The  Strategic  Interest  Group  (SIG)  Innovation  at  the  European  Academy  of  Management (EURAM) aims to:

  • facilitate the  continued  evolution  of  an  open,  inclusive,  international  and  cross- cultural EURAM community of engaged scholars,
  • support scholars  in  designing,  producing  and  disseminating  higher  quality  and impactful research at each stage of their career,
  • influence the development of management education,
  • provide platforms  and  facilitate  networks  for  the  dialogue  between  scholars, reflective practitioners, and policy makers.

The Goal of SIG Innovation is to create an open “learning climate” for all members (juniors and seniors) to reach the goals of EURAM in the field of innovation. 



Pascal Le Masson (Mines Paris Tech, France) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. SIG Chair

Vivek K. Velamuri (HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. SIG Programme Chair

Julia Jonas (University of Erlangen Nuremberg, Germany) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Co-Programme Chair and Communications Officer


GT 06_00 Innovation General Track

The general track offers an umbrella for any innovation-related research that does not find a home in the more specific tracks provided below.




ST 06_01 Network configurations, location, innovation and time 

The development of networks inside geographically bounded spaces, which foster the mutual exchange and collective creation of knowledge, has become particularly important for a firm’s innovative capacity. Inside these locations, such as clusters, industrial districts or science and technology parks, firms establish formal and informal relationships with other co-located firms and institutions. However, the understanding of network evolution still constitutes an emerging topic. Most work has been developed in a static way and focused on endogenous factors for explaining the evolution of the network. In this sense, there are many opportunities to incorporate existing research to better understand the evolution of networks across time.


ST 03_05 / ST 06_02 / ST 13_09 Business Model Innovation (BMI) (co-sponsored by Entrepreneurship SIG-03, Innovation SIG-06 and Strategic Management SIG-13) 

The phenomenon of business model innovation is of holistic nature, difficult to delimit, and its theorising is contingent on the business model concept (Foss and Saebi, 2016). Yet, despite the overall substantive research effort undertaken to understand the business model (Massa, Tucci and Afuah, 2017), resultant literature still fails to agree on a common interpretation of the concept. The ambivalent nature of the business model poses, in consequence, a substantive challenge for developing a theory on business model innovation (Spieth, Schneckenberg and Ricart, 2014). However, theory development on emerging phenomena involves prolonged periods of logical inconsistency and contradiction, and which relies on abstracting from various sources of evidence captured in actual business practice (Weick, 1995: 389). Likewise, the business model topic attracts continued interest in business research and practice (Demil et al., 2015) In sum, business model innovation attracts a continued interest in both business research and practice, and it offers a wide range of avenues for further investigations on its various dimensions.


ST 06_03 Open Innovation 

The track aims to stimulate a discussion on the latest research insights into open innovation, especially with respect to new perspectives, methods, tools, competencies and context-specific solutions.


ST 06_04 Organising Creativity for Innovation: Multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices

This track intends to address research from various disciplines on organisational creativity and innovation. Our objective is to discuss the processes, mechanisms, behaviours, tools and methods that promote or hamper creative and innovative efforts of individuals and teams, and how they can be managed. We focus on: “Organising” which includes (HR) management practices, leadership, organisational elements, and strategic environment; the “Creativity” of individuals and teams in general as well as with a specific creative task; the “Innovation” of products, services, processes, marketing, business models, etc., and on the contribution to firm “performance”. The track also encourages sessions that focus on the role of HR strategies and practices in facilitating innovation and creativity. We welcome both conceptual/theoretical and empirical contributions.


ST 06_05 Managing for Service Innovation 

Focusing predominately on the management of service innovation, the core themes in this track are:

  • the co-creative nature of services and the multi-dimensionality of service innovation as a process demanding various stakeholder integration;
  • the role of service (eco)systems enabling and guiding service innovation activities;
  • the role of service innovation platforms and ICTs for stakeholder alignment; and
  • tools and methods supporting innovation reflecting the process-characteristics of services.

Concerning digital and smart services, this track examines recent advancements triggered by digitalization, new principles of value creation and their impact on stakeholders. This includes digitalization in personnel-intense areas (e.g. trades or hospitality), organizational processes, and in user acceptance of digitalized offerings/processes.


ST 06_06 Knowledge, Learning, and Innovation in Cross-Sector Collaborations

Searching to facilitate creative processes, organisations recognise that the source of new ideas and information lies in the interaction between different functional departments, as well as in the cooperation with external actors. That is why increasingly, organisations from multiple sectors (i.e., government, business and civil society) are collaborating to tackle larger and more complex challenges beyond the organisation and sectoral boundaries. Examples of such challenges include the emergence of new industries and markets, financial crises and political conflicts, responses to socio-cultural change, the provision of health care and education, the prevention of crime and poverty, the shift to renewable energies, etc. Interactions between public, private and non-profit actors can happen in hybrid organizations, contractual partnerships and more informal exchange.


ST 06_07 Teaching and learning with a difference

Since knowledge is de-concentrated and widely accessible, teaching may no longer mean “spoon-feeding” transmission. The Academic Territory of our Classrooms is increasingly being policed and controlled by methods of student and faculty evaluation. Resources as space and money become scarce and shape diverse obstructions for good education. Reviewing and renewing the principles that guide education will not only fundamental need to account for the learning needs of diverse audiences (undergraduate and post-graduate students, MBAs, DBAs, etc.). Reviewing the principles that guide education will also need to address the burning question of what does teaching management mean today?



T 06_08 Digital Innovation: Strategies, Competencies, Theories and Practice

New organizational challenges arise when accommodating digital innovation; it characterizes either with the use of digital technologies during the innovation process, or with the outcome of innovation. Digital innovation modifies the ways of working and how people use technology in the management of innovation. It carries organizational challenges in relation with the firm’s capacity to coordinate knowledge and resources between large varieties of stakeholders. It offers also new opportunities to build links with external stakeholders and resources, which amplifies the opportunities for open innovation.
We expect several types of contributions (yet not limited to): workplace and work practices; organizational structure; emergence of new roles in resources orchestration and knowledge articulation; critical competences to facilitate coordination and creativity; the role of technological artifacts; and the elaboration of new business models.


T 06_09 Sustainability, Circular and Green Tech Innovation

Innovation researchers and practitioners are increasingly interested in reframing ecological and societal challenges as opportunities for innovation. In this track we will explore recent advances towards the broader field of sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI) as well as the subthemes of circular design/innovation and green technology innovation. We are keen to understand these innovation directions on the levels of products, product-service systems and business models and are particularly interested in a better understanding of the innovation processes underlying these innovation outcomes.


T06_10 Competency Development in Business Management 

Companies today are part of more complex and dynamic environments than ever, and this calls for new competencies for managers. Higher education must deal with this challenge, ensuring that students acquire appropriate competencies and that are trained in order to be able to continue learning throughout their lives (lifelong learning). There are certain crucial competencies, skills and abilities: capacity for innovation, leadership, decision-making in uncertain circumstances, teamwork, conflict management and, above all, the ability to acquire and generate knowledge. The purpose of the track is to propose and analyze avenues for the development in higher education of skills related to business management.


The address of the conference venue is University of Iceland,

Sæmundargata 2, 101 Reykjavík, 

Ssn: 600169-2039
