21 June Plenary 1

During the last 2 EURAM conferences in Warsaw and in Paris, the Academy explored the future of management education in Europe through the eyes of many foresightful scholars. This plenary continues that exploration by examining the ideas and proposals in the White paper produced by an international group of academic Presidents, past Presidents, Deans and authors on the topic, who have examined what Responsible Research in Business and Management might look like in the future. Their two year project was supported by the accreditation agencies EQUIS and AACSB. The proposals in the White Paper will challenge our thinking about how we do business in our profession and, if adopted, they will alter the course of our present pathway dramatically. Will publishing in top rated journals be a thing of the past? Will the new research currency be impact? Is there just too much research of poor quality out there? This plenary brings together leading international management scholars who will present the new proposals, subject them to careful scrutiny and present their own critical view to us.


Chair: Peter McKiernan (Strathclyde Business School, UK); Panellists: Stewart Clegg (University of Technology, Australia), Stéphanie Demeron (Paris-Dauphine University), Anne S. Tsui (University of Notre Dame, US), Mats Alvesson (University of Lund, Sweden).



Peter McKiernan is Professor of Management in the Department of Strategy and Organisation at Strathclyde Business School. Peter’s main research focus is on organisational foresight where he has directed many international scenario-planning projects for Governments, regions, cities and organisations of every type; in organisational turnaround he co-authored the best selling book in the area “Sharpbenders” and has won prizes for his research on organisational leadership, organisational sense giving, growth strategies in SMEs and top management teams. He has published in top journals in Europe and in the USA. He has been Chairman of the British Academy of Management (BAM) and President of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), where he co-founded the journal European Management Review. In addition, he holds Fellowships of the BAM, the EURAM, of the Governance Institute of Australia, the of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, of the Academy of Social Sciences, of the Royal Society of Arts, of the Chartered Management Institute and is an inaugural Companion of the Association of Business Schools in the UK. In 2013, the Central and Eastern European Management Academy (CEEMAN) honoured him with their European ‘Institutional Champion’ award and in 2015, the BAM honoured him with the Richard Whipp Life Time Achievement award.

mats.alvessonMats Alvesson is Professor of Business Administration at the University of Lund, Sweden, at University of Queensland Business School, Australia and at Cass Business School, London. Research interests include critical theory, gender, power, management of professional service (knowledge intensive) organizations, leadership, identity, organizational image, organizational culture and symbolism, qualitative methods and philosophy of science. Recent books include Return to Meaning. A Social Science with Something to Say (Oxford University Press 2017, w Y Gabriel & R Paulsen),  Reflexive Leadership (Sage 2017, w M Bom & S Sveningsson), The Stupidity Paradox (Profile 2016, w André Spicer), Managerial Lives (Cambridge univ Press 2016, w Stefan Sveningsson),The Triumph of Emptiness (Oxford University Press 2013), Qualitative Research and Theory Deveopment (Sage 2011, with Dan Kärreman), Constructing Research Questions. (Sage 2013, w J Sandberg) Interpreting Interviews (Sage 2011), Metaphor we lead by. Understanding leadership in the real world. (Routledge 2011, ed with Andre Spicer), Oxford Handbook of Critical Management Studies (Oxford University Press, edited with Todd Bridgman and Hugh Willmott). Understanding gender and organizations (Sage, 2009, 2nd ed with Yvonne Billing), Reflexive methodology (Sage, 2009,  2nd ed, with Kaj Skoldberg), Changing organizational culture (Routledge 2015 2nd ed, with Stefan Sveningsson).

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stewart.cleggStewart Clegg is Professor of Management and Organization Studies at the University of Technology Sydney. A sociologist, he has published widely in the sociology, management and politics literatures, in most of the leading journals. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Management; is a Distinguished Fellow of ANZAM; A Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences; a Fellow of the British Academy of the Social Sciences, and an Aston Fellow as well as having been has been a Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, the University of Cambridge. He is a Visiting Professor at EM-Lyon, France; Nova School of Business and Economics in Lisboa, Portugal, and Strategic Research Advisor, Newcastle University Business School, in the UK. Widely acknowledged as one of the most significant contemporary theorists of power relations he is also one of the most influential contributors to organization studies. His best-known work is the classic Frameworks of Power (1989) and his most recent books are Gehry in Sydney (2015), with Liisa Naar; Sustainability and Organizational Change Management (2015) with Joao A. Matos, and Strategy: Theory & Practice 2e, with Jochen Schweitzer, Andrea Whittle and Christos Pitelis.

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Stéphanie DameronStéphanie Dameron is professor of strategy at Paris Dauphine University where she runs the Chair «Strategic and Competitive Intelligence». Her research topics include cooperative relationships within or between organizations and the participation of various stakeholders in the decision making process. She also has a special interest for the management education system. Her work has been published in international journals including the Journal of Management Studies and the British Journal of Management.

Institutionally engaged, she is member of the board of Paris-Dauphine University and of the Supervisory board of Essec Business School. She is one of the IG leaders at the Strategic Management Society. She is also the former elected chair of the French Academy of Management and the former chair of the Advisory board of EM Normandie Business Schools.

The Future of Management Education, co-authored and co-edited with T. Durand, is her latest book published, in 2017.

anne.s.tsuiAnne S. Tsui is Adjunct Distinguished Professor at the University of Notre Dame, Motorola Professor Emerita of International Management at Arizona State University, and concurrently Visiting Distinguished Professor at Peking University and Fudan University, China. Previously, she was faculty at Duke University, U California, Irvine, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She is the 67th President and Fellow of the Academy of Management (AOM), 14th Editor the Academy of Management Journa./pastconferencesernational Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) and Founding Editor-in-Chief of Management and Organization Review. She won best paper awards from AMJ, ASQ, and JOM, received the Center for Creative Leadership Applied Leadership Research Award, the University of Minnesota Outstanding (Alumnus) Achievement./pastconferences Contribution Award, and the IACMR Lifetime Contribution Award. In recent years, she has devoted her professional work to advancing research quality and relevance./pastconferencesent. Dr. Tsui received her BA in Psychology from the University of Minnesota, Duluth; MA in Industrial Relations from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; PhD in Management from the University of California, Los Angeles, and an Honorary Doctorate in Economics from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. 

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