Letter of the President

Dear colleagues and friends,

Among the tacit rules of the game that our academic community of management scholars saw emerging over the last two decades, one of these tacit rules, in fact not so tacit anymore, is causing severe damage. I am thinking of the practice of journal editors rejecting papers in the name of so-called “self-plagiarism”. Let me explain why I think that this practice is inappropriate and damaging.

We know plagiarism as the inacceptable use of ideas, text, tables or diagrams from other authors without giving appropriate reference and credit to the sources, as if one claimed being the originator of the material used. In that sense, plagiarism needs to be chased and condemned relentlessly. No doubt about it.

Yet self-plagiarism is quite a different matter. Self-plagiarism, as I understand it, is the use of some of your own work in subsequent pieces of work, and more precisely, the use of part of some of your previous publications in a subsequent publication. In that sense, denouncing self-plagiarism boils down to accusing someone of stealing from one-self. A strange concept indeed.

However, I recognize that there is more to it. Some journal editors argue that because they expect fully original and novel work for their journal, they will not accept more than a low percentage (say 10% or so) of the text submitted “already published” elsewhere (in the sense “already accessible somewhere”). Hence, they use anti-plagiarism search tools to check the freshness and originality of manuscripts that they receive for review. Desk rejection follows mechanically in case of what they see as infringement of their requirement for purely novel papers. And this rejection comes with some form of a blame. In his brilliant and funny novel, Small World, David Lodge portrays an English professor from some university in the middle of England going from conference to conference around the world, always submitting the same paper again and again in a desperate chase of an ever-vanishing female colleague whom he candidly loves. Clearly resubmitting again and again the same text is not an acceptable academic practice. And even naïve love cannot justify for it. But what anti-plagiarism search tools are in fact sieving goes way beyond David Lodge’s crazy quest.

We all know that we develop papers over time through a process of presenting our ideas first in seminars, often documenting our session by a very early draft so that colleagues attending the seminar will have read the content in advance. This permits better feedback and comments that will help to subsequently improve the draft. Then we present the improved draft in a conference, for exactly the same reasons, thus submitting the improved text for that matter. This stands at the heart of academic work for most of us. Should any of these steps leak, e.g. on internet, then the resulting piece is “burnt” for publication. It may happen when a preliminary draft just intended for seminar discussion is by mistake posted as working document on the department’s electronic platform. Similarly, when you submit a text on the electronic platform of a conference, you may run the risk of burning your paper. The issue is not the size of the audience with which you tested your ideas, it is the electronic footprint that you leave behind you that will be subsequently chased by anti-plagiarism automatic scanning tools. Asking that your submitted paper is not published in the conference proceedings may not be enough. As a result, some colleagues choose not to go to conferences anymore. This is very damaging for our academic community. I view it as undermining academic research.

Let me remind us that several other scientific disciplines, including economics, make an extensive use of working papers, while accepting that former working papers be submitted to journals. Why is it that our management research community always tries to be stricter than other fields? Do we need so badly to prove again and again that management research does indeed operate as a scientific field?

In short, engaging in scholarly debate, even with a limited audience, may become risky for the paper that you are developing. One may think that this is the dark side of Internet, meaning that it is up to each one of us to manage the electronic footprint that we leave behind us. This is one way of looking at it.

Another way of looking at it is to ask journal editors to rely on their judgment, not just on automatic electronic tools, to decide whether an author is mimicking David Lodge’s character or just the victim of an electronic footprint left behind as the testimony of the hard work that was put in to develop the paper that ends up being submitted.

I simply suggest that we get rid of the strange concept of self-plagiarism.

Enjoy the Fall.

Thomas Durand




EURAM Grants


EURAM is pleased to launch the third edition of the Research Grants Scheme
Application Deadline: 17 March 2020


 From Olga Kuznetsova, Grant Recipient 2019

 A EURAM-funded project 'Engaging Universities In Capacity Building For Alternative Business Models' will commence on 01/10/2019.
 If you happen to teach a Unit/Module that mentions co-operative enterprise, I would be interested to know (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 
 Application Deadline: 31 January 2020


Project Management Institute (PMI) and EURAM are pleased to announce the 3rd edition of the PMI Research Grant.
Application Deadline: 8 December 2019


EURAM Awards


EURAM Book of the Year 2019 Award
We are pleased to announce that the platform for nominating the Best Book of the Year is open. 
Application Deadline: 31 January 2020



EURAM Annual Conferences

EURAM 2020 Conference – 10-12 June 2020, Trinity Business School, Dublin


Submission Deadline: 14 January 2020, 2 pm

We are excited to be hosting the twentieth anniversary of the EURAM 2020 conference particularly at this pivotal point in our history when society and business leaders need to make urgent decisions to safeguard the future.  

Our preparations to welcome you are well underway. Dublin is a thriving capital city that is both modern and historic. Famous for its welcome and traditional dance and music, it is also home to some of the most dynamic technology and business hubs in Europe. We look forward to showcasing the city, Trinity’s beautiful campus and introducing you to some of the many international business leaders based in the city.

You will have seen that the call for papers, with 120 tracks, has gone out. The platform for submission will be open in December so we strongly encourage you to submit and join us in June. Please also consider becoming a reviewer. Critical and constructive comment are essential to rigorous and relevant research, your contribution will only strengthen our efforts to reach that goal.

EURAM 2020 will be a great opportunity to celebrate twenty years of research but also to focus on the Business of Now, and how we as researchers can guide business leaders to make timely decisions to overcome the challenges facing business and society. We look forward to seeing you in Dublin.

On behalf of the Local Organising Committee

Professor Andrew Burke, Conference Chair


EURAM Doctoral Colloquium

8-9 June 2020, Trinity Business School, Dublin


Application Deadline: 21 January 2020, 2 pm


EURAM Early Career Colloquium

Call for Participation
11th EURAM Early Career Colloquium
Charting A Course For A Successful Research Career
The European Academy of Management is proud to announce the eleventh edition of the EURAM Early Career Colloquium (EECC), to be held in Huddersfield, U.K., 9-11 March 2020.
For further details and updates, please visit the EECC website at: http://www.euram-online.org/community/eecc.html

Submission Deadline: 18 November 2019



European Management Review – Permanent Sections


Methodology Corner http://euramonline.org/newsroom/events/196-methodology-matters-call-for-papers.html

Xenophobia Monitor http://euramonline.org/newsroom/events/443-xenophobia-monitor.html


Open Positions

 Job opportunities

Most recent posting: http://www.euramonline.org/all-job-posting



Awards and Grants

[SIG 03 - ENT - Entrepreneurship] Georges Romme, professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Eindhoven University of Technology, recently received the 2019 “Distinguished Scholar-Practitioner” career achievement award of the Academy of Management. Romme is the first European scholar receiving this award. Georges is this year’s award recipient because of his strong influence on the practice of management and his strong publishing record. In 2017, Romme’s book “The Quest for Professionalism” received EURAM’s best book award.


[SIG 14 – General Track] A EURAM-funded project 'Engaging Universities In Capacity Building For Alternative Business Models' will commence on 01/10/2019. If you happen to teach a Unit/Module that mentions co-operative enterprise, I would be interested to know (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 



Books, Journals & Publications

[SIG 01 - B4S - Business for Society] Recently, the Dutch government awarded the VENI individual grant to a research project that studies the  evolution of moral markets. For those interested in moral markets, social movements, or organizational identity, please find below the first output from this project:
Georgallis, P & Lee, B. (2019) "Toward a theory of entry in moral markets: The role of social movements and organizational identity". Strategic Organization, published online on April 15, 2019.
The paper is available open access at the following link: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1476127019827474


[SIG 03 - ENT - Entrepreneurship] Wonderful new book release! This book brings together 49 distinguished entrepreneurship scholars to provide a unique global vision of the wellbeing of women entrepreneurs necessary for fostering sustainable development and inclusive societies.
Lepeley, MT., Kuschel, K., Beutell, N., Pow, N., & Eijdenberg, E. (2019). The Wellbeing of Women in Entrepreneurship: A Global Perspective. London: Routledge.


[SIG 04: Family Business Research (FABR)] In family firms, the intertwinement of the family and the business plays a crucial role in forging principles, norms and values, and makes available resources and competences affect entrepreneurial decision-making and outcomes. It is increasingly important to adopt a family perspective and to focus on the enterprising family as a promising, albeit unexploited, unit of analysis in entrepreneurship research.
The aim of the special issue is to create a fertile ground to a) support the development of theories of the enterprising family; b) favor the disciplinary cross-fertilization of family studies and entrepreneurship fields (e.g., the application of family science theory to investigate entrepreneurship); c) frame and systematize the contribution of management theories (e.g., agency theory, stewardship theory, socio-emotional wealth perspective, resource based view) to the theorizing on the enterprising family.


[SIG 05 - GRDO - Gender - Race and Diversity in Organisations] You are invited to contribute to the new book series entitled 'Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organizations (GRDO)' aimed at publishing rigorous, innovative and multidisciplinary scholarship for exploration of new areas of development, and re-examination of the existing GRDO knowledge. While the scope of this series is to include the foundation subject domains of gender, race, diversity, and class, and their continued re-examination, the purpose of this series is also to address the emerging themes. The series is also committed to link GRDO themes with current identity politics and complex markers of belonging such as new formations of feminist movements, Islamic feminisms, nationalism(s), and management issues related to refugees and migrants.


[SIG 07 - IM - International Management] In December 2019, John Benjamins will publish the book “Intercultural experience in narrative. Expatriate stories from a multicultural workplace” by Michał Wilczewski (University of Warsaw). The book systematically investigates intercultural experiences of Polish managers and specialists delegated by their multinational company (MNC) on an assignment to China. The book employs narrative inquiry to explore language, intercultural communication, learning, and adjustment in the MNC. The findings illustrate how the expatriates learned to better navigate the multicultural business context and what factors shaped their learning and adjustment. Encouraging the context-sensitive examination of expatriate-local personnel interactions, the book will be an invaluable source for scholars and practitioners interested in novel approaches to investigating language and communication in international business, as well as for lecturers and students interested in Central Europe and China.


[SIG 07 - IM - International Management] Cross-Cultural Management: With Insights from Brain Science explores a broad range of topics on the impact of culture in international business such as globalization, global/glocal leadership, cross-cultural marketing, cross-cultural negotiation, diversity management, bias management, cross-cultural motivation strategies, and change management.
The book distinguishes itself by taking the dynamic paradigm, i.e. culture is not static, context is the software of the mind, opposing values coexist, change is constant, and individuals can develop a multicultural mind.
A unique feature of this book is the contribution of an interdisciplinary approach. It’s the first textbook of cross-cultural management that incorporates latest findings from the emerging discipline of cultural neuroscience in the discussion. Such a holistic approach is meant to help readers gain a deeper and broader understanding of the subjects.


[SIG 09 - OB - Organizational Behaviour] The latest issue of Human Resource Management Review (HRMR) has been published online at https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/human-resource-management-review/vol/29/issue/4. In this issue you will find the first of a series of invited articles – this one by Cary L. Cooper & Luo Luon on the excessive availability for work – and a set of great regular articles on topics including expatriate assignments, creativity, leadership, teams, work/non-work balance, and others. There is also an announcement recognizing our award-winning papers.
Send your conceptual/theoretical work to HRMR and subscribe to alerts at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/serial-alerts/save/10534822 to receive notice when new HRMR articles are published online.
Human Resource Management Review
Conceptual Development for Future Research
Volume 29, Issue 4, December 2019 


[SIG 14 - General Track] Advancing African Knowledge Management and Education published in 2019 is designed to serve management scholars and educators in Africa, African Diaspora, and those interested in advancing African knowledge management and research or re-examining the management domain from African perspectives. For detail Information, see: http://www.euramonline.org/components/com_foxcontact/uploads/5d810e02f1dc8-AdvancingAfricanKnowledgeManagementandEducation.tif


[SIG 11 - PM&NPM - Public and Non-Profit Management] Screened In: The Search for Happiness and Meaning in the Digital Age is a book Anthony Silard has been researching and writing for the past ten years. It’s been a challenge to write as our digital etiquette and relationship to our phones and other screens has been changing so rapidly. There is no more pressing time to influence how we direct our use of technology -- rather than it directing us – than the current moment. This book is now available for pre-order at the following link: 
100 percent of the proceeds from the book will go toward nonprofit education programs in low-income communities worldwide, especially in developing countries. You will receive your copy of Screened In before it hits amazon or bookstores on January 15.



Recent Appointments

[SIG 04 - FABR - Family Business Research] Chan Oonagh has recently (1August 2019) been appointed as the transformation advisor for a family business that has been established in Hong Kong for 70 years.  A media production company named Salon Films (HK) Ltd urgently needed changes and succession due to tackle the challenges posted by the digital media era. The transformation starts with restructuring then rejuvenating the managerial team follow by exploring new sources of revenue from the greater Bay Area in China.  
Consolidation of the originally thin out managing effort from Shanghai and Beijing back to the south of China concern trading on Greater Bay Area development with head office in HK and branch office in Guangzhou. The process will enable the family business to focus its effort on new revenue stream with faster response to market as well as paving the successful transition from father to son. 



Research Networks and Centres

[SIG 06 - INNO – Innovation] Translating scientific research to tools & techniques for practice is an ongoing challenge in bringing university closer to industry. To tackle it, we have recently established the Gamified Research Translation (GREAT) network at RMIT University, Australia. The purpose of GREAT is to foster cross-disciplinary knowledge exchange and catalyze research translation by applying game science. The network consists of psychologists, innovation researchers, industry practitioners, design experts, mathematicians and game experts. On 4 September 2019, GREAT organised its flagship event - the GREAT Hack which saw teams competing for funding, technical support and mentoring. GREAT is now supporting translation of a team's recent top tier journal publication into a game-based tool for construction project managers & translation of recent work in autonomous engagement model for adolescent education. GREAT is seeking partners interested in research translation for local & international grant applications. 
Join us at: https://bit.ly/joingreat Website:https://rmit.edu.au/great


Scholarship and Doctoral Theses

[SIG 06 - INNO - Innovation] Constructing Innovativeness in the Organization. Knowledge Management and Information Technology Management Perspective. Tampere University dissertations 77. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-03-1124-7. Keywords: Knowledge management, knowledge utilization, information technology adoption, future awareness, change readiness, innovativeness.


[SIG 13 - SM - Strategic Management] Tendai Douglas Svotwa graduated at the North-West University, Mafikeng (South Africa) with a PhD in Business Management on 12 April 2019 after four years of study. In addition, he was invited to join The Golden Key International Honour Society based on merit since he was part of the top 15% of Doctoral students at the Mafikeng Campus. Membership to the society is only by invitation (Tendai has since joined and he is now a Life-time member of the Society). His thesis is yet to be published on the North-West University Institutional Repository website and he will provide the relevant URL in due course.



Workshops & Conferences

[SIG 03 - ENT – Entrepreneurship] EGOS Sub-theme: Combating Climate Change through Entrepreneurship
Are you interested in the role of entrepreneurship in addressing the grand challenge of climate change? Building on research on social and environmental entrepreneurship, moral markets, and traditional theories of strategy and entrepreneurship, this EGOS sub-theme aims to bring together a diverse range of scholars to understand entrepreneurial activity that contributes to the mitigation of, or adaptation to, climate change. The goal is to advance scholarly dialogue and help build more unified theory and a stronger empirical knowledge base to understand this important topic.
See here for further information and details on how to apply: https://www.egosnet.org/jart/prj3/egos/main.jart?rel=de&reserve-mode=active&content-id=1564449184268&subtheme_id=1542700475086





Newsletter prepared by

Luisa Jaffé - EURAM Executive Officer

Eleonora Piacenza - EURAM Website Manager 




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Job market


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