Dear Track Chair,

Your activities are the bedrock of the Conference. Thank you for all your efforts in proposing and promoting an important topic. Also thank you, if your proposal is selected, for fostering the interactions among authors and reviewers. You will facilitate the development of research and of papers that matter.




You are expected to manage the track’s review process using the EURAM Reviewing Platform. This involves:

  • Finding a sufficient number of relevant, competent and engaged reviewers;
  • Providing accurate and timely information to the EURAM Conference Programme Committee about your reviewers and helping to keep updated data about their addresses;
  • Encouraging the reviewers to enter their details, interests and areas of competence, through having them complete the questionnaire sent to them by EURAM;
  • Allocating relevant reviewers to papers using the EURAM Conference Reviewing Platform (assigning at least two reviewers per paper to a maximum of three papers per reviewer);
  • Providing the necessary instructions to reviewers and sending them reminders to make sure that the reviewers evaluate the papers on time and provide constructive comments to authors;
  • Making sure that co-chairs who submitted papers do not have access to the EURAM Conference Reviewing Platform.


  • The personal data you have access to can only be used for the purpose of the organisation of the EURAM 2019 Conference;
  • The personal data cannot be shared with any unauthorised person;
  • The personal data you may download, if necessary, needs to be stored securely.

Ideally, we advise you to only view the data in the XCD system which is password protected rather than downloading it, as the latter creates a possibility for a data breach.



  • Creating different types of sessions according to the instructions of the Conference Programme Committee;
  • Assigning chairs and discussants to sessions considering the required profiles for different session types;
  • Allocating the accepted papers to the different sessions following a logic of similarity/complementarity of research topics.



  • Monitoring closely the registration of the authors. Clarifying who is going to register on site, and thus to present his/her paper, by closely monitoring the registration status of the authors on the website and subsequently by getting in touch with both the authors and EURAM local organising committee.
  • Informing in a timely manner the Conference Programme Committee about authors who have already declared their unavailability to present their papers to remove them from the final programme (all cancellations must be made before the last deadline for the printed material).
  • Managing the track nominations for the awards in collaboration with the SIG chairs.



  • Monitoring the track sessions to be sure that everything is working as planned (presence of session chairs, discussants and authors; existence and functioning of the required resources, etc.) and timely communication of any incident to the Conference Programme Committee.


Thank you for taking the time to communicate with your SIG chair and the Conference Programme Committee and for respecting all the deadlines to enhance the quality of the conference for all participants.

Organising Team: contact us



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