Dear EURAM members and friends,

Join us in Lisbon 26-28th of June 2019 for the EURAM conference!

With our theme Exploring the Future of Management: Facts, Fashion and Fado, we invite you to participate in the debate about how to explore the future of management. Management is about doing things through people. Who are these new people? The behaviour of organisations vis-à-vis society is increasingly scrutinised and its impact cannot be ignored. Strategy, behavioural sciences, business and society, networks, services and global value chains, entrepreneurship and innovation… these and many other topics can and will be discussed during EURAM 2019.

We hope that EURAM 2019 at ISCTE-IUL in Lisbon will be a forum where new propositions and answers will be debated, where new theories will be exposed to address the many problems that challenge organisations and their management. Scholars, practitioners, and doctoral students and the whole community are welcome to a rich week with keynotes and roundtables, workshops, symposia, parallel sessions and so much more that Lisbon has to offer.

The more detailed programme will be posted on our website in due time.

The link to the IT platform for submissions is

To submit your full paper to EURAM 2019: 

I. Explore the tracks sponsored by one of the 14 EURAM Strategic Interest Groups (SIGs) or by the 2019 Local Organising Committee and choose the topic and community that correspond best to your research.

II. Please respect the deadlines, especially the paper submission deadline: 15 January 2019 - 2 pm Belgian time.

III. Please, comply with the authors’ guidelines. 


I. Explore our SIGs and tracks (for more detail click on the SIG title)

For newcomers to our community: Our 14 SIGs are the building blocks of EURAM. SIG Chairs and Officers nurture communities of scholars who are engaged in specific research areas. There are three types of Tracks. General Tracks are the overarching tracks of the SIGs. Standing tracks are ongoing conversations that you can join, and which will continue within a SIG for a number of years. Finally, every year there are Tracks that are selected in a competitive submission and review process (they may become standing tracks in the future if they prove to be of continued interest). Each SIG General Track invites contributions from all areas related to the SIG specific research area but which are not explicitly covered by other tracks within the SIG.



  1. Business for Society- B4S
  2. Corporate Governance - COGO
  3. Entrepreneurship - ENT
  4. Family Business Research - FABR
  5. Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations - GRDO
  6. Innovation - INNO
  7. International Management - IM
  8. Managing Sport - SPORT
  9. Organisational Behaviour - OB
  10. Project Organising - PO
  11. Public and Non-Profit Management – PM&NPM
  12. Research Methods and Research Practice - RM&RP
  13. Strategic Management - SM
  14. General Conference Track – GENERAL


SIG 01 - B4S - Business for Society

GT01_00 - Business for Society General Track

ST01_01/ST02_01 - Innovations in corporate governance: law, management and society (co-sponsored by Business for Society SIG-01 and Corporate Governance SIG-02)

ST01_02 - Accounting and Control for Sustainability

ST01_03 - Finance and Economy for Society: Inclusion, Empowerment and Sustainability

T01_04 - Arts for Business and Society

T01_05 - Innovation for Society: the management of socio-ethical issues in responsible innovation

T01_06 - Market for Society

T01_07 - Philosophy in business ethics. Roots and paradigms for interpreting behaviours

T01_08 - The Quest for Social Impact: Opportunities and Challenges for Hybrid Organizations


SIG 02 - COGO - Corporate Governance

GT02_00 - Corporate Governance General Track

ST01_01/ST02_01 - Innovations in corporate governance: law, management and society (co-sponsored by Business for Society SIG-01 and Corporate Governance SIG-02)

ST02_02 - Board of Directors and Top Management Teams

ST02_03 - Corporate Governance and Diversity

T02_04 - Company law and Corporate Governance: Shareholders’ rights and Non-financial Disclosure Directive


SIG 03 - ENT - Entrepreneurship

GT03_00 - Entrepreneurship General Track

ST03_01/ST06_01/ST13_01 - Business Model - Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Venturing (co-sponsored by Entrepreneurship SIG-03, Innovation SIG-06 and Strategic Management SIG-13)

ST03_02 - Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship

ST03_03 - Entrepreneurial Decision Making and Behaviour

ST03_04 - Entrepreneurial Finance

ST03_05 - Entrepreneurship, Regions & Regional Development

ST03_06 - Social Entrepreneurship and Societal Change

T03_07 - Entrepreneurial Processes

T03_08 - Entrepreneurship in the Sharing economy: P2P Strategies, Models, and Innovation Paradigms

T03_09 - Entrepreneurship, Growth Strategies & Internationalization in SMEs

T03_10 - Female Entrepreneurship

T03_11 - Managerialization, Professionalization and Entrepreneurship: What is the Right Mix for Family Businesses and SMEs?

T03_12 - Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer in Start-ups and SMEs


SIG 04 - FABR - Family Business Research

GT04_00 - Family Business Research General Track

ST04_01 - Strategy, Innovation and Internationalization in Family Firms (SIIFF)

T04_02 - Designing and implementing Human Resources Management Systems and Organizational Variables in Family Businesses

T04_03 - Family Business in Emerging, Developing, and Transitional Economies

T04_04 - Family Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Families, Goals and Values in Family Business

T04_05 - Finance, Management, Governance & Accounting in Family Businesses


SIG 05 - GRDO - Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organisations

GT05_00 - Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations General Track

ST05_01 Women in Management, Work, and Organisation

T05_02 - Disability equality, fact or fiction? Future directions for workplace integration.

T05_03 - Diversity / identity / power: An intersectional approach to international and cross-cultural management

T05_04 - Migrants' skills recognition and integration into the European Labour Market

T05_05 - Queer Perspectives: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and the Plurality of Self-Concepts in Organisations


SIG 06 - INNO - Innovation

GT06_00 - Innovation General Track

ST03_01/ST06_01/ST13_01 - Business Model - Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Venturing (co-sponsored by Entrepreneurship SIG-03, Innovation SIG-06 and Strategic Management SIG-13)

ST06_02 - Competency Development in Business Management: Improvement through Higher Education

ST06_03 - Digital Innovation: Strategies, Competencies, Theories, and Practice

ST06_04 - Inter-organizational networks and innovation

ST06_05 - Knowledge, learning and innovation in cross sector collaborations

ST06_06 - Managing for Service Innovation

ST06_07 - Open Innovation

ST06_08 - Organising creativity for innovation: Multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices

ST06_09 - Rethinking the Design Paradigm in Management: Theories, Activities and Organisations

ST06_10 - Sustainability, Circular and Green Tech Innovation

ST06_11 - Teaching and Learning with a difference

T06_12 - Frugal Innovation: Contextual shift and global applicability

T06_13 - Necessary Condition Analysis. Method and Applications


SIG 07 - IM - International Management

GT07_00 International Management General Track

ST07_01 - Expatriate Management

ST07_02 - International Competitiveness

T07_03 - Cultures and management

T07_04 - Emerging Market Studies

T07_05 - Management Research in the Arab/Islamic Middle East:  Looking back and moving forward

T07_06 - Multi-actor perspectives on EU external border management


SIG 08 - SPORT - Managing Sport

GT08_00 - Managing Sport General Track

ST08_01 - Managing Sport Events and Participation

ST08_02 - Sport Governance

T08_03 - Rethinking Value Creation in Sports through Innovation and Digitalization


SIG 09 - OB - Organizational Behaviour

GT09_00 - Organisational Behaviour General Track

ST09_01 - Human Resource Management

ST09_02 - Team Performance Management

T09_03 - Knowledge Sharing and Diversity

T09_04 - Leadership

T09_05 - Meanings, Meaningfulness and Mindfulness: Cognitive, Social and Emotional Approaches to Management

T09_06 - Motivation and Trust: Current Links and Challenges

T09_07 - Organisational Cognition: Theories, Applications and Advancements


SIG 10 - PO - Project Organising

GT10_00 - Project Organising

T10_01 - Action research, collaborative research and participatory research - engaged scholarship in projects and innovations

T10_02 - Human Resource Management on Projects and in Project Based Organisations

T10_03 - Projects & Society

T10_04 - The Bounded Manageability of Major Projects


SIG 11 - PM&NPM - Public and Non-Profit Management

GT11_00 - Public and Non-Profit Management General Track

ST11_01 - Accounting, Accountability and Sustainability in Public and Nonprofit

ST11_02 - Healthcare Management Research

ST11_03 - Management and governance of culture, heritage and tourism

T11_04 - Behavioral Public Administration & Behavioral Accounting

T11_05 - Gender diversity, governance, performance and innovation in public organizations

T11_06 - Public governance and management for global challenges

T11_07 - Reforming Higher Education Organisations: The multidimensionality of performance, and the role of accounting and controls


SIG 12 - RM&RP - Research Methods and Research Practice

GT12_00 - Research Methods and Research Practice General Track

ST12_01 - Evolutionary Approaches in Management Research

ST12_02 - Management and Organization Theory

ST12_03 - Research Methods for Complex Adaptive Systems

T12_04 - Research Methods in Ostrom's Governance Studies


SIG 13 - SM - Strategic Management

GT13_00 - Strategic Management General Track

ST03_01/ST06_01/ST13_01 - Business Model - Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Venturing (co-sponsored by Entrepreneurship SIG-03, Innovation SIG-06 and Strategic Management SIG-13)

ST13_02 - Behavioral Strategy

ST13_03 - CENA - Coopetition, Ecosystems, Networks and Alliances

ST13_04 - Mergers & Acquisitions and Divestitures: A Glimpse into the Future

ST13_05 - Microfoundations of Strategy: Dynamic Capabilities and Knowledge Mechanisms

ST13_06 - Strategic Ambidexterity: The paradox of exploitation and exploration

ST13_07 - Strategic Processes and Practice: Theorizing Emerging Strategic Processes and Practices

ST13_08 - The inner life of business ecosystems

T13_09 - Digital Strategy and Industry 4.0

T13_10 - Strategic Responsiveness and Organizational Adaptation


SIG 14 - Conference General Track

GT14_00 - Conference General Track

T14_01 - Critical Perspectives in Emergency Services Management

T14_02 - Living and working in fluid organization

T14_03 - Managerial challenges in using VR and AR Experiences

T14_04 - Organising for resilience in extreme contexts

T14_05 - The future of organizations in the age of digital transformation - A critical discussion beyond marketing and buzzwords


II. Deadline

Please respect the deadlines, especially the paper submission deadline: 15 January 2019 - 2 pm Belgian time.


III. Authors’ Guidelines

As an author, it is crucial to follow the guidelines and formatting instructions to prepare and submit your paper in order to have it published in proceedings.

Each paper will be screened to ensure compliance to EURAM’s guidelines. Papers which do not match the EURAM requirements will be desk-rejected and authors will not have the opportunity to submit an updated version.

Please read the instructions carefully prior to submitting:

  1. Each paper can only be submitted to ONE track.
  2. Submitted papers must NOT have been previously published and if under review, must NOT appear in print before the EURAM 2019 Conference.
  3. To facilitate the blind review process, remove ALL authors identifying information, including acknowledgements from the text, and document/file properties. (Any submissions with author information will be automatically DELETED; author information and acknowledgements are to be included in a SEPARATE document).
  4. The abstract should not exceed 400 words and should be included both in the PDF and the submission form.
  5. Include 3 keywords in the submission form. A maximum of 6 keywords is allowed.
  6. The entire paper (title page, abstract, main text, figures, tables, references, etc.) must be in ONE anonymised document created in PDF format.
  7. The maximum length of the paper is 40 pages (including ALL tables, appendices and references). The minimum length of the paper is 10 pages. The paper format should follow the European Management Review Style Guide.
  8. Use Times New Roman 12-pitch font, double spaced, and 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin all around.
  9. Number all the pages of the paper.
  10. No changes in the paper title, abstract, authorship, track and actual paper can occur AFTER the submission deadline.
  11. Check that the PDF File of your paper prints correctly and ensure that the file is virus-free. Submissions will be done on-line on the EURAM 2019 submission system
  12. Only submissions in English shall be accepted for review.
  13. In case of acceptance, the author or one of the co-authors should be available to present the paper at the conference. A presenting author * can only present one paper at the conference.
  14. If you submit a paper, you agree to review at least two papers for EURAM 2019 in the track you have submitted your paper to.



Each individual is limited to one personal appearance on the programme as a presenting author. This policy precludes acceptance of papers for more than one presentation. In other words, an author can submit and present only one paper. However, a presenter can always be a non-presenting co-author on additional papers.


For more information, we invite you to visit the conference website: Should you have any hesitation on which track to select for your paper, you may wish to contact a track chair by email to find the best fit for your submission.

For general questions, you may contact us.

Welcome to the luminous city of Lisbon! A city that you will leave with saudade.


Best wishes,

On behalf of the Conference Programme Committee (CPC) and the Local Organising Committee (LOC)

Nelson António, Conference Chair, ISCTE-IUL


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Euram 2019

EURAM 2019 Flyer