Call for reviewers and volunteers

Do you plan to submit your work to EURAM 2015?
Will you attend the conference in Warsaw?
Do you want to contribute to the development of EURAM as a leading management academy in Europe?

Would you like to get in touch with the EURAM community?
You may be selected for a complimentary (free) registration for EURAM 2015!!

The quality of the conference depends very much on the professional engagement of our reviewers. In order to work towards the matching of your competencies and the contents of the paper, we are now opening a Call for Volunteers and Reviewers for the Conference.

We encourage you to sign up as a reviewer or volunteer for the EURAM Conference and provide details about your areas of expertise, as well as your preferred theoretical perspectives and methodologies.

The conference programme committee will also contact with those of you who have reviewed in the past or who have been identifyed by topic proponents or SIG officers as researchers that could be interested in the different topics (more information comming soon - for now see the call for paper information)

We advise you to sign up to review for a maximum two (2) SIGs. You may be asked to review up to three (3) submissions for each SIG that you select. The regular reviewing period will start at the end of January 2015 and will last till the end of February 2015.

You may also want to sign up as emergency reviewer or combine both regular and emergency reviews. The emergency reviewing period will take place at the end of February and early March 2015. In any case, the maximum number of reviews per SIG will be three (3).

Please note that even if you have reviewed in the past, you still need to sign up again for the 2015 Conference.

In addition to the reviewer role, you may also volunteer as Session Chair (competitive and paper development sessions), Discussant, or Mentor for Doctoral Students (in the Doctoral Colloquium).

The deadline for registering as a reviewer or as a volunteer is 10 January, 2015. At the end of the registration process the Conference Programme Committee will randomly choose a reviewer who will get a free registration for the Valencia conference. Moreover, the EURAM community and the Organising Committee will attribute public acknowledgments to the reviewers and volunteers involved in the process: the list of reviewers, session chairs, discussants and mentors will appear in the Conference Proceedings and in the official web page of the Conference (www.euram20./pastconferences./pastconferences./pastconferences

To sign up as a reviewer or as a volunteer - more information comming soon.

Thanks in advance for your valuable contribution!
The Conference Programme Committee