Purpose: Labs are workshops which are run jointly by academics and practitioners. The role of the labs is to discuss some specific topic which is relevant for researchers and practitioners. Each Lab is 90 minutes.   

Location: HT-102, HT-103, HT-104


First Session: 19 June, 14:00 – 15:30

Jason D. Shaw

Yehuda Baruch


 LAB1: Writing Journal Papers

 Location: HT-105
Jason D. Shaw, Editor of AMJ and Yehuda Baruch, EURAM VP of Research 
 Short Description: How to write papers with the aim of being accepted by leading journals.


 Eythor Ivar Jonsson  LAB2: Research in Action – Accelerating Knowledge Creation

 Location: HT-103
 Organiser: Eythor Ivar Jonsson, Conference Chair 2018
 Short Description: How to do make research an action in organisations in effort to create knowledge and learning as a dynamic capability.


Hamid Kazeroony  LAB3: Nationalism & National Identities for Research

 Location: HT-104
 Organiser: Hamid Kazeroony, Professor and SIG chair for Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations
 Short Description: How to explore the impact of rising nationalism, protectionism and immigration rights on organisations. 



Second Session: 19 June, 16:00 – 17:30

Stefan Güldenberg

LAB5: Bridging Research and Journalism

 Location: HT-102
Stefan Güldenberg, Professor at University of Liechtenstein
 Short Description: How to translate management research into articles and features which are interesting for media and general public.


Ingi Runar Edvardsson

 LAB6: Management Education going forward

 Location: HT-103
Ingi Runar Edvardsson, President of the Business School at University of Iceland
 Short Description: How to develop management education in tomorrow’s business schools. 


Marlys Christianson

 LAB7: Abduction: Implications for Management and Organizational Research

 Location: HT-104
Marlys Christianson, Associate Professor at Rotman, University of Toronto.
 Short Description: How an abductive approach can be used to generate discoveries and insight in qualitative and quantitative research.



The address of the conference venue is University of Iceland,

Sæmundargata 2, 101 Reykjavík, 

Ssn: 600169-2039
