European Academy of Management
The European Academy of Management is a learned society founded in 2001. It aims at advancing the academic discipline of management in Europe. With members from 60 countries in Europe and beyond, EURAM has a high degree of diversity and provides its members with opportunities to enrich debates over a variety of research management themes and traditions!
Strategic Interest Groups
SIGs have their own governance structure, and are run by chairs together with program chairs and other officers whenever necessary.
SIG 01
Business for Society (B4S)
SIG 02
Corporate Governance (COGO)
SIG 03
Entrepreneurship (ENT)
SIG 04
Family Business Research (FABR)
SIG 05
Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations (GRDO)
SIG 06
Innovation (INNO)
SIG 07
International Management (IM)
SIG 09
Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management (OB & HRM)
SIG 10
Project Organising (PO)
SIG 11
Public and Non-Profit Management (PM&NPM)
SIG 12
Research Methods and Research Practice (RM&RP)
SIG 13
Strategic Management
SIG 14
General Conference Track

Dear friends and colleagues, dear EURAM members,
This is a message we wished we would never have had to write.
As some of you may already know, Luisa Jaffe, our Luisa, passed away yesterday.
had been suffering for several months from a terrible illness which she
fought with great courage and determination. Unfortunately, despite all
her energy and strength, she lost this fight.
We are deeply saddened by this loss.
seems impossible to think of EURAM without Luisa. She was a pillar of
the academy that will never be the same without her. She will be
thoroughly missed by all her friends in the EURAM community. We will
always remember her professionalism, her kindness and interest in
We all feel privileged to have known her and worked with her. She will always remain in our thoughts.
Sincerely Yours,
Thomas Durand, Alessandro Zattoni, Peter McKiernan
on behalf of the EURAM Board, Executive Committee and Fellows