Time: 26.06, 14h00-15h30

Location: Building II, Grand Auditorium


Conference Opening

Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues, Rector of ISCTE-IUL

Nelson Antonio, Chair of EURAM 2019

Thomas Durand, President of European Academy of Management


Plenary I: Exploring the Future of Europe: The Lisbon Treaty in a Changing World

The main objective of this panel is to discuss the future of Europe taking into consideration the recent developments (Brexit, results of the last European elections, etc.) and the content of the Lisbon Treaty. The speakers will emphasise the economic perspective.


Moderator: Thomas Durand, President of European Academy of Management

Thomas Durand

Thomas Durand is professor of strategic management at Cnam where he heads the department of Strategies and the International Institute of Management. Previously, he taught at Ecole Centrale Paris. His research interests focus on organizational competence, technology strategy, intrapreneurship and the management of innovation. His publications gravitate around the collective ability of organizations to build capabilities to design, feed and shape their strategies in a context of change. Over the last 12 years, he has also been studying extensively Business Schools and the future of management education and research. He is the past president of the French Management Society and Association internationale de management stratégique (AIMS). A member of EURAM since the foundation of the academy and a former member of the EURAM board, he co-organized the EURAM 2007 conference in Paris and took an active part in launching the EURAM-EFMD programme for research directors. In recognition of his contributions, he was named EURAM Fellow in 2012.


Keynote speakers:

  • Jérôme Creel, ESCP Europe
  • João Faria, Leader of Political Team in European Commission Representation in Portugal
  • Maria João Rodrigues, European Parliament


Jérôme Creel

Jérôme Creel has been an Associate professor of economics at ESCP Europe since 2007 and the Director of the Research Department at SciencesPo-OFCE since 2014. He is also the scientific director of the European Business Environment Seminar for the ESCP Europe Executive MBA. Holding a PhD in economics from University Paris-Dauphine, his recent works have dealt with reforms of the European economic governance, and the relationships between financial stability, monetary policy and economic performance. Jerome Creel participates on a regular basis as an expert for the European Parliament Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, notably in the OFCE team for preparatory meetings of the Monetary Dialogue with the European Central Bank. He has recently co-edited (with Eloi Laurent and Jacques Le Cacheux) a Report on the State of the European Union, The Euro at 20 and the Futures of Europe, published at Palgrave MacMillan for the 20th anniversary of the Euro.

João Faria

João Faria has a Degree in Economics by "Instituto Superior de Economia" (ISE), Lisbon (1980/81) an a Master in Urban and Regional Planning, "Universidade Técnica de Lisboa" (1985). João Faria was an Assistant-Professor at ISE from 1982 to 1988 on Political Economy, History of Economic Thought. The European civil service since 1989 includes: Coordination of Structural Policies and relations with the EIB, Deputy-Head of the EC’s Representation in Portugal (1989-2000); Directorate for Regional Policy (2003-2007), Support Group to Portugal (2011-2014), Team Leader Political Sector in the EC’s Representation in Portugal (since 2014). João Faria was also Vice President (2000-2003) and President (2007-2011) of the CCDR Algarve – Commission for Coordination and Regional Development of Algarve.

Maria João Rodrigues

Former Portuguese minister of PM Antonio Guterres, is a European politician with a long track in all European institutions: EU Presidencies, Council, European Council, European Commission and, more recently, European Parliament. She played a relevant role is several big European initiatives: the EU growth and jobs strategy, the Lisbon Treaty, the Eurozone reform, the European Social Pillar, the interface with EU external strategic partners and the Roadmap for EU’s future. She is currently Vice-President of S&D Group in the European Parliament, a parliamentary group with 189 members from all Member States and backed by one thousand staff. She has been in charge of the coord./pastconferences the inter-institutional negotiation on the EU agenda. She was also elected as the President of FEPS, the European Foundation of Progressive Studies by its forty national member foundations across Europe. As an academic, she is full professor and was the Chair of the European Commission Board for socio-economic research. She has around one hundred publications and as expert and ./pastconferencesousands conferences across Europe and the world.




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