Strategic Interest Groups – Standing Tracks

Our 13 SIGs are the building blocks of EURAM. Their Chairs and Officers nurture communities of engaged scholars focused on specific research issues. Standing tracks are tracks having the vocation to stand at least during a few years within a SIG. Click on the SIG of your choice to see detail about the Standing Tracks prior to submitting your Topic Proposal.


SIG 01: Business for Society (B4S)

SIG 02: Corporate Governance (COGO)

SIG 03: Entrepreneurship (ENT)

SIG 04: Family Business Research (FABR)

SIG 05: Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organisations (GRDO)

SIG 06: Innovation (INNO)

SIG 07: International Management (IM)

SIG 08: Managing Sport (SPORT)

SIG 09: Organisational Behaviour (OB)

SIG 10: Project Organising (PO)

SIG 11: Public and Non-Profit Management (PM&NPM)

SIG 12: Research Methods and Research Practice (RM&RP)

SIG 13: Strategic Management (SM)




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