Membership types

EURAM has multiple membership options, depending on the career stage of the individual, membership duration and connection with a partner association.



Any person whose primary business or field of interest is relevant to the advancement of engaged scholarship and reflective management practice may become a EURAM Member.

   One-year regular membership  Multi-year regular membership
 Any Academic*

 80 Euro

 (Belgian VAT 21% included)

 140 Euro for two years
 180 Euro for three years

 (Belgian VAT 21% included)

 PhD student**  60 Euro (Belgian VAT 21% included)  

 Dual association membership
 with a Partner Association (PA)***

 Joint price for both EURAM and the
 PA memberships


* Except PhD students

** Doctoral candidates need to upload a scanned document such as a letter of acceptance in a PhD programme or a student ID card.

*** These dual memberships imply the same membership benefits as a regular membership. Prices may vary, depending on the membership fees partner association.


The membership can be initiated by following this link

Lapsed members are reminded annually to renew their membership. By attending the EURAM conference, you will automatically become a member for the following calendar year starting on 1 January.

The membership can be initiated/renewed by following this link


Membership benefits

By joining EURAM, you are entitled to the following benefits, described with more detail below:  



You will receive the EURAM Newsletter every three months with the latest news from the Academy as well as the events it organises for PhD Students, the Early Career Community, Directors of Research and its annual conference. Members can also contribute to the newsletter and have their call for papers, recent publications, research news, etc. published in the newsletter.


As a EURAM Member, you will automatically be given access to the E-Directory to:

  • Search for a colleague by last name;
  • Look for colleagues in a given country;
  • Find like-minded colleagues who share similar research interests by seeing to which Strategic Interest Groups (SIGs) they belong to;
  • Contact a colleague by sending him/her a message. 


Strategic Interest Groups

As a EURAM member, you are entitled to belong to two Strategic Interest Groups (SIGs). You will receive regular news sent by SIG Officers. 

There are currently 13 Strategic Interest Groups as follows:

  1. Business for Society (B4S)
  2. Corporate Governance (COGO)
  3. Entrepreneurship (ENT)
  4. Family Business Research (FABR)
  5. Gender, Race & Diversity in Organisations (GRDO)
  6. Innovation (INNO)
  7. International Management (IM)
  8. Managing Sport (SPORT)
  9. Organisational Behaviour (OB)
  10. Project Organising (PO)
  11. Public and Non-Profit Management (PM&NPM)
  12. Research Methods & Research Practice (RM&RP)
  13. Strategic Management (SM)

When you register for the EURAM Conference, you may select two SIGs you are interested in. Participation in SIGs’ activities may include e.g.: submitting and presenting papers in EURAM conferences; reviewing conference papers; and acting as a discussant or chair in a conference session. When the membership and member’s involvement as part of EURAM continues over time, members may propose and organise tracks, kick off events, symposia or other activities at the conference; and they may be elected as officers in the SIG board.


EURAM Governance

As a EURAM member, you will be able to (self)-nominate and vote for the President-Elect every two years and also for national representative on EURAM's Board from your country of residence. You are entitled to participate in the General assembly of EURAM, typically as part of the conference, and its decision making (approval of the accounts and budget, and statutes changes).

Access to 15 Management Journals

As EURAM member, you will have an online access to the EURAM Journal, European Management Review (EMR) published by Wiley Blackwell. Your membership entitles you to all the back issues of the journal which launched in 2003.

In addition, you will have complimentary online access to 14 management journals also published by Wiley Blackwell.

The 14 journals are:

  1. Corporate Governance: An International Review
  2. Creativity and Innovation Management
  3. European Financial Management
  4. Gender Work Organisations
  5. Human Resource Management
  6. Human Resource Management Journal
  7. International Journal of Selection Assessment
  8. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
  9. Journal of Organizational Behaviour
  10. Managerial and Decision Economics
  11. New Technology Work and Employment
  12. R & D Management
  13. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
  14. Strategic Management Journal


Job Market

You will be able to post your job openings on our on-line job market. If you are a candidate, you may upload your CV there as well.

Special Events for Selected Target Groups

  • EURAM doctoral colloquium: As a doctoral candidate, you may participate in the EURAM doctoral colloquium. As a senior faculty member, you may become a mentor or speaker in the doctoral colloquium or participate in organising the event.
  • EURAM Early Career Colloquium (EECC): Post-doctoral researchers and lecturers and early-career assistant professors may participate in the EECC. As a senior faculty member, you may become a mentor or speaker in the  EECC or participate in organising the event.
  • EURAM/EFMD Programme for Directors of Research: If you are a senior faculty member leading research, you can participate in the joint EFMD/EURAM Programme Creating Research Leadership in Europe with a reduced registration fee.
  • Strategic interest groups’ special events: If EURAM’s Special Interest Groups organise special events, EURAM members may participate with reduced fees.


Dual Membership

Euram membership can now be considered in a pluri-institutional format, namely as a shared membership between the European association and a national Partner association. 

A national Partner association offers, on its website, the regular national membership and/or the annual congress registration as well as, now, to become an EURAM’s member.  

This arrangement is reciprocal, so EURAM proposes on its website, to its members, to become a member of the national Partner association, besides the regular EURAM’s membership and/or the annual congress registration. 

The Dual Membership scheme is offered to the national Partner Associations after the parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The same membership benefits apply as for a regular membership. Prices may vary, depending on the partner association. 

  EURAM Membership  One-year regular membership
  Any Academic*

 80 Euro

 (Belgian VAT 21% included)

  PhD student**  60 Euro (Belgian VAT 21% included)

  Dual membership with a Partner Association (PA)***

 Special offers for the PA membership

* Except PhD students

** Doctoral candidates need to upload a scanned document such as a letter of acceptance in a PhD programme or a student ID card.

*** These dual memberships imply the same membership benefits as a regular membership. Prices may vary, depending on the membership fees partner association.



You will be able to (self)-nominate a Best Book Awardee on a yearly basis. The prize money for is 2,500 Euro. 

EURAM has a variety of awards, e.g., for the conference best paper, most inspirational paper, best reviewer, and best PhD paper of the Doctoral Colloquium. More information is offered in connection with the topical conference. Strategic Interest Groups also give out awards during the EURAM Conference.


EURAM has an Annual Call for Applications to its Grants Scheme. Each proposal can be in the range of €3000-€5000. 

These research projects should be designed to encourage and support research activities with the ambition of advancing business and management scholarship. The outcomes should have value and contribution to theoretical and practical business and management studies.

Other research grants might be offered on an ad hoc basis. Additional information can be found here.

Questions about EURAM Membership


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