mentors
Meet the world class Mentors of EURAM Doctoral Accelerator 2022!
Our doctoral students receive excellent mentorship from experienced supervisors, leading/distinguished scholars and enthusiastic emerging stars of academia, who provide their insights, feedback and valuable connections. Here is our amazing community:
Linda Baines |
Frano Barbic | John Bessant |
Andrea Bonomi Savignon |
Malcolm Brady DublinCity University, Ireland |
Andrea Caputo |
Francesca Cuomo |
Dimo Dimov | Lalarukh Ejaz
| Vadim Grinevich University of Wolverhampton, UK |
| Fabian Homberg
Hamid Kazeroony | Wafa Khlif Toulouse Business School (TBS Barcelona), Spain | Markus Kittler | Elke Loeffler |
Miia Martinsuo |
| Eleni Meletiadou London Metropolitan University, UK | Valérie Mérindol |
Julia Mueller
| Cagla Ozgoren | University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy |
Miruna Radu-Lefebvre Audencia Business School, France | Sara Sassetti | Joanna Szulc |
Melike Tunalioglu University of Portsmouth, UK | Dennis Veltrop University of Groningen, Netherlands | David W. Versailles Paris School of Business, France, | Sibel Yamak |