Dear colleague,

On behalf of the Local Team of the EURAM 2019 Conference that took place in Lisbon at ISCTE, I would like to convey the most heartfelt thanks from all of us to all of you who contributed to the organization and success of the Conference. To all the participants, to the SIG Chairs, to the Track Chairs, to those responsible for the Symposia, to those in charge of the Doctoral Colloquium, invited speakers, to the EURAM governance bodies and structures, including Luisa Jaffé and Nicola Pellegrino, to all ISCTE staff involved, and volunteers: Thank You!

It is not an easy task to set up a conference of EURAM’s size and reach, especially considering the 2019 edition that hosted the largest number of participants ever, but you have enormously helped in this mission. EURAM 2019 was, in various ways, an extremely enriching experience for the Local Team. When you next come to Portugal, ISCTE will always be here to welcome you.

A big hug of sincere recognition from the Local Team!

Nelson Antonio, Conference Chair


EURAM Conference pictures

and ISCTE-IUL pictures




EURAM 2019 Conference Dates

Labs: 25 June 2019


Conference: 26-28 June 2019

Topic/Symposium Proposals Submission: 3 July 2018

First Announcement of Call for Papers: 26 September 2018

Deadline for Paper Submission: 15 January 2019 (2 pm Belgian time)

Notification of Acceptance: 20 March 2019

Early Bird Registration Deadline: 18 April 2019

Presenting Author Registration Deadline: 25 April 2019


Doctoral Colloquium: 24-25 June 2019

Deadline for Submission to Doctoral Colloquium: 22 January 2019

Notification of Acceptance: 14 March 2019

Deadline for Registration: 18 April 2019







© Turismo de Lisboa


EURAM 2019 Flyer