Cookies Policy

To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. Most big websites do this too.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. It enables the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another.

 How to control cookies

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – for details, see You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some services and functionalities may not work.

Euram website Cookies list

1) CookieConsent

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: Ireland

Category:    necessary                                                                                                 

Expiry: 1 year

Type: HTTP Cookie

Example value:  {stamp:'8FA6Uirnot8qJJs+tk3Lydy3jbJZtyn/iVpoPP38NTyR9dr1t5ebEw== '%2Cnecessary:true%2Cpreferences:true%2Cstatistics:true%2Cmarketing:true}

Cookie purpose description:  Memorizza lo stato del consenso ai cookie dell'utente per il dominio corrente

2) lang

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: United States

Category: preferences                                                                                                  

Expiry: Session

Type: HTTP Cookie

Example value: en-gb

Cookie purpose description: Ricorda la versione linguistica di un sito web selezionata dall'utente

3) _ga

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: United States

Category: Statistics

Expiry: 2 years

Type: HTTP Cookie

Example value: GA1.2.195798173.1528276002

Cookie purpose description:  Registra un ID univoco utilizzato per generare dati statistici su come il visitatore utilizza il sito internet.

4) _gid

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: United States

Category: Statistics

Expiry: Session

Type: HTTP Cookie

Example value: GA1.2.1009728043.1528276002

Cookie purpose description:  Registra un ID univoco utilizzato per generare dati statistici su come il visitatore utilizza il sito internet.

5) _gat

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: United States

Category: Statistics

 Expiry: Session

Type: HTTP Cookie

Example value: 1

Cookie purpose description:  Utilizzato da Google Analytics per limitare la frequenza delle richieste

6) @@History/@@scroll|#

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: United States

Category: Statistics

Expiry: Persistent

Type: HTML Local Storage

Example value: 3b

Cookie purpose description: tiene traccia dello scroll della pagina nella navigazione

7) @@History/@@scroll|#

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: United States

Category: Statistics             

 Expiry: Session

Type: HTML Local Storage

Example value: {"data":"false","creation":1528276143345}

Cookie purpose description:  tiene traccia dello scroll della pagina nella navigazione

8) r/collect

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: United States

Category: marketing

Expiry: Session

Type: Pixel Tracker

Example value: ?v=1&aip=1&t=dc&_r=3&tid=UA-26660500-3&cid=1726320785.1528280400&jid=131638473&_gid=575523167.1528280400&gjid=1604161848&_v=j68&z=1128112683

Cookie purpose description:

9) UUID#[abcdef0123456789]{32}

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: Italy

Category: marketing

Expiry: Session

Type: HTTP Cookie

Example value: 08a0s09ijumr2upb86m7b6een7

Cookie purpose description: non classificato

10) channel_sub:#

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: United States

Category: Marketing                                                                                               

 Expiry: Persistent

Type: HTML Local Storage

Example value: 1528276500897

Cookie purpose description: non classificato

11) NID

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: United States

Category: marketing

Expiry: 6 months

Type: HTTP Cookie

Example value: 131=kiDGz0KnqZ10EIdeZrjGOwptUrAtYoDM654m7ZsYeUsbHnUp-L9vU7OaL9hE151Il-KRl26PRvm3AEV2UbzE2M4Hv76LKUmCr4vt1s-Z6JgCLWkpsUDn6eE3RnM7Mxmd

Cookie purpose description:  Registra un ID univoco che identifica il dispositivo dell'utente che ritorna sul sito. L'ID viene utilizzato per pubblicità mirate.

12) lidc

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: United States

Category: Marketing

Expiry: Session

Type: HTTP Cookie

Example value: "b=TGST04:g=949:u=1:i=1528276047:t= 1528362447:s=AQFTZCa3AGg04pmtykSgMfz8gfVbliA1"

Cookie purpose description: Utilizzato dal servizio di social network LinkedIn per tracciare l'utilizzo di servizi integrati.


First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: United States

Category: marketing                                                                     

Expiry: 179 days

Type: HTTP Cookie

Example value: y-Vyp6QJUeY

Cookie purpose description:  Prova a stimare la velocità della connessione dell'utente su pagine con video YouTube integrati.

14) PREF

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: United States

Category: Marketing                                                                                                     

Expiry: 8 months

Type: HTTP Cookie

Example value: f1=50000000

Cookie purpose description:  Registra un ID univoco utilizzato da Google per statistiche legate a come il visitatore utilizza i video YouTube su diversi siti internet.

15) YSC

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: United States

Category: Marketing                              

Expiry: Session

Type: HTTP Cookie

Example value: k3iZ7DmulwI

Cookie purpose description: Registra un ID univoco per statistiche legate a quali video YouTube sono stati visualizzati dall'utente.

16) GPS

First found URL:


Domain path: /

Country: United States

Category: Marketing                                                

Expiry: Session

Type: HTTP Cookie

Example value: 1

Cookie purpose description:  Registra un ID univoco sui dispositivi mobile per consentire il tracciamento sulla base della posizione geografica GPS.

