We envision EURAM 2015 as a very participative conference, which will be built by the contribution and collaboration all its participants. We are pleased to invite you to collaborate on building the programme by


  • Proposing TOPICS to be included in the general programme [deadline July 15, 2014].

Topics are considered relevant research questions, themes, issues, problems or aspects to be included in the programme of the conference as the ones composing the parallel sessions of the different Strategic Interest Groups (SIGs) of EURAM.

  • Proposing SYMPOSIA to address specific topics that engage a group of pannelists and attracts a significant number of participants [deadline July 15, 2014].

A symposium is a discrete session around a specific topic or problem that engages a group of panellists in a formal interactive discussion; encourages lively discussion, presentation of alternative views; attracts the interest of a sufficient number of scholars; engages with issues that cut across existing SIGs, and can be accomplished in a 90min window.

  • Proposing DEVELOPMENT WORKING GROUPS to be developed during the pre-conference or post-conference activities [deadline July 15, 2014].

DWG are opportunities to experiment with new session formats and ideas that might not fit easily within the confines of the regular conference program. Sessions will last from 2 to 4 hours. Some examples may be roundtable discussions, brainstorming sessions; methodological workshops, technology demonstrations…, addressing topics like, for example, new theoretical developments, connections between theory and practice, cutting edge methods, or research projects definition, just to name a few.


  • Submitting your PAPERS [deadline January 13, 2015].

The submission system is open now.

  • Participating as a REVIEWER [call for reviewers - OPEN].

To sign up as a reviewer - click here.

To register as a discussant or session chair - more information comming soon.

  • Joining the activities of the Euram Early Career Community (EECC)  [more info coming soon]

  • Joining EURAM SIGs [more info coming soon]

  • Participating in Pre-conference and Post-conference activities [more info comming soon]

  • Participating in the Doctoral Colloquium [deadline January 27, 2015].

The submission system will be open soon.


  • MENTORING PhD students in the Doctoral Colloquium [call for mentors].

To register as a mentor - more information comming soon.

  • Socialising, having fun and getting-together [more info comming soon]

We are looking very much forward to meeting you in Warsaw!


Best wishes,

On behalf of the Conference Programme Committee

Dorota Dobija
Kozminski University
Conference Chair EURAM 2015

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