EURAM 2015 - Exhibitions & sponsorship info

Why is it interesting participating as exhibitor or sponsor at EURAM 2015?

The European Academy of Management (EURAM) is a professional community of engaged management scholars and reflective practitioners - open, inclusive, international and cross- cultural. EURAM places a strong emphasis on multidisciplinary theoretical perspectives and methodological pluralism,

and promotes critical examinations of the historical and philosophical roots of management theory and praxis. EURAM aims to enhance the quality of research, improve its relevance for responsible and effective practice and contribute to the social and political discourse on management.

In only one decade EURAM has achieved the recognition as the academic association of management in Europe, becoming a reference for management scholars. In the last years EURAM has reached a significant ammount of members, varying between 1000 and 1200 depending on the year.

Every year the EURAM annual conference takes place at a different location throughout Europe, typically in May-June. A Doctoral Colloquium and the Preconference activities of the Strategic Interest Groups (SIGs) precede each conference. During three full days the conference is plenty of activities, plenaries, parallel sessions, and it is usually highly crowded, having reached 1200 participants in 2012 (Rotterdam) and more thatn 1100 in 2013 (Istanbul).

The 15th Annual Conference will take place in Warsaw (Poland) (17-20 June 2015). Warsaw is Poland’s political, economic, cultural and educational heart. Its convenient location makes the city an easy destination to be reached by plane, train or car. There are an impressive number of cultural attractions and sites worth seeing and quite a few museums, palaces and monuments. Warsaw is also famous for its abundant green spaces with gardens and parks where boats cruise past outdoor cafes in the summer and free classical concerts are given. As for nightlife, the city offers plenty. When evening falls, the streets in the city centre sparkle. A beer can be enjoyed with friends in the intimacy of a small cozy pub or at a bar with live music or on the pulsating dance floor of a trendy club or disco.

The EURAM Annual conference is a meeting place for 1000-1200 participants, including professors, early career professors and PhD students. The majority of the EURAM members come from European countries, but more than 15% of the members come from other countries all over the world. Germany, Italy, Netherlands, France and UK are the five more relevant countries in terms of membership, each of them contributing more than a 10% of our members. A second block of countries, including USA, Spain and Belgium, contribute with a 5% of the membership each. These eight countries constitute together more than 50% of the EURAM membership. Nevertheless, EURAM conferences are attended by scholars from more than 50 different nationalities.

The EURAM conference is a great opportunity for promoting publications, journals, research books, handbooks, educational software, business games, android & iphone apps for professors, research software (both for quantitative methods or for qualitative ones), on-line survey services, databases, citations monitoring services, open education platforms, copy-editing services, translation services, research centres, business schools, universities, etc. In general, EURAM es the place to be for any company or institution targeting scholars, as researchers, lecturers, or even as prescriptors or consultants.

Do you want to know more about being an exhibitor or sponsor at EURAM 2015

If you are interested in participating as an exhibitor, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The EURAM 2015 theme "Uncertainty is a great opportunity" focus on one of the most challenging, interesting and necessary debates, both for researchers and for practitioners. The EURAM 2015 conference will explore this concept in an opportunity-seeking framework. Uncertainty can be both a threat and an opportunity for organisations. The positive response to the challenge of opportunity is the most constructive stand that we can take, and one that also may equip us best to deal with further challenges that the future may bring

Sponsoring activities of EURAM 2015 is a sign of commitment with the development and advance of research and knowledge about management, in general, but the EURAM 2015 conference will be particularly useful to position your company as an organisation that is commited to the enhancement of a more balanced perspective in our society by answering to the competitive and market pressures with a global, ethical, responsible and long term perspective that goes beyond the profit-oriented tradition and short termism trends.

In the sponsorship package you can learn about the different opportunities for sponsors. The main sponsorship opportunity that we would like to highlight is the possibility to grant doctoral students or lowincome delegates in order to help them to attend EURAM 2015. Attending conferences is a key element in the career development of any scholar. Indeed, conferences are the place where researchers give and receive feedback about their work, which is crucial for improvement and knowledge advance. Conferences are also where scholars develop their own professional networks, which are key to establish future collaborations and to open new research and working opportunities. However, attending international conferences may be especially difficult for students and other researchers coming from low-income countries. Your sponsorship will help them to reduce their fees!!

Nevertheless, there are many other sponsorship possibilities too that you may want to explore!!

If you are interested in participating as an sponsor for EURAM 2015, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Do you want to know who will present at EURAM 2015 as an exhibitor?
You may want to arrange a meeting with them in advance! (coming soon)
Do you want to learn more about our sponsors? (coming soon)



Due to insufficient applications the job market will not be opened this year. If you are interested in participating in job market please contact us, before next year EURAM Conference in Paris.