The purpose of the SIG Entrepreneurship is to develop an ongoing and constructive dialogue among entrepreneurship scholars to conduct research that is relevant for entrepreneurship theory and practice in the contemporary world. The SIG Entrepreneurship aims at promoting research and networking interests in individual and collaborative forms of entrepreneurship by providing a wide-ranging, engaged and internationally focused forum to discuss and develop research and practice in the field. We put a distinct focus on the key European feature – ‘context matters’ – why we try in all activities to promote and stimulate what ‘European’ might mean in any given context and any approach of entrepreneurship research.

SIG Chairs:

Massimiliano M. Pellegrini (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. SIG Chair

Matthias Raith (Otto-von-Guericke University, Germany) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. SIG Programme Chair

Marzena Starnawska (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. SIG Programme Chair-Elect

Lucrezia Songini (Eastern Piedmont University, Italy) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Past Chair

Hans Lundberg (Linnaeus University, Sweden) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Past Chair

Luca Gnan (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Past Chair

Marzena Starnawska (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland), Alex Alterskye (University of Lincoln, UK), Giulia Flamini (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy, Jennet Achyldurdyyeva (National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan) Communications Officers 

GT 03_00 Entrepreneurship General Track

The purpose of the SIG Entrepreneurship General Track is to develop an ongoing and constructive dialogue among entrepreneurship scholars to conduct research that is relevant for entrepreneurship theory and practice in the contemporary world. Accordingly, and in line with our mission – methodological, theoretical and empirical pluralism in entrepreneurship research – we welcome contributions from all areas related to entrepreneurship that are not explicitly covered by the other tracks and topics sponsored by the SIG. Papers adopting different theoretical lenses, using different research methods, analysing different types of organizations and exploring entrepreneurship less common empirical contexts are strongly encouraged.
This general track is intended to capture new and emerging research areas within as well as classical areas of study of entrepreneurship. Some examples of these topics are: Entrepreneurial Social Capital and Entrepreneurial Social Networks, Different paradigms for entrepreneurship: Effectuation vs. Causation, Entrepreneurial behaviours, Behavioural strategy in entrepreneurial firm, Entrepreneurial decision-making, Entrepreneurship and performance, Entrepreneurship, knowledge, and innovation, Entrepreneurial entry and exit, Business transfers and firm acquisitions, Innovative research methods in entrepreneurship (both qualitative and quantitative), Entrepreneurship and aesthetics, Historical approach to entrepreneurship, Corporate entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, Entrepreneurial education, Senior-entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial contexts.

ST 03_01 Social Entrepreneurship and Societal Change

There has been an undeniable “social turn” in business and in the market that slow absorbed ideas about sustainability, stakeholders’ interests and social enterprise model. This track calls for papers investigating the impact of social and environmental concerns in the strategies of new ventures or existing one, and the in formation of social enterprises, hybrid organizations, and other forms of social movements in business. On the other hand, we welcome papers that investigate the reverse relation i.e. the influence of entrepreneurial activities on institutional, environmental and societal contexts and their evolutions.

ST 03_02 Academic Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial University

The “entrepreneurial university” emphasizes an understanding of the university as an economic institution designed for the creation and delivery of economic value. With the creation of value within the transfer process, the university is confronted with new challenges. Academic entrepreneurship requires new incentive systems and a new type of researcher. Moreover, if the university itself becomes entrepreneurial, it also acts as a market participant. The purpose of this topic is to bring together international theoretical and empirical research approaches dealing with academic entrepreneurship, the organizational design of and the transition to the entrepreneurial university, and the impact of these developments on the regional ecosystem.

ST 03_03 Entrepreneurial Finance

Entrepreneurial companies are the backbone of economic development. Yet, these firms often suffer from a lack of internal finance, which limits their growth and survival. The availability of external finance is hence a key element in entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Recently, the availability of external finance has changed dramatically. Whereas a large number of actors that traditionally finance entrepreneurial companies (e.g. banks, venture capitalists or private equity investors) had to recover from the financial crisis, a novel set of financial instruments and business accelerators have emerged such incubators, proof-of-concept centres or crowd funding platforms. Considering the importance of these phenomena, it is crucial to understand how they influence the development of entrepreneurial businesses. Are existing insights in the relationship between finance and growth still up-to-date? To which extent can these novel instruments act as a substitute for traditional sources of finance? When and why should an entrepreneur favour a particular source of financing over another?

ST 03_04 Entrepreneurial Emotions and Passion

Entrepreneurship is an emotional journey. The close bond between the entrepreneur and the venture, the effort needed to produce results which are subject to uncertainty and the fear of failure are all parts of this journey. Passion is considered essential to persist in the intense and stressful pursuit of entrepreneurship and emotions have been found to influence and being influenced by judgments, decision making and behavior.
This track opens interesting discussions on new determinants and consequences of passion and emotions in entrepreneurship across various contexts. We aim to build a European community of scholars to allow future cross-country comparisons.

ST 06_02 Strategy and Business Model Innovation co-sponsored by Innovation SIG and Strategic Management SIG

The business model topic attracts continued interest in business research and practice (Demil et al., 2015; Zott, Baden-Fuller and Mangematin; 2015 Amit and Massa, 2011). This confirmed interest for the business model, and the central question of how to innovate the business model, provide a range of avenues for further research in the field (Spieth, Schneckenberg & Ricart, 2014). However, despite ongoing research efforts to understand the business model and its role in firm performance, scholars face persistent questions about constituent components, sequences and contingencies for the process of business model innovation. Our track aims to pursue these important questions.

T 03_05 Gender Entrepreneurship (Co-sponsored with the Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations SIG-05)

This track aims to increase the interest in these directions: government and other supporting policies and programs of gendered entrepreneurship, profiles of male and female entrepreneurs, gender and new business creations, determinants, motivations and constraints of gender in entrepreneurship, gender and innovation, gender and entrepreneurial intentions, perspectives on gender-based enterprises, growing, managing and planning the business, gendered understanding of corporate entrepreneurship, gender and economic growth, gender entrepreneurship in western and emerging economies, differences and similarities between male and female entrepreneurs, inspiring stories.

T 03_06 Entrepreneurship Region and Regional Development

The main power of regional contexts is their ability to incubate high level of entrepreneurial activities, greater engagement with the global networks of production, employment, creation of first-class thinkers, researchers, educators and entrepreneurs, so to increase quality of the society and the economy. The following broad set of the topics will be considered:

  • How does innovation and entrepreneurial behaviours evolve and diffuse over hierarchical social networks in private and public organizations?
  • What are the effects of contents and contexts, type and medium of knowledge and information spreading, hierarchy of socio-technological nodes and processing through regions?
  • How to measure regional entrepreneurship success through science communications and networking?
  • How did entrepreneurs connect to one another, to what ends, and with what results?
T 03_11 Cultural Entrepreneurship - Innovative Issues in Arts Business and Creative Industries

This track focuses on research and innovative management practices in arts business and cultural/creative industries. The arts sector and creative arts industries are growing in Europe and in other western countries. They have become one of the most important and innovative economic sectors, in which cultural entrepreneurs perceive opportunities and create organizations. In addition to that a scientific focus on entrepreneurship, management and marketing in creative arts business seems necessary– e.g. personnel management or governance issues. In this context the topics of key antecedents, effects and specifics of cultural entrepreneurship need to be explored from a theoretical perspective as well as in practice.

T 03_12 Freelancing & Solo-Self-employment and the Transformation of Careers, Entrepreneurship and Organisations

A new type of solo self-employed freelancer has emerged as the entrepreneurial economy has grown in importance. These freelancers are less the traditional prevaricate vulnerable workers who are viewed as low quality substitutes for employees, and more highly flexible and innovative workers who enable businesses to be entrepreneurial. They not only bring innovation directly to firms but also enable businesses to cope with uncertain, dynamic and risky business environments. They enable both large and small businesses to be agile and flexible. This special track is focused on addressing some of the key research questions that are relev./pastconferencesrea; particularly around the innovation role of freelancers, how good solo self-employed is as a career path, how businesses use freelancers and how they organise the freelancer-employee mix, what different types of solo self-employed exist and which types are truly entrepreneurial, how vulnerable and prevaricate are different types of freelance work?

T 04_05 Innovation, entrepreneurial behaviour, strategic renewal, corporate venturing and internationalization in family firms (Co-sponsored with the Family Business Research SIG-04)

This track aims to stimulate a scientific dialogue on entrepreneurial orientation and spirit in family businesses, and to attract contributions which investigate both theoretically and empirically the role of family influence, family business goals, and family dynamics on innovation, entrepreneurial behaviour, strategic renewal, corporate venturing and internationalization in family firms. In particular, we solicit authors to submit empirical, conceptual, and literature review contributions promising in understanding the above mentioned issues in family firm contexts. We welcome the adoption of diverse theoretical and methodological approaches, and submissions by interdisciplinary, international, and mixed industry-academic co-author teams.


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