List of all the participants in Meet the Editors Sessions. 

* indicate who is chairing each session


Session for the Wednesday, 20th June, 11:00-12:30

Meet the Editors: General management

Location: University Cinema, Main Theatre

* Yehuda Baruch

Yochanan Altman, Editor-in-Chief: European Management Review

Jay Bryan, Barney, Editor-in-Chief: Academy of Management Review

Igor Filatotchev, General Editor: Journal of Management Studies

Jason Shaw, Editor-in-Chief: Academy of Management Journal

Ryad Titah, Senior Editor: Organization Studies


Parallel Sessions for the 21st June, 9:00-10:30

Meet the Editors - Parallel Session I: General management/HRM

Location: HT-102

* Yehuda Baruch, Associate Editor: Human Resource Management (US)

Thomas Anker, Co-Editor: European Management Journal

Pawan Budhwar, Co-Editor-in-Chief:  British Journal of Management

Ashly Pinnington, Associate Editor:  Human Resource Management Journal

Pablo Martin de Holan, Editor-in-chief: Journal of Management Inquiry

Sim Sitkin, Founding Co-Editor:  Behavioral Science & Policy

Julia Nentwich, Associate Editor: Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion


Meet the Editors - Parallel Session II: Strategy/others

Location: HT-105

* Dermot Breslin, Co-Editor-in-Chief: International Journal of Management Reviews

Jay Anand, Associate Editor, Global Strategy Journal

Paweł Krzyworzeka, Editor, Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry 

Irvine Lapsley, Editor: Financial Accountability & Management 

Angela Paladino, Associate Editor: Journal of Product Innovation Management

Marlys Christianson, Associate Editor: Academy of Management Discoveries

Alessandro Zattoni, Co-Editor-in-Chief: Corporate Governance: An International Review



The address of the conference venue is University of Iceland,

Sæmundargata 2, 101 Reykjavík, 

Ssn: 600169-2039
