EURAM 2020(th) – Deadline 9 July 2019


Dear Colleagues, 

We are pleased to invite you to collaborate in the design of the programme by proposing topics for discussion and symposia for the 20th EURAM Annual Conference by 9 July 2019.

The EURAM 2020(th) Conference will be held in Dublin, Ireland on 10, 11 and 12 June.

Our conference theme is “The Business of Now: the future starts here”. Business researchers have a key role to play in helping to solve the managerial tension between the present and future. The business of now is a request from future generations to help guide the managers and leaders of today to: address climate change before it is too late; to be able to turn the futuristic visions of markets and new technologies into practical options for business today but which will also provide a platform for the future which best serves society; to make decisions today that will not just respond to market forces but shape them so that they serve business and society in a more inclusive and sustaining manner; and ultimately to provide the template for business serving intergenerational stakeholders where managers create rather than plunder the wealth and opportunities of future generations. At this pivotal point in our history, where urgent decisions need to be taken, help us to ensure that in EURAM 2020 we address this intergenerational research topic.

Do not hesitate to contact the relevant Special Interest Groups (SIGs) chairs by email. Information about the SIGs can be found here.


Call for Topics

Relevant topics comprise research questions, agendas, issues, problems or aspects which are connected with the conference theme or are normally included in the general programme of the conference (i.e. configuring the parallel sessions of the different Strategic Interest Groups [SIGs] of EURAM).

Click here for more information on how to submit a topic proposal. Proposals are to be submitted via the Topic Submission online platform. 
In the online system you will be asked to fill in the proposal, so please use the fields checklist to prepare your proposal before online submission.


Call for Symposia

Symposia are discrete sessions around a specific topic or problem that:
  1. Engage a group of panellists in a formal interactive discussion
  2. Encourage lively discussion and presentation of alternative views
  3. Attract the interest of a sufficient number of scholars
  4. Engage with issues that cut across existing SIGs, and
  5. Can be accomplished in a 90min window 
Click here for more information on how to submit a symposium proposal. Proposals are to be submitted via the Symposium Submission online platform.
In the system you will be asked to fill in the proposal, so please use the fields checklist to prepare your proposal before online submission.
We very much look forward to welcoming you in Trinity College Dublin!
On behalf of the Local Organising Committee,

Andrew Burke
Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin
Conference Chair EURAM 2020
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EURAM 2020 Conference Dates

Labs: 9 June 2020


Conference: 10 - 12 June 2020

Topic/Symposium Proposals: 9 July 2019

First Announcement of Call for Papers: 25 September 2019

Deadline for Paper Submission: 14 January 2020 (2pm Belgium time)

Notification of Acceptance: 19 March 2020

Early Bird Registration Deadline: 10 April 2020

Authors and Symposia Panellists Registration Deadline17 April 2020


Doctoral Colloquium: 8 – 9 June 2020

Deadline for Submission to Doctoral Colloquium: 21 January 2020

Notification of Acceptance: 10 March 2020

Deadline for Registration: 10 April 2020




EURAM 2020 Flyer