1. I am a Ph.D. student

Can I pay a reduced registration fee?
Doctoral students can attend the conference at a reduced rate. Information about registration and the registration fees will be posted in due course. Please note, when registering, you need to upload proof that you are a current Ph.D. student before completing your payment. Appropriate documentation should be a signed and dated in a letter from your supervisor using the letterhead of the institution, your acceptance letter, or a dated student card (documents should be submitted in English. Student cards with characters other than Roman will be discarded, i.e. Chinese, Cyrillic, etc. characters). The conference team will approve your status within five working days. You will then be invited to complete your online payment. If you do not upload this documentation before completing your payment, you will be charged the full fee.

Can I attend the Doctoral Colloquium?
To attend the Doctoral Colloquium students must submit their paper to the Doctoral Colloquium before 24 January 2018 and receive a letter of acceptance (14 March 2018). The Call for Applications will be posted in fall 2018. If you have NOT submitted a paper to the Doctoral Colloquium event and have NOT received an acceptance letter, you may NOT attend the Doctoral Colloquium – even if your paper has been accepted for the 2018 EURAM Conference. More information about Doctoral Colloquium will be posted in due course.

2. I am submitting a paper

What are the submission criteria?
You can find all information about the submission criteria in the Call for Papers. The online submission is now closed.

3. I would like to register as an auditor

Conference delegates who did not submit a paper or are not scheduled for a presentation are welcome to join the conference to develop their network and to attend any of the scientific activities of the EURAM 2018 programme. To do so, they will need to register as a paying delegate in the conference.
Link to registration: http://www.dekon.com.tr/euram2018/OnlineRegistration/login.asp?q=no_req_no

4. I have submitted a paper

5. I am reviewing a paper

Will I receive a certificate confirming that I have reviewed a paper at EURAM?
EURAM automatically provides certificates for reviewing a paper in the course of the month of April.
Moreover, the reviewers are all listed in the e-proceedings with their name, first name and affiliation.
There is an award for the Best Reviewer of the conference with prize money of 500 Euro.

6. My paper has been accepted

EURAM does not take revised versions of the papers after acceptance although adjustments can be made to the titel, authors or keywords. We hope that comments of the reviewers were useful for you to further develop your papers and you are welcome to utilise them in your presentations.

Why is my paper in a different track from the one I submitted to?
The Conference Programme Committee and SIG chairs sometimes move papers in order to match them with better papers of a similar theme.

Will my paper be published anywhere?
For EURAM 2018, the abstracts and full papers will be published in e-format and for the latter, accessible for registered delegates only. 
You will be able to view the full programme on our website and to select sessions/tracks that you wish to attend based on the title of the paper, keywords, authors’ names, etc. Abstracts and full papers are made available a few weeks before the conference so that discussants and chairs can prepare their sessions.
The Conference Programme Committee believes that this is important for research dissemination

Will the proceedings have an ISSN number?
The e-proceedings will carry the ISSN 2466-7498 and ISBN 978-2-9602195-0-0.

How do I register for the EURAM conference?
It is important to note that the Early bird registration fee is valid until 11 April 2018. Paper authors and Symposia speakers and panel participants need to register before the 25 April 2018. You can find the link to registration here: http://www.dekon.com.tr/euram2018/OnlineRegistration/login.asp?q=no_req_no

7. I am registering to attend

What does the registration fee include?
The registration fee covers:

  • Admission to the Labs taking place on 19 June 2018 which will be followed by the Welcome Reception.
  • Admission to all academic sessions (20-22 June 2018) as well as the SIG kick-off activities.
  • Handout materials and information package including the electronic proceedings.
  • A certificate of attendance.
  • Coffee breaks & lunches to be served during the conference scientific programme, 20-22 June 2018.

...but does not include:

  • EURAM Membership fees for 2019
  • Standard rate: 100 Euro (inc. 21% Belgian VAT). *
  • Ph.D. students: 80 Euro (inc. 21% Belgian VAT). *
  • The EURAM Party or touristic activities
  • Transportation to and from the hotel or the airport

* EURAM reserves itself the right to modify the membership fees for the year 2019. Should this be the case, the new membership fees will be published on the EURAM website and the EURAM 2018 website at the end of November 2017 (after board approval).

Click here for more details on registration fees.

I am an author / presenting author / track chair / session chair/ panellist or moderator in a Symposium – do I need to register?
All participants must register to attend. If the presenting author of an accepted paper does not register before 25 April, his/her paper will not be included in the programme.

I am an author / presenting author / track chair / session chair/ panellist or moderator in Symposia – do I need to pay to attend?
All participants, including board members, executive committee members and even the president of the academy, have to pay the full registration fees to attend the EURAM Conference.

Can I bring an accompanying person?
An accompanying person cannot participate in the academic programme. However, you can register them to attend the social events at an extra cost. More information will be posted in due course.

How can I pay?
Credit card (Visa or MasterCard) or bank transfer in exceptional circumstances can make payments. If you are paying by bank transfer, please be aware that there might be bank transfer costs as the bank account is outside the European Union.
Please check your details thoroughly before completing your payment. If you need your invoice/receipt sent to a different address, or VAT number to be included, you have to fill out the field below your payment details. Requests made after the date of payment may take a few days to honour.
If you need a special invoice for your finance department, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Is EURAM subject to VAT?
EURAM is subject to VAT. When you register, you will receive two receipts:

  • For your 2019 membership, 21% VAT will be included (Belgian VAT). The EURAM VAT Number is BE 0864.204.177.
  • For conference registration/participation Conference & Doctoral Colloquium Fees,18% VAT will be included. VAT Number: 0010462389

Will I receive confirmation of my registration?
When you submit your payment, an acknowledgement email will be sent to you automatically once your payment has been received in our system. This may take a few days especially if you chose the bank transfer option. Please make sure that the contact e-mail address that you provide is up-to-date and correct.

Can I register for one day? Is there a special rate?
The conference fees published on the website apply to all delegates; EURAM does not offer any daily rates. We advise all authors, presenters, chairs, and co-chairs to register for the conference by 11 April 2018, which is the deadline for the lowest cost fees.

Can I cancel my registration? Will I receive a refund?
If you need to cancel your registration, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Cancellations made before 1 June: reimbursement of 50% of the conference fee
  • Cancellations made on or after 1 June: NO reimbursement

Can I get a certificate of attendance?
You will receive a certificate of attendance with your delegate pack.

Will conference papers be accessible?
Conference papers will be accessible in e-format to registered participants only on the conference app (there will not be any memory sticks this year) and on the conference website. To download papers, you will need to use your credentials (email + registration number printed on your confirmation of registration).

8. I am planning my stay in Reykjavik

Will EURAM cover any of my hotel and travel costs? Is a hotel room included in my registration fee?
No, EURAM does not cover any participants’ expenses. EURAM offers the opportunity to book a hotel room when you register for the conference, with a range of budget options. Information can be found on the website: http://euramonline.org/registration-2018/plan-your-conference-2.html

How can I book a hotel room?
When you register for the conference, you will be asked whether you wish to book a room in one of our preferred hotels. These hotels offer preferential rates and favourable cancellation policies to EURAM participants, and give you the opportunity to continue networking at your hotel.

Hotel Booking Link https://events.artegis.com/lz/LoginPage?T=1&custom=1571&navid=18876&event=12625

How can I cancel my hotel room? Will I get a refund?
Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to cancel your hotel reservation. The cancellation policy can be viewed on the registration form.

Does EURAM provide transport from the airport / train station / hotels?
No, EURAM does not provide transportation to and from airports, train stations, or hotels. Transportation fee is not included in the registration fees.

How to get to the city center from the airport?
To get from the airport it is best to take the flybus (2.950 ISK to BSÍ bus terminal) or flybus+ (3950 all the way to most hotels for a small extra fee). Here you can find a link to a currency calculator: http://www.arionbanki.is/english/
Flybus always has seats available and takes only 45 minutes down town. Purchase your ticket through this link: http://www.re.is/flybus or in the arrival hall after customs. 
Other useful things about the flybus are:

  1. Pick up from your accommodation starts 30 minutes prior to your departure. 
  2. Departures from Keflavik Airport are in connection with all arriving passengers’ flights.
  3. The Flybus departs from Keflavik Airport 35-40 minutes after each flight arrival. 
  4. Busses are located right outside the terminal building.
  5. If you are arriving late at night or your flight is delayed, don't worry there will be a Flybus waiting for you.
  6. They offer special discount fares for children accompanied by adults. 0 - 11 years: free of charge.12 - 15 years: 50% discount.

For additional information on flybus use the Reykjavík Excursions FAQ: https://www.re.is/faq

How much is a taxi to the city center from the airport?  

4 passenger taxi in daytime is about 14.000 ISK
7 passenger taxi in daytime is about 18.000 ISK
4 passenger taxi in night-time is about 18.000 ISK
7 passenger taxi in night-time is 23.000 ISK
In the lower corner through this link you can get updated information on exchange rates: www.arionbanki.is/english/

The national holiday celebration on 17 June

The Icelandic National Day celebrations in Reykjavík take place annually in the city center on 17 June from 10:00 in the morning until 19:00. 
At 11:10 the Icelandic government's National Day ceremony starts at Austurvöllur Square, followed by a parade from Austurvöllur to Suðurgata cemetery, where the Chairman of the City Council lays a wreath of flowers on the grave of Jón Sigurðsson. 
The program includes family entertainment, live music, street theatre, dance, a circus, booths selling a range of refreshments, sports performances, a vintage car show and much more followed by a concert at Arnarhóll and an accordion ball at City Hall.
Further information about the national holiday can be found through this link: http://www.17juni.is/en

Currency exchange & debit/credit cards

You can use all major debit- and credit cards almost everywhere, including taxis, and you can find an ATM in various places in the center of the city.
In the lower corner through this link you can get updated information on exchange rates: www.arionbanki.is/english/

Do I need a visa to come to Reykjavik? How do I obtain an invitation letter to apply for a visa?
Iceland joined the Schengen states on March 25, 2001, an agreement of 26 states to abolish checks at their common borders on the movement of persons and facilitate the transport and movement of goods at those borders.
All persons requiring visas, not holding a valid Schengen visa in their travel document, must apply for a visa at the applicable embassy/consulate before travelling to the Schengen area. Embassies/consulates representing Iceland handle applications, see here.
Visas may be granted for business trips, tourism, private reasons (family and friends), official visits, short term studies and for political, scientific, cultural, sports or religious events.

9. I am planning my activities at the conference

Please see the Conference Programme on the EURAM website for a full list of our confirmed speakers and topics. A link will be provided after the authors' registration deadline approximately three weeks prior the beginning of the conference.

Will there be Internet available at the conference?
There will be wireless internet on the university campus, in the coffee break areas and other meeting points of the conference buildings.

Can I attend any presentation / session?
Yes. Once you have registered for the conference, you do not need to register for individual sessions (except in the case of the LABS on June 19). However, the number of seats in each room limits audience numbers. Therefore, once all seats are taken, you may not join the session due to safety regulations.

How can I find when and where a session is?
On the website, you will find a programme outline listing all sessions, and a map of the conference locations (a link will be provided in due course). Furthermore, you can download the conference app where you can find information about the agenda, maps of the buildings and create your own schedule. Information and conference app will be available approximately three weeks prior to the kick off of the conference.

Is there a dress code for the conference?
There is no official dress code. However, we recommend that you wear business-casual clothing.

10. I am interested in attending the social events

How can I book my ticket(s) for the EURAM Party and the SIG Social events?
When you register for the Conference, there is an option at the end of the process to book your hotel and register for the social events. You can also buy your ticket at the registration desk when you arrive – tickets are on a first come, first served basis. For SIG’s social events, you need to get in touch with SIG chairs.

Is there a dress code for the EURAM Party?
There is no dress code, but you are welcome to dress up for the occasion. We recommend that you wear comfortable clothing.

Where can I find out about SIG social events?
Please see the website for the EURAM Welcome Reception and SIGs social events, as well as the EURAM Party [information will be available soon on the official website of EURAM 2018].

Is there an off-venue meeting place for EURAM?
This year all SIGs will have the own Hang-Out place downtown. The Hang-Outs are bars and meeting places which will offer special discount on food and drinks for EURAM participants during the conference. The information about your SIG Hang-Out will be available on the Programme page on the EURAM website.

EURAM final party
The EURAM final party will be held in the Whales of Iceland museum (www.whalesoficeland.is) where dinner, drinks, entertainment and entrance to the museum is included in the price. This will start at 7pm and go on into the night. You can add this option during registration.

11. I will be presenting a paper at the conference

Can I choose what day/time to present my paper?
The task of building the conference programme is very complex and requires the collaboration of over 150 chairs. EURAM focuses on offering a programme with scientific coherence and whereby subjects debated overlap the least.
For this reason, we cannot take personal preferences into account. If you cannot attend the full conference from 09:00 (Wednesday 20 June 2018) until 18:00 (Friday 22 June 2018), please make sure that one of your co-authors has registered before 25 April 2018.

What are the different session types?
There are two different session types at the EURAM Conference. These are:

  • Paper Development Sessions
  • Competitive Paper Sessions.

How should I prepare for my presentation?
You can view the full guidelines for presenting a paper, which will be posted on the website in due course after the e-notification of acceptance.

What audio-visual equipment will be available?
Rooms will be equipped with a beamer and a computer.

How many people will be at my session?
Attendance varies from session to session. The organising team cannot influence this - various factors influence the popularity of sessions, including time of the session, topic of interest, other concurrent sessions, etc. However, due to safety measures the numbers are limited by room capacity.

Can I get a certificate for presenting my paper? What about my co-authors?
EURAM does not provide certificates for presenting a paper. Each registered author will receive an attendance certificate in the delegate pack.

12. I have been asked to chair a session at the conference

What are my expected tasks?
You can view the full guidelines for chairing a session after notification. The guidelines will be posted on the website in due course.

Can I get a certificate for chairing a session?
EURAM does not provide certificates for chairing a session. You will receive an attendance e-certificate in your delegate pack. Your name will appear on the programme as session chair.

13. I have been asked to be a discussant at the conference

What are my expected tasks?
You can view the full guidelines for acting as a discussant after the notification. The guidelines will be posted on the website in due course.

Can I get a certificate for acting as a discussant?
EURAM does not provide certificates for acting as a discussant. You will receive an attendance e-certificate in your delegate pack. Your name will appear on the programme book as discussant.

14. My question is not listed in the FAQ.

If you have further enquiries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The address of the conference venue is University of Iceland,

Sæmundargata 2, 101 Reykjavík, 

Ssn: 600169-2039
