Dear Colleague,
Dear EURAM friend,
We will celebrate the 20th EURAM conference to be held 10-12 June 2020 at the Trinity Business School, Dublin, Ireland, with the theme “The Business of Now: the future starts here“.
More than ever, track chairs rely on the commitment and the expertise of reviewers to build an attractive and high-quality programme for the anniversary edition of EURAM’s conference.
EURAM would thus like to (re)invite you to register as a reviewer for the EURAM 2020 conference, no later than 31 December 2019.
From this link you can sign up as a reviewer in less than 5 minutes. Later, track chairs will be able to match the papers with your area of expertise to guarantee a high-level evaluation.

Papers will be sent out for review during the month of February, with a deadline for completion on 23 February 2020.
We would also like to take this opportunity to inform you that the paper submission is now open via this link
All submitting authors will also be asked to become a reviewer prior to uploading their paper.
The submission deadline is set for 14 January 2020 at 2:00 pm Belgian time(check the time difference here). Additional information about the programme tracks and the submission guidelines can be found at

We look forward to receiving your reviewing registration and paper for the EURAM 2020 Conference.
Our best wishes,
On behalf of the Local Organising Committee 


Dear EURAM members and friends,

Join us in Dublin 10-12th of June 2020 for the 20th Anniversary of the EURAM conference!

With our theme The Business of Now: the future starts here, we invite you to participate in the debate about how to respond to the immediacy required by business and society.

In the 21st century environment, university business research has been very effective in highlighting the issues that need to be addressed by management ranging from disruptive technologies; to potential environmental catastrophe; to social inclusion; to ethical business and ultimately to the stainability of free markets and their ability to deliver the social and economic goals that were assumed integral to the liberal capitalist system of the last Century. Business researchers have a key role to play here as managers turn to them both for thought leadership and for the latest research findings to guide leaders to make timely decisions to overcome these challenges facing business and society.

To this end, we are in the ‘Business of Now’ responding to the immediacy required by business and society. We need to help solve the managerial tension between the present and future. Indeed, the Business of Now is a request from future generations to help guide the managers and leaders of today to: address climate change before it is too late; to be able to turn the futuristic visions of markets and new technologies into practical options for the business of today which will provide a platform for the future which best serves society; to make decisions today that will not just respond to market forces but shape them so that they serve business and society in a more inclusive and sustaining manner; and ultimately to provide the template for business serving intergenerational stakeholders where managers create, rather than plunder the wealth and opportunities of future generations.

So we are at a pivotal point in our history in terms of needing to make urgent decisions to safeguard the environment. We also need to set a blueprint for business management that will enable society to benefit from technological progress and free markets. In keeping with earlier conference themes concerned with the relevance of research for business, the EURAM 2020 conference seeks to propel, nurture and disseminate research which addresses the Business of Now!
It is timely that we are addressing an inter-generational research topic in 2020 when EURAM is celebrating its 20th anniversary and so nearly embracing a full generation of management scholars. So join us in Trinity Business School’s new state of the art building on Trinity College Dublin’s 400 year old stunning campus, at the centre of the vibrant European City of Dublin.

The more detailed programme will be posted on our website in due time.

To submit your full paper to EURAM 2020:  

I. Explore the tracks sponsored by one of the 14 EURAM Strategic Interest Groups (SIGs) or by the 2020 Local Organising Committee and choose the topic and community that correspond best to your research.
II. Please respect the deadlines, especially the paper submission deadline: 14 January 2020 - 2 pm Belgian time.
III. Please, comply with the authors’ guidelines. 
I. Explore our SIGs and tracks (for more detail click on the SIG title)
For newcomers to our community: Our 14 SIGs are the building blocks of EURAM. SIG Chairs and Officers nurture communities of scholars who are engaged in specific research areas. There are three types of Tracks. General Tracks are the overarching tracks of the SIGs. Standing tracks are ongoing conversations that you can join, and which will continue within a SIG for a number of years. Finally, every year there are Tracks that are selected in a competitive submission and review process (they may become standing tracks in the future if they prove to be of continued interest). Each SIG General Track invites contributions from all areas related to the SIG specific research area but which are not explicitly covered by other tracks within the SIG.


  1. Business for Society- B4S
  2. Corporate Governance - COGO
  3. Entrepreneurship - ENT
  4. Family Business Research - FABR
  5. Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations - GRDO
  6. Innovation - INNO
  7. International Management - IM
  8. Managing Sport - SPORT
  9. Organisational Behaviour - OB
  10. Project Organising - PO
  11. Public and Non-Profit Management – PM&NPM
  12. Research Methods and Research Practice - RM&RP
  13. Strategic Management - SM
  14. General Conference Track – GENERAL

SIG01 - Business for Society - B4S

GT01_00 - Business for Society General Track
ST01_01/ST02_01 - Rethinking the Responsible Corporation: Bridging Management, Law, Governance & Purpose (co-sponsored by B4S & CoGo SIGs)
ST01_02 -Measuring, Managing and Communicating on Performance for Sustainability: New Trends and Innovative Tools
ST01_03 - Finance and Economy for Society: Inclusion, Empowerment and Sustainability
T01_04 - Arts for Business and Society
T01_05 - Environmental Sustainability and Industry 4.0
T01_06 - Environmental, Social, Governance:  A New Paradigm for Businesses
T01_07 - Market for Society
T01_08 - Personal Development in Business Education: Forming the Business Leader of the Future, Today
T01_09 - Philosophy for Business Ethics
T01_10 - Service Innovation for Society: Designing a New Role for Organizations
T01_11/T03_14/ T04_06 - Immigrant Entrepreneurship
T01_12 / T08_04 - Sport and Sustainability

SIG02 - Corporate Governance - COGO

GT02_00 - Corporate Governance General Track
ST01_01/ST02_01 - Rethinking the Responsible Corporation: Bridging Management, Law, Governance & Purpose (co-sponsored by B4S & CoGo SIGs)
ST02_02 - Board of Directors and Top Management Teams
ST02_03 - Corporate Governance and Diversity
ST02_04/ST08_02 - Sport Governance
T02_05 - The Influence of Board of Directors in Shaping Sustainable Futures in a Dynamic Environment

SIG03 - Entrepreneurship - ENT

GT03_00 - Entrepreneurship General Track
ST03_01/ST06_01/ST13_01 - Business Model - Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Venturing (co-sponsored ENT / INNO / SM)
ST03_02/ST06_12/ST11_04 - Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship
ST03_03 - Entrepreneurial Decision Making and Behaviour
ST03_04 - Entrepreneurial Finance
ST03_05 - Entrepreneurship, Regions & Regional Development
ST03_06 - Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
T03_07/T06_14/T09_07 - Artificial Intelligence as an Enabler for Venture Creation, Innovation, and Organizational Change
T03_08 - Entrepreneurial Education, Academic Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial University
T03_09 - Entrepreneurial Management
T03_10 - Entrepreneurial Processes
T03_11 - Entrepreneurship vs. Managerialization & Professionalization in SMEs
T03_12 - Female Entrepreneurship
T03_13 - Growth Strategies & Internationalization for SMEs
T01_11/T03_14/ T04_06 - Immigrant Entrepreneurship
T03_15 - Micro-entrepreneurship and Microenterprises
T03_16 - Sharing Economy: Entrepreneurship, Business Models and Ecosystems
T03_17 - Solo Self-Employment and Freelancing in the Modern Economy


SIG04 - Family Business Research - FABR

GT04_00 - Family Business Research General Track
ST04_01 - Strategy, Innovation and Internationalization in Family Business
ST04_02 - Family Business in Emerging, Developing, and Transitional Economies
T04_03 - Family Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Families, Values and Goals in Family Business
T04_04 - Finance, Management, Governance & Accounting in Family Businesses
T04_05 - Organization, Management, Sociology, and Psychology in Family Firms: Behaviour, Values, Relations, and Social Structure
T01_11/T03_14/ T04_06 - Immigrant Entrepreneurship

SIG05 - Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations - GRDO

GT05_00 - Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations General Track
ST05_01 Women, Gender, & Sexuality in Work, Organisation & Beyond
ST05_03 - Migration / Identity / Power: Integration and Cross-Cultural Management Challenges

SIG06 - Innovation - INNO

GT06_00 - Innovation General Track
ST03_01/ST06_01/ST13_01 - Business Model - Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Venturing (co-sponsored ENT / INNO / SM)
ST06_02 - New Challenges in Business Management: Working from Higher Education
ST06_03 - Digital Innovation: Strategies, Competencies, Theories, and Practice
ST06_04 - Inter-Organizational Networks and Innovation
ST06_06 - Managing for Service Innovation
ST06_07 - Open Innovation
ST06_08 - Organising Creativity For Innovation: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Theories and Practices
ST06_09 - Design, Innovation and Organizations: Rethinking Theory and Practice
ST06_10 - Innovation for Circularity, Green Technologies and Sustainability
ST06_11 - Teaching and Learning with a Difference
ST03_02/ST06_12/ST11_04 - Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship
T06_13 - Managing People for Innovation
T03_07/T06_14/T09_07 - Artificial Intelligence as an Enabler for Venture Creation, Innovation, and Organizational Change
T06_15 / T08_03 - New Frontiers in Managing Sport: the Rise of Digital Transformation

SIG07 - International Management - IM

GT07_00 International Management General Track
ST07_01 - Expatriate Management
ST07_02/ST08_01 - Managing Sport Events and Participation
T07_03 - Culturally Sensitive Research in Organizations
T07_04 - Emerging Markets Studies
T07_05 - International Competitiveness

SIG08 - Managing Sport - SPORT

GT08_00 - Managing Sport General Track
ST07_02/ST08_01 - Managing Sport Events and Participation
ST02_04/ST08_02 - Sport Governance
T06_15 / T08_03 - New Frontiers in Managing Sport: the Rise of Digital Transformation
T01_12 / T08_04 - Sport and Sustainability

SIG09 - Organisational Behaviour - OB

GT09_00 - Organisational Behaviour General Track
ST09_01 - Human Resource Management
ST09_02 - Team Performance Management
ST09_04 - Leadership
T09_05 - Big Data, Data Analytics And New Forms Of Work: Implications for Individual and Organizational Level Behaviour, Attitudes and
T09_06 - Crafting Positive Organizational Behaviour with Work Meaningfulness, Mindfulness, and Work Engagement
T03_07/T06_14/T09_07 - Artificial Intelligence as an Enabler for Venture Creation, Innovation, and Organizational Change

SIG10 - Project Organising - PO

GT10_00 - Project Organising General Track
ST10_01 Multi-level Perspective on Major and Megaprojects
T10_02/T12_07 - Action Research, Collaborative Research and Participatory Research - Engaged Scholarship in Project and Business
T10_03 - HRM on Projects and in Project Based Organizations: Projects as HRM Eco-systems for Multi-Actor HRM Co-Creation
T10_04 - Projects & Society

SIG11 - Public and Non-Profit Management – PM&NPM

GT11_00 - Public and Non-Profit Management General Track
ST11_01 - Accounting, Accountability and Sustainability in Public and Nonprofit
ST11_02 - Healthcare Management Research
ST11_03 - Management and Governance Of Culture, Heritage and Tourism
ST03_02/ST06_12/ST11_04 - Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship
T11_05 - Current Challenges and Future Perspectives in Emergency Services: Co-producing a New Research Agenda
T11_06 - Evidence-Based Management of Business Schools
T11_07 - The Business Models of Nonprofit Organizations

SIG12 - Research Methods and Research Practice - RM&RP

GT12_00 - Research Methods and Research Practice General Track
ST12_01 - Coevolution, Ecosystems and Evolutionary Approaches in Management Research
ST12_02 - Management and Organization Theory
ST12_03 - Research Methods for Complex Adaptive Systems
T12_04 - (Management) Consulting: Theory and Practice
T12_05 - Resource Interaction Research and Network Approaches
T12_06 - The Transformative Firm: Re-thinking the Role of Firms in Transition Processes to Sustainability
T10_02/T12_07 - Action Research, Collaborative Research and Participatory Research - Engaged Scholarship in Project and Business 

SIG13 - Strategic Management - SM

GT13_00 - Strategic Management General Track
ST03_01/ST06_01/ST13_01 - Business Model - Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Venturing (co-sponsored ENT / INNO / SM)
ST13_02 - Behavioral Strategy
ST13_03 - CENA - Coopetition, Ecosystems, Networks and Alliances
ST13_04 - Mergers & Acquisitions and Divestitures: A Glimpse into the Future
ST13_05 - Microfoundations of Strategy: Dynamic Capabilities and Knowledge Mechanisms
ST13_06 - Strategic Ambidexterity: Solving the Inherent Managerial Tensions Between Exploration and Exploitation in Innovative Firms
ST13_07 - Strategic Processes and Practice: Theorizing Emerging Strategic Processes and Practices
ST13_08 - Ecosystems in Management Research – Current and Future Research
T13_09 - Digital Strategy, Artificial Intelligence and Industry 4.0
T13_10 - Strategic Responsiveness and Organizational Adaptation
T13_11 - What, When, and to Whom? Organizational Communication, Stakeholder Management, and Social Evaluations

SIG14 - General Conference Track

GT14_00 - Conference General Track
T14_01 - Empowering Business Transformation – Digital Innovations for Sustainable Changes in Organizations and Societies
T14_02 - Pedagogical Innovation and Research in Management Education
T14_03 - Towards Climate Resilience: Can We “Talk the Walk” and “Walk the Talk” Over Climate Change Targets?

II. Deadline
Please respect the deadlines, especially the paper submission deadline: 14 January 2020 - 2 pm Belgian time.

III. Authors’ Guidelines
To ensure that it is possible to publish your paper in the proceedings it is essential that all authors strictly follow the guidelines and formatting instructions for both preparation and submission of all papers.
Each paper will be screened to ensure compliance with EURAM’s guidelines. Papers which do not match the EURAM requirements will be desk-rejected and authors will not have the opportunity to submit an updated version.
Please read below instructions carefully prior to submitting and remember to select at least one of the Sustainable Development Goals your research addresses (UN SDGs):

Please read the instructions carefully prior to submitting:

  1. Each paper can only be submitted to ONE track.
  2. Submitted papers must NOT have been previously published and if under review, must NOT appear in print before the EURAM 2020 Conference.
  3. To facilitate the blind review process, remove ALL authors identifying information, including acknowledgements from the text, and document/file properties. (Any submissions with author information will be automatically DELETED; author information and acknowledgements are to be included in a SEPARATE document).
  4. The abstract should not exceed 400 words and should be included both in the PDF and the submission form.
  5. Include 3 keywords in the submission form. A maximum of 6 keywords is allowed.
  6. The entire paper (title page, abstract, main text, figures, tables, references, etc.) must be in ONE anonymised document created in PDF format.
  7. The maximum length of the paper is 40 pages (including ALL tables, appendices and references). The minimum length of the paper is 10 pages. The paper format should follow the European Management Review Style Guide.
  8. Use Times New Roman 12-pitch font, double spaced, and 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin all around.
  9. Number all the pages of the paper.
  10. No changes in the paper title, abstract, authorship, track and actual paper can occur AFTER the submission deadline.
  11. Check that the PDF File of your paper prints correctly and ensure that the file is virus-free. Submissions will be done on-line on the EURAM 2020 submission system
  12. Only submissions in English shall be accepted for review.
  13. In case of acceptance, the author or one of the co-authors should be available to present the paper at the conference. A presenting author * can only present one paper at the conference.
  14. If you submit a paper, you agree to review at least two papers for EURAM 2020 in the track you have submitted your paper to.

Each individual is limited to one personal appearance on the programme as a presenting author. This policy precludes acceptance of papers for more than one presentation. In other words, an author can submit and present only one paper. However, a presenter can always be a non-presenting co-author on additional papers.


For more information, we invite you to visit the conference website: Should you have any hesitation on which track to select for your paper, you may wish to contact a track chair by email to find the best fit for your submission.
For general questions, you may contact
Welcome to Dublin, the city of a céad mile failte - hundred thousand welcomes! Dublin is a vibrant European city with Viking origins which are both historic and modern. The city is home to famous traditional Irish pubs, seats of government, museums and theatres and many of the top global corporations. Trinity’s historic campus is an oasis at the heart of the city, with Lonely Planet listing its Old Library as a ‘must see’. We are looking forward to seeing you there in June.
Best wishes,

Andrew Burke
EURAM 2020 Conference Chair
Trinity Business School
Trinity College Dublin






EURAM 2020 Conference Dates

Labs: 9 June 2020


Conference: 10 - 12 June 2020

Topic/Symposium Proposals: 9 July 2019

First Announcement of Call for Papers: 25 September 2019

Deadline for Paper Submission: 14 January 2020 (2pm Belgium time)

Notification of Acceptance: 19 March 2020

Early Bird Registration Deadline: 10 April 2020

Authors and Symposia Panellists Registration Deadline17 April 2020


Doctoral Colloquium: 8 – 9 June 2020

Deadline for Submission to Doctoral Colloquium: 21 January 2020

Notification of Acceptance: 10 March 2020

Deadline for Registration: 10 April 2020




EURAM 2020 Flyer