Tracks Sponsored by the 2017 Conference Committee

This track welcomes submissions related to our conference theme “Making Knowledge Work” which do not fit in a track or a topic relevant for their research. More information about the conference theme is here.


Harry Sminia (Strathclyde University, Scotland) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

GT 14_00 Conference General Track

The General Conference Track welcomes papers focused (but not exclusively) on the conference theme: Making Knowledge Work.


T 14_01 Next Management Theory

Next Management Theory track invites contributions to the fields of management and organization theory. We welcome papers that address the general significance of theorizing or reappraise classical key concepts and their adequacy to the post-millenium context. We are also keen to read systematic investigations of interfaces and interdependencies of management and organization theory and social theory. Ambitious contributions may explore possible futures of theorizing on management and organization. Furthermore, contributions addressing organizational change and collaboration as translation processes are invited. Selected papers will be invited for submission to partnering journals.

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