Letter from President and VP External Relations
News from EURAM members and Communities
Books, Journals & Publications
Letter from President, Thomas Durand, and VP External Relations, Xavier Castañer
Dear Colleagues,
Every year, EURAM invites presidents of other academic management societies to convene during the EURAM conference in what we call the Presidential Activities. In Reykjavik in June 2018, 20 colleagues representing the governance of 15 partner societies participated in lively discussions on the state of management research in Europe and across the world. Here are some of the key points of the discussions we had with them and some of the action initiatives EURAM is taking to address them.
(A full summary including the list of participating associations and their representatives is posted on our EURAM website).
I- Diagnosis and possible remedies
1- Nowadays, the assessment of research (and almost overall faculty) quality predominantly focuses on article publications (based on their citations and their journals’ impact factor) which significantly drives faculty hiring and promotion as well as program and school accreditation, and deteriorates researchers’ balance between 'pay rent' and 'love'[1].
Proposal: give books - which allow for a more holistic treatment of a topic - equal standing in faculty hiring and promotion decisions as well as in accreditation criteria.
2- Scientific language doesn't facilitate communication with practitioners (managerial understanding of published research).
Proposal: create new publication outlets written in a language which is understandable to managers (Note that practitioner journals such as California Management Review, Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review and Strategy & Business, as well as the more research-based Behavioral Science and Policy, already exist.). EURAM is launching the EURAM Sparks initiative to deal with this issue.
3- The currently dominant reductionist scientific approach:
a. generates segmentation of organizational phenomena in fragmented research streams as well as sometimes pseudo innovation often when dealing with apparently new phenomena (introducing supposedly new terms which give rise to new, self-referential research streams which often ignore prior contributions)
b. promotes quantitative method sophistication for a more correct identification (estimation) of causal effects – which is necessary – to the detriment of building on existing literature and theories given rise to a scholarship crisis and doesn't address managerial/organizational complexity in a holistic way as managers and other employees experience it.
a. promote seminars on management classics in PhD programs
b. promote the 'old' monograph format for a PhD thesis (which allows for a more holistic treatment) rather than the 3 ('ready to publish') papers' structure
c. recommend dropping publication requirements to allow PhD thesis defense
4- The diffusion across the world (Europe, Asia and Latin America) of the USA tenure track model associated with certain (article) requirements for tenure has brought:
a. the explosion of submissions to journals and
b. a strong segmentation of domestic markets in two tiers.
Proposal: Include books in tenure criteria.
II- How to deal with the problems diagnosed
We discussed two possible approaches: bottom-up and top-down.
Bottom up approach:
1- Rebalance 'pay rent' (top tier journals) and 'love' (more practice/policy oriented 'relevant' journals)
2- Keep/have review journals (i.e. journals which include review articles, i.e. see the recent launch of the Strategic Management Review and the success of the annual review issue of Journal of Management, the Academy of Management Annals and BSP)
3- Make an effort to promote the role of management research in terms of its potential contribution to policy debates and policy implementation and
4- Convince colleagues about the importance of impact (of management research).
Top-down approach: publication of a manifesto dealing with
1- Reigniting scholarship by:
a. Revising the relative importance of journal rankings vs books,
b. Reintroducing a substantial literature review section in articles rather than just 1 page and half motivation at the beginning of the article and
c. Reviewing PhD programs' duration, structure (promote monograph vs 3 papers' structure) and requirements (no publication requirement for thesis defense).
2- Promoting knowledge diffusion through:
a. Greater valorization of books
b. Open access?
The above are stimulating items that can contribute to further discuss and rethink the way we design, conduct and publish our research. Quite a challenge, indeed.
Building on last year discussions, this year the Presidential activities in Lisbon will focus on a key component of the system: faculty career management, including the criteria for recruitment, promotion and development.
[1] This resembles the crowding out of economic incentives on intrinsic motivation (e.g. Frey, B. S. and Jegen, R 2001. Motivation crowding theory. Journal of Economic Surveys, 15 (5): 589–611).
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Thomas Durand
Xavier CastañerVice President
EURAM Awards
EURAM Edith Penrose Award
First Edition of the EURAM Edith Penrose Award for Trail-blazing Researchers
Sponsored by INSEAD
Deadline: April 15, 2019
EURAM is launching a new award, the Edith Penrose Award for Trail-blazing researchers, those introducing innovative ideas and methods or pioneering research. The Award is sponsored by INSEAD.
More info: http://www.euramonline.org/euram-edith-penrose-award.html
EURAM Annual Conferences
EURAM 2019 Conference – 26-28 June 2019, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon
Early Bird Registration Deadline: 18 April 2019
Authors Registration Deadline: 25 April 2019
EURAM 2019 in Lisbon: Exploring the future of management
Dear Friends,
June is arriving and with it there will be summer and EURAM 2019, a tradition that many of us are waiting for. A large team has been working for almost a year to prepare an inviting and memorable event, a platform for all of us to learn and share. This year the conference had around 2000 papers submitted, a record number that has rendered the selection even more difficult. So, we truly hope that those authors with accepted papers will put Lisbon in their agenda and will do their best to join us in this beautiful city.
Lisbon is a place that welcomes and takes good care of its visitors. The members of the local Committee will not spare efforts for all of you to feel comfortable. Following last year’s introduction of an app we have also prepared one that may be downloaded in early June and will assist you in moving around the conference and in networking with other participants.
The main theme of the conference suggests an exploration into the future of management. Many colleagues have accepted this challenge and submitted papers that invite us to think in what lies ahead. In the plenary sessions, the uncertain future of Europe will be discussed, as well as the role of artificial intelligence in the way organizations operate and are managed.
Facts, Fashion and Fado
These three Fs are sub-themes of EURAM 2019 and also drive the daily life of many academics and practitioners. On the one hand we defend a facts and evidence-based theory of management; on the other, fashions of unknown origin erupt from time to time. In the end, all of them have the same fado (destiny): to be subject to the rule of financial markets.
While in Lisbon, walking through the meander of the many stone paved streets or enjoying the fresh breeze of the river, do not forget to experience fado yourself. You may listen to this expressive and very emotional kind of music while relishing in the traditionally honest and enticing Portuguese food.
Be most welcome to Lisbon!
We, the local team and EURAM 2019 wait for you on June 26!
Nelson Santos António
EURAM 2019 Conference Chair
EURAM Doctoral Colloquia
24-25 June 2019, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon
Deadline for Registration: 18 April 2019
15-16 June 2020, Trinity Business School, Dublin
EURAM Early Career Colloquium
Celebrating 10 years of networking and career building in European Management Research
Dates: 27 February - 1 March 2019
Report on the 10th EURAM Early Career Colloquium (2019)
“Leveraging the Power of European Research Networks”
The 10th EURAM Early Career Colloquium was held at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität (FAU) in Nuremberg and Erlangen from February 27 to March 1st, 2019. To celebrate this 10th anniversary, the EECC returned to where it had all started in 2009. The event was impeccably organized by Professors Albrecht Fritzsche and Kathrin M. Möslein, both affiliated with the hosting university.
The Colloquium brought together 18 participants and 10 mentors and keynote speakers. Each junior faculty participant got to present his/her paper during a roundtable and receive detailed feedback from the other participants at the roundtable as well as from one of the mentors (including the EURAM President, Prof. Thomas Durand). In addition, a “President’s Panel” moderated by Prof. Kathrin Möslein, one of the Colloquium organizers and a Vice-President of FAU, brought together senior academics such as former EURAM Presidents Profs. Sibel Yamak and Peter McKiernan, current EURAM President Prof. Thomas Durand and senior managers from industry to discuss how business and academia can forge closer ties in order to enhance the quality and relevance of management research. Participants also got to work in groups and carry out a LEGO-based exercise about prototyping a research project they could consider undertaking together.
In addition to the purely academic programme, several social events were organized as part of this year’s Colloquium. We first participated in a very stimulating “scavenger hunt” that helped participants and mentors “break the ice” and also allowed all involved to discover many of the landmarks and sights of Nuremberg. We also shared two very friendly dinners during which we got to taste typical Bavarian dishes such as pizza (???) and bratwurst. Both dinners provided a setting in which to continue the discussions – both academic and personal – that had been initiated during the academic sessions.
Overall, the 10th EURAM Early Career Colloquium was a most pleasant experience for all involved. I am also confident the junior faculty who participated found it was a very valuable experience which has helped them think differently about their research and the development of their academic career.
I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank Professors Albrecht Fritzsche and Kathrin M. Möslein who agreed to once again organize the 10th anniversary edition of the EURAM Early Career Colloquium in Nuremberg, managed it very skillfully and ultimately made it a great success on all dimensions.
Pierre Dussauge, EURAM Vice President EECC and Fellow
And more pictures here… http://www.euram-online.org/newsroom/media/annual-photos/686-eecc-2019-photos.html
From the organisers Albrecht Fritzsche and Kathrin M. Möslein, EURAM fellow, from the Friedrich-Alexander Universität (FAU) in Erlangen-Nürnberg
Based on the feedback and exchange with the participants, many are planning to return next year to continue the dialogue. The EURAM conference in Lisbon will include a special session on the EURAM Early Career Colloquium in which selected research contributions will be presented.
Further information and testimonials from the participants can be found here: http://www.euram-online.org/community/eecc.html
European Management Review – Permanent Sections
Methodology Corner http://euramonline.org/newsroom/events/196-methodology-matters-call-for-papers.html
Xenophobia Monitor http://euramonline.org/newsroom/events/443-xenophobia-monitor.html
Open Positions
Most recent posting: http://www.euramonline.org/all-job-posting
LUISS Guido Carli – Call for Applications - Doctoral Programme in Management
Positions available
Application Deadline: 12th April 2019 at 16:00 h (CEST), UTC + 2
LUISS invites outstanding candidates to apply for the PhD Program in Management.
The PhD program is comprised of four years of full-time study. The first two years are dedicated to coursework (taught in English), while the third and fourth years are dedicated to research and dissertation. Admitted students are offered a financial support package which includes a tuition waiver and a stipend of € 15,343.28 gross per year to cover living expenses during the 4 years of the degree. Additionally, students have access to funding for research trips as well as a grant increment if they spend a visiting period at a prestigious international university.
Books, Journals & Publications
[SIG 01 - B4S - Business for Society] Call for papers for a special issue of the Journal of East European Management Studies on "State-Business Relations in Post-socialist Europe after Transition." The deadline for full papers is June 1st, 2019. More information and full CfP are available at: https://www.jeems.nomos.de/fileadmin/jeems/doc/JEEMS_CfP_SI_Proposal.pdf
[SIG 01 - B4S - Business for Society] The journal Systems (ISSN 2079-8954) is currently running a Special Issue entitled "A Systems Approach to Sustainability within Agenda 2030 and across SDGs". Prof. Dr. Alberto De Marco (Politecnico di Torino, Italy), Dr. Alberto S. Atzori (University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy), Dr. Ilaria Perissi (University of Florence, Italy) and Dr. Stefano Armenia (President of SYDIC, the System Dynamics Italian Chapter), are serving as Guest Editors for this issue. Both comprehensive review and original article are welcome. The submission deadline is 30 April 2019. All submissions are peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published immediately.
The journal is presently covered by the following indexing: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), DBLP Computer Science Bibliography and Web of Science. To submit, click here: http://susy.mdpi.com/user/manuscripts/upload?journal=systems
[SIG 02 - COGO - Corporate Governance]
Corporate Governance: An International Review
Call for Special Issue Proposals
Deadline for Submissions of Proposals: June 1, 2019
Corporate Governance: An International Review invites proposals for special issues that focus on a specific area of research that has broad appeal and fits with the aims and scope of the journal. Special issue subjects have to be broad enough to attract general interest and sufficiently focused to be dealt within a single issue.
For queries about this call for proposals, please feel free to contact the CGIR Editors-in-Chief, Konstantinos Stathopoulos (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Till Talaulicar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), or the editorial office of the journal (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
The full Call for Proposals can be found here: https://wol-prod-cdn.literatumonline.com/pb-assets/assets/14678683/CfP%20CGIR%20Special%20Issues-1549902124773.pdf
[SIG 02 - COGO - Corporate Governance]
Corporate Governance: An International Review
Call for Proposals: Review Issue 2021
Deadline for Submissions of Proposals: September 1, 2019
Corporate Governance: An International Review seeks proposals for review articles that consolidate and advance current knowledge of subjects in line with the mission of the journal. Review articles should be high-impact scholarly surveys of important streams of governance research. They should compile the state of corresponding knowledge, integrate related literatures and provide promising avenues for future research.
For queries about this special issue, please feel free to contact the CGIR Editors-in-Chief, Konstantinos Stathopoulos (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Till Talaulicar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), or the editorial office of the journal (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
The full Call for Proposals can be found here: https://wol-prod-cdn.literatumonline.com/pb-assets/assets/14678683/CfP%20CGIR%20Review%20Issue.pdf
[SIG 02 - COGO - Corporate Governance] The Oxford Handbook of the Corporation, OUP 2019 has just been published. Edited by Thomas Clarke, Justin O'Brien and Charles O'Kelley this major work assesses the contemporary relevance, purpose, and performance of the corporation. The focus of this work is the transformative impact of innovation and change upon corporate structure, purpose, and operation. In questioning the fundamental purpose and performance of the corporation, this Handbook continues a tradition commenced by Berle and Means, and contributed to by generations of business scholars. What is the corporation and what is it becoming? To whom is the corporation responsible, and who should judge the ultimate performance of corporations? By investigating the origins, development, strategies, and theories of corporations, this volume provides a richer theoretical account of the corporation and its contested future.
Attachments: http://www.euramonline.org/components/com_foxcontact/uploads/5c82200fdfe4b-FinalFinalCOVER9780198737063_EST_CVRmech5.pdf
[SIG 05 - GRDO - Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organisations] Call for book Proposal: The new book series entitled 'Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organizations (GRDO)' is aimed at publishing rigorous, innovative and multidisciplinary scholarship for exploration of new areas of development, and re-examination of the existing GRDO knowledge. While the scope of this series is to include the foundation subject domains of gender, race, diversity, and class, and their continued re-examination, the purpose of this series is also to address the emerging themes including inter alia: religion, age, disability and LGBTIQ, and their intersections at the local, regional, and global levels. The series is also committed to link GRDO themes with current identity politics and complex markers of belonging and/or labour movements such as new formations of feminist movements such as Islamic feminisms, nationalism(s), management issues related to refugees and migrants. http://euramonline.org/images/euram/pdf/GRDO-Book-Series-call-for-proposals.pdf
[SIG 06 - INNO - Innovation] Innovation and the Arts: The Value of Humanities Studies for Business
Editors: Piero Formica, Maynooth University, Ireland; John Edmondson, Industry and Higher Education, Emerald Group Publishing (forthcoming)
[SIG 06 - INNO – Innovation] Call for Book Chapters - Frugal Innovation and its Implementation - Leveraging constraints for driving innovations on a global scale. Prospective authors should send their manuscripts electronically to the following email address: (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), with the subject title as: " Frugal Innovation and its Implementation- Book Chapter".
Submission of manuscripts - November 1st 2019
Review - January 15th 2019
Revised paper submission - March 15th 2020
Publication - Winter 2020
[SIG 06 - INNO - Innovation] We recently published a book on the topic "Creative Management of Complex Systems" – Wiley. Jean-Alain Héraud, Thierry Burger-Helmchen, University of Strasbourg, France
Fiona Kerr, University of Adelaide, Australia
This book is a general presentation of complex systems, examined from the point of view of management. There is no standard formula to govern such systems, nor to effectively understand and respond to them. The interdisciplinary theory of self-organization is teeming with examples of living systems that can reorganize at a higher level of complexity when confronted with an external challenge of a certain magnitude.
- Why Do We Talk About Complexity in Management?
- The Evolution of Complex Systems.
- Steering Complex Adaptive Systems: Managing Weak Signals.
- Entrepreneurship, Market Creation and Imagination.
- Managerial Approaches and Theories of the Firm.
[SIG 06 - INNO – Innovation] A special issue of the 'International Journal Technology Transfer and Commercialisation' is now in print and will publish five contributions, based on the symposium on Workplace Innovation was held during EURAM18, in Reykjavik (2018). Guest editors are Peter Oeij, Diana Rus, Steven Dhondt and Geert van Hootegem.
[SIG 06 - INNO – Innovation] Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Digital Innovation Management of the International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. In the special issue we aim to create new insights into how digitization specifically impacts innovation management as a business process. The deadline for submissions is 15/06/2019. You can find all information here: https://www.worldscientific.com/page/ijitm/callforpapers02
[SIG 07 - IM - International Management] Macro Talent Management: A Global Perspective on Managing Talent in Developed Markets and Macro Talent Management in Emerging and Emergent Markets: A Global Perspective (both are edited by Vlad Vaiman, Paul Sparrow, Randall Shuler, and David G. Collings) serve as a guide that orients the reader toward activities that increase their country’s global competitiveness, attractiveness, and economic development through strategic talent management. These books bring together leading experts from around the world to address such issues as cross-border flows of talent, diaspora mobility, knowledge flows, global labour markets, and policies. Bringing together research from the fields of human resource management, international business, economic geography, comparative international development, and political economy, these books offer a definitive, comprehensive treatment of the topic aimed at advance students and practitioners. See https://bit.ly/2C32Uzs and https://bit.ly/2LZVtda.
[SIG 13 - SM - Strategic Management] The business model construct has become very popular in the strategy and innovation literatures and we are delighted to announce that the 4th volume in the New Horizons in Managerial and Organizational Cognition series will be on BUSINESS MODELS AND COGNITION with guest editor Marcel Bogers and series editors Kristian J. Sund and Robert J. Galavan. The call for chapters is open until June 1st 2019. Full details are available at https://goo.gl/NJktpZ
Business impacts, new frameworks and managerial implication
McGrawHill Editor (forthcoming)
The world of banking is changing for several reasons. While previously a purely money-making entity, the industry is enlarging and expanding on account of the inherent interconnected nature of finance with the everyday lives of its customers. The ground rules for success have altered the way customers bank. New financial service providers, namely Fintech, are go-ing beyond customer-facing applications and services to include all ele-ments of the financial services production process. A new generation of services and financial intermediation frameworks are transforming the industry.
Taking a transdisciplinary approach, Banks and Banking: digital transformation and the hype of Fintech is a comprehensive analysis of how conventional banking is undergoing a deep transformation and meeting the challenges of Fintech and other financial services providers. It outlines the importance of considering the traditional fundamentals of banking and fitting them into the modern times, where digital technologies are perva-sive and the industry is experiencing a deep transformation. Visions, strategies, business models and actions are a conscious step away from the past.
There are good reasons to believe that this evolution will continue, because technological changes, customer habits and regulation are co-evolving. Both banks and Fintech will have to face ever-changing conditions and develop the ability to balance short-term targets and long-term goals, as well as short-term moves and a longer-term vision.
This book is a valuable resource for students, researchers and practition-ers interested in banking, bank management, business models and strategies willing to create value, from both bank and Fintech perspectives.
[SIG 14 - General Track] A new study by Ungureanu and colleagues in ORGANIZATION STUDIES (online first) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0170840618765575 discusses how and why decision dysfunctions such as INDECISION, PROCRASTINATION and ESCLATION OF COMMITMENT pile up in hybrid (cross-sector) partnerships as soon as partners try to solve them. The article explores the role of RISK-OPPORTUNITY TENSIONS in complex collaborations and that of PARTNERSHIP MATERIALITY, and in particular the role of COLLABORATIVE SPACES for innovation such as SCIENCE PARKS. The study is part of a larger project called “Understanding Hybrid Interorganizational Partnerships: Identity Formation, Decision Pathologies, Business Model Innovation and Governance Change” more info about the project here: https://www.researchgate.net/project/Understanding-Hybrid-Interorganizational-Partnerships-Identity-Formation-Decision-Pathologies-Business-Model-Innovation-and-Governance-Change
Publication: Ungureanu, P., Bertolotti, F., Mattarelli, E., & Bellesia, F. (2018). Making matters worse by trying to make them better? Exploring vicious circles of decision in hybrid partnerships. Organization Studies, 0170840618765575.
Attachments: http://www.euramonline.org/components/com_foxcontact/uploads/5c8070ff85cdb-figureOS.jpg
[SIG 14 - General Track] Are management academics and practitioners able to understand each other's knowledge and roles when they meet? A new study by Paula Ungureanu and Fabiola Bertolotti (University of Modena & Reggio Emilia) published in the December issue of Academy of Management Learning and Education https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/amle.2016.0095 reveals the trial and error strategies that academics and managers adopt to deal with the uncertainties of face-to-face encounters in executive classrooms. The paper contributes to literatures on knowledge transfer, boundary management and role management, and to the theory-practice debate in management. It is part of a larger project called “Exploring the relationship between theory and practice in management and organization studies”. More info here: https://www.researchgate.net/project/Exploring-the-relationship-between-theory-and-practice-in-management-and-organization-studies. To carry the project forward, we would greatly appreciate EURAM members’ feedback based on experience and/or research. Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Attachments: http://www.euramonline.org/components/com_foxcontact/uploads/5c80685dc698f-figureAMLE.jpg
Giustiniano, L., Clegg, S. R., Cuhna, M. P., and Rego, A. (2019) Organizational Resilience: Theory and practice, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Bygdås, A. L., Clegg, S. R and Haigen, A. L. (2019) Media Management and Digital Transformation, London: Routledge.
Cunha, M. P. e, Rego, A., Simpson, A and Clegg, S. R., (2019) Management as a force for good, London: Routledge.
Clegg, S. R & Pinha e Cuhna, M. (2019) Management, Organizations and Contemporary Social Theory. London: Routledge.
Clegg, S. R., Korberger, M., Pitsis, T, and Mount, M. (2019) Managing and Organizations: an introduction to theory and practice, London: Sage, Fifth edition.
Clegg, S. R., Schweitzer, J., Pitelis, C., and Whittle, A. (2019) Strategy: Theory & Practice, London: Sage, Third edition.
Recent Appointments
[SIG 09 - OB - Organizational Behaviour] I (Andrew Hafenbrack) will begin a position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management & Organization at the Foster School of Business at University of Washington in Seattle in July 2019.
[SIG 13 - SM - Strategic Management] Asmâa Hidki newly elected as Associate Fellow to The Faculty of Clinical Informatics (FCI) in The United Kingdom. The FCI has been established as the multi-professional membership body for all health informatics specialists by the British college of physicians. The Faculty of Clinical Informatics intends to continue establishing clinical informatics as a fully recognised and respected profession, in line with its Mission, Vision, Values and Objectives. https://www.facultyofclinicalinformatics.org.uk/
[SIG 14 - General Track] Rosa Lutete Geremias, Ph.D. Candidate at the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences- University of Lisbon. She was appointed to the editorial board of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences: Science Publishing Group. The appointment will be valid until December 31, 2021.
Attachments: http://www.euramonline.org/components/com_foxcontact/uploads/5c7804d7d0d40-IMG_09983.JPG
Research Networks and Centres
[SIG 06 - INNO – Innovation] Asmâa Hidki. As medical Scientific committee member of the XR and spatial computing Swiss society " The SSVAR " ( https://ssvar.ch) dedicated to promoting VR/AR/MR and Spatial Computing - Artificial intelligence across the country.
Proud to announce the opening of the ICAV (Innovation Center of Advanced Virtuality) . A shared workspace to research and develop Virtual, Augmented applications and projects. Located in Satigny (near the CERN, Geneva).
Attachments: http://www.euramonline.org/components/com_foxcontact/uploads/5c75865561cec-image.png
[SIG 07 - IM - International Management] Durham University Business School (the UK) has newly developed its Marketing and International Business research centre (MIB, https://www.dur.ac.uk/business/research/research-centres/mib/). Its main focus lies in important cross-disciplinary research questions including marketing strategy and management, consumer psychology and behaviours, multinational firms, innovation, human resource management, and entrepreneurship in international contexts.
It is highly inter-disciplinary in the named research areas and have been working extensively together in a wide spectrum of scholarly work, with publication in leading journals (e.g. Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Research Policy, Journal of World Business, Annals of Tourism Research, Human Relations, Tourism Management, Journal of Management Information Systems, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, etc.). Our studies have drawn significant research income and are acknowledged by winning prestigious awards, academic journal editorial/conference board memberships, visiting professorships, and media coverage.
We welcome collaboration in research, funding applications and beyond. Please contact Dr Xinming He, the MIB Lead, for any proposal.
[SIG 14 - General Track] GETM3 – Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3 – is a 1 million Euro project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 734824. The project focuses on young talent as a key driver of economic and social development by bringing together insights and challenges from 3 key stakeholders, namely employers (inc MNC & SME’s), universities and students/graduates. The required innovative and multi-perspective research approach is enabled and reinforced by a 16 partner consortium comprising of a transnational, inter-disciplinary, inter-generational, gender balanced and inter-sectorial research team. University partners are University of Northumbria, University of Ljubljana, University of Warsaw, Warsaw University of Technology, Dublin City University, Technological University Dublin, Chonnam National University and Kyungpook National University. https://getm3.eu/Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Scholarship and Doctoral Theses
[SIG 14 - General Track] Nizamidou Christina defended her PhD Thesis, “Crisis Management: The strategic role of HR Department in dealing with crisis” which was accepted in January 2019 at the University of Macedonia, Greece under the supervision of Prof. Fotis Vouzas. The Thesis focuses on the strategic role that the HR Department may undertake as a member of an organization’s Crisis Management Team. A research model was conceptualized in order to study the case of the Greek organizations, in terms of their familiarization with the CM field and the role of their HRD. Following the research, the evaluation of the findings takes place as well as the comparison between the Greek reality and the international standards.
[SIG 05 - GRDO - Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organisations] Diversity & Inclusion: A Research Proposal Framework is aimed at assisting doctoral candidates and early-career researchers and their supervisors globally, this book is the first of its type to address the challenges faced by students when proposing new programs of research in the disciplines of gender, race, identity, indigeneity, and diversity within management and business. The problems researchers face derive from a lack of familiarity with the needed alignment of the methodology, conceptual framework, and the nature of epistemologies used in creating a coherent proposal. This results in project delays and unnecessary time in the review as doctoral students and committees attempt to provide the required alignment. Please see: Diversity & Inclusion link for more information.
Workshops & Conferences
[SIG 01 - B4S - Business for Society] 5th Symposium on Ethics and Social Responsibility Research 2019 | Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisbon, Portugal, June 6-7, 2019
Expanding the goals of the previous four editions, the 5th SESRR aims to be a dynamic forum for scholars to share and discuss advances in scientific understanding of the current challenges of ethics, sustainability and social responsibility in organizational and societal settings, with practitioners and decision makers. The event is hosted by ISCTE-IUL, the first Portuguese university with environmental certification according to ISO 14001:2015 standard (December 13, 2018) and one of only four Portuguese higher education institutions to adhere to the Global Compact Network Portugal. For more information please visit the event website https://www.sesrr.com/
Attachments: http://www.euramonline.org/components/com_foxcontact/uploads/5c7d3d48ebb22-SESRR-contributionforEuramnewsletter.docx
[SIG 03 - ENT - Entrepreneurship] After the successful ENTFIN conferences in Lyon (2016), Ghent (2017), and Milan (2018), the ENT FIN Association and the FGF e. V. will organize the fourth conference on Entrepreneurial Finance in the historical city of Trier, Germany on July 2-3, 2019. The main theme is "new forms of entrepreneurial finance".
ENTFIN is the association of Entrepreneurial Finance, gathering together scholars from finance, management, and entrepreneurship. The FGF is the leading academic association for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SME research in the DACH-region.
More information: https://www.fgf-ev.de/entfin-conference/
Attachments: http://www.euramonline.org/components/com_foxcontact/uploads/5c76491e64af1-CfPEntFin2019v16.pdf
[SIG 03 - ENT - Entrepreneurship] Dear Colleagues, We would like to kindly ask you to participate in the forthcoming 7th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2019) which will take a place during 30-31 May 2019 in Prague. Great keynote speakers will have speeches: Martina Musteen, Ilan Alon, Andrew Burke, Arnim Wiek, Søren Salomo and Roy Thurik. Please explore https://imes.vse.cz/ for more details and see you in Prague. Ondřej Dvouletý
[SIG 04 - FABR - Family Business Research] In partnership with ISBE, Sheffield Hallam University will host the workshop 'The Sociology of Family Business' on 17 May 2019. This will be of interest to doctoral candidates, early career researchers and established academics actively engaged in family business research. The workshop will explore the influence of the family matters beyond the usual impact on firm financial performance and cover research topics such as adolescent work; family dynamics; the stay/go decision of offspring; growing up in the family business; the implications of birth order; sibship size and age gaps among siblings; and propensity to please parents. The workshop will feature key notes from the following speakers: Dr Eric Clinton - Dublin City University, Dr Richard Telling - Sheffield Hallam University, Dr Kathleen Randerson - Audencia Business School
[SIG 05 - GRDO - Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organisations] We invite you to submit a proposal for professional development workshop (PDW) for Africa Academy of Management to be held in Lagos, Nigeria in January 2020. Please see for detail information at AFAM PDW/Caucus/Symposia website
[SIG 06 - INNO - Innovation] CEEMAN cordially invites faculty members and researchers to showcase their innovative work at the traditional CEEMAN Poster Session related to the overall theme of the 27th CEEMAN Annual Conference: “Re-Connecting Business and Business Education”, taking place on 25-27 September 2019 in Wrocław, Poland. The deadline for abstract submissions is 31 May 2019.
Attachments: http://www.euramonline.org/components/com_foxcontact/uploads/5c86684011a07-032.jpg
[SIG 09 - OB - Organizational Behaviour] Dublin City University hosts Academy of Management 3rd HR Division International Conference (HRIC)
Brian Harney and David Collings were delighted to host the third HRIC at Dublin City University, St Patrick’s campus 9-11th of January 2019. The HRIC conferences are designed to better integrate the global HR community and disseminate HR knowledge to management researchers and practitioners wherever they live and work. The 3rd HRIC saw 220 delegates, representing some 32 countries, visit Dublin to take part in conversations exploring the conference theme of Navigating the Shifting Landscapes of HRM www.hric2019.org
Attachments: http://www.euramonline.org/components/com_foxcontact/uploads/5c743c87b46fd-HRIC2019pic.jpg
[SIG 14 - General Track] Call for papers on “sustainable seaports”
Ports are important nodes in the global supply chain and transportation network. Ports contribute to a particular country or region from the economic perspective; however, they can also cause severe environmental and social issues. Although ports in Asia are competitive and efficient in their operations, developed countries are more advanced in supporting the sustainable development of seaports. There is an urgent need to explore the sustainability of seaports from the environmental, social and economic perspectives. Dalian Maritime University, China and University of Southampton, UK are hereby delighted to launch the “The 1st Sustainable Seaports Conference”. We warmly welcome academic researchers, practitioners, non-government organisations and industry associations who are involved in or interested in sustainable seaports to participate in this event.
Newsletter prepared by
Luisa Jaffé - EURAM Executive Officer
Eleonora Piacenza - EURAM Website Manager