Letter from President

Dear Colleagues and friends,

As EURAM president, I am fortunate to have a great team composing the Executive Committee. At times I wonder whether what we do for EURAM and our community of management scholars is useful and relevant. When such questions arise, I tend to embark in some reflexive thinking, just to reassure myself about what we do. Let me briefly reflect on this.

The European Academy of Management aims at developing Management Research and Education to improve knowledge and practice about how to lead organised collective action. EURAM promotes diversity in its widest sense, in a friendly and professional forum. Typically, EURAM is about creating arenas of discussions among peers who conduct research in the field of management at large. EURAM promotes variety of all sorts, e.g. in research topics for scholarly enquiry, methodologies, forms of organizations, publication format and types of journals, languages used, audience targeted, etc. This has very strong implications. EURAM promotes quality seen from a variety of angles. This means that we expect respect from our members regarding all kinds of research, regardless of the format, the vehicles for publications - provided enough rigor, enough relevance and enough innovativeness are key ingredients in the resulting cocktails. EURAM welcomes colleagues who choose to compete in the US centered competition and the corresponding journals. And EURAM equally welcomes colleagues who choose to go their own ways, developing their ideas through other means, publishing in other journals, writing books as well as papers, etc. EURAM is intended for all. The key common requirements that underpins this openness are benevolence, respect for diversity and recognition of innovative ideas wherever they come from. And respect goes in all directions. It is not just a one-way street.

The EURAM 2019 conference in Lisbon was a great success. Our Portuguese colleagues from the organising team, together with our EURAM team from Brussels, did a fantastic job to deliver a smooth conference to all of us. This year again, we had record breaking numbers of paper submissions and attendance. We had an impressive award and grant ceremony acknowledging well-deserving recipients. We had a very good doctoral colloquium before the conference. The plenary panel with keynotes speakers on the Lisbon treaty was very inspiring and extremely well attended. The presidential activities gathered presidents from management academies and learned societies from across Europe and around the world. We discussed the management of management faculty careers – a summary of key points will be made available in the coming months, as was done last year.

As for the results of the election last spring, Kathrin Moeslein is our new president-elect while Sibel Yamak stepped down as past president. Let me express my gratitude for the remarkable contribution that Sibel brought to EURAM during her mandate. And, dear Kathrin, welcome on board. The new statutes were approved by the General assembly, which means, among other improvements in the governance of our academy, that key players in the organization of EURAM, namely the SIG chairs and Track chairs, will now have a formal representation in the board, and thus an official say in the decision making process. This is good news for the Academy.

Several key initiatives were launched during the last 12 months: reduced membership fee, option for multi-annual membership fee, experimenting dual membership fee with partner academies and learned societies, reinforcing the staff in our Brussels headquarters, pointing out more clearly to the services that EURAM offers to members, starting the EURAM SPARKS initiative to reach out to the world of practice, addressing key societal challenges, discussing the rules of the game in our management community. These initiatives will shape up over the next months and more is to come.

As I travelled extensively over the last two months to a series of conferences organised by some of EURAM’s partner academies and learned societies in various geographies, I could feel the need for EURAM. In a way, many national academies are trying hard to help their members go international. And EURAM is a logical international choice for many colleagues in our community at large.

This is why we do what we do at EURAM.

Enjoy the summer.

Thomas Durand




EURAM Grants

Next edition to be announced in October 2019



EURAM Awards



EURAM Annual Conferences


EURAM 2020 Conference – 10-12 June 2020, Trinity Business School, Dublin



EURAM Doctoral Colloquia 


EURAM Early Career Colloquium

Next edition to be announced in October 2019

For further details and updates, please visit the EECC website at: http://www.euram-online.org/community/eecc.html



European Management Review – Permanent Sections


Methodology Corner http://euramonline.org/newsroom/events/196-methodology-matters-call-for-papers.html

Xenophobia Monitor http://euramonline.org/newsroom/events/443-xenophobia-monitor.html


Open Positions

 Job opportunities

Most recent posting: http://www.euramonline.org/all-job-posting



Awards and Grants

[SIG 04 - FABR - Family Business Research] Dr. Navneet Bhatnagar, Senior Researcher with the Thomas Schmidheiny Centre for Family Enterprise, Indian School of Business, received the Outstanding Reviewer Award at the 15th Annual Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC) in Burlington, USA. Top scholars in the field of family business research participated in the FERC conference.
Highlights about the conference are available at - https://www.uvm.edu/business/ferc-2019-0



[SIG 09 - OB - Organizational Behaviour] Sunday, August 11, 2019, Sheraton Boston Hotel, Independence West Room, 4:30pm – 6:30pm followed by Reception till 8:00 pm 
Jointly sponsored by the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) and Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM) 
Are you curious about the meaning of “Responsible Research?” Do you want to find out how to engage in research that yields credible knowledge, impacts practice, and contributes to a better world? We will have those answers and more at the “IACMR-RRBM Responsible Research in Management Award” Ceremony and Celebration to be held in Boston, the location of the Academy of Management meeting.  
Neng Liang and Ray Friedman
Past and Current Presidents of IACMR
Anne S. Tsui, Bill Glick, and Mary Jo Bitner
Co-Chairs of RRBM Working Board



Books, Journals & Publications

[SIG 01 - B4S - Business for Society] Green Startup Monitor (GSM): Every 4th German Startup is green

Free download: www.borderstep.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/GreenStartupMonitor2018_EN.pdf

The German Green Startup Monitor (GSM) shows that:

In 2018, 26% of startups in Germany were operating with products and services that contribute to a Green Economy

  • Green startups plan a similar growth in turnover and employeesas non-green startups and see this planned growth much less as a challenge (36% vs. 46%).
  • Green startups have a significantly higher interest in internationalization. Especially in the group of particularly growth-oriented startups, green ones name the internationalization of their business activities more frequently as an important corporate objective (86% vs. 66% of non-green startups).
  • Green startups find it easier to find employees, especially for IT positions. 91% of green startups plan to hire an average of seven new employees in the next twelve months.

The GSM was published by the Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability in cooperation with the German Startups Association, and with the financial support of the German Federal Environmental Foundation.



[SIG 01 - B4S - Business for Society] A discussion starter for the EURAM Lisbon conference was published by Shann Turnbull and his co-author, Michael Pirson in April. Their article in The European Financial Review was on: ‘The Future of Management: Network governance?’ It is posted at: http://www.europeanfinancialreview.com/the-future-of-management-network-governance/ The article describes how the network organisations identified by Elinor Ostrom that avoided the tragedy of the commons, could be used to manage the conflicts between shareholders and stakeholders to provide benefits for all. This would achieve the objectives of investment fund manager, BlackRock. Firms would become a common good! Global common good firms could then use their networks to avoid global existential threats to humanity. A story Turnbull will raise as a proponent of the EURAM Symposium to discuss ‘Should management of existential risks be included in management education?



[SIG 02 - COGO - Corporate Governance] Corporate Governance: An International Review
Call for Proposals: Review Issue 2021
Deadline for Submissions of Proposals: September 1, 2019
Corporate Governance: An International Review seeks proposals for review articles that consolidate and advance current knowledge of subjects in line with the mission of the journal. Review articles should be high-impact scholarly surveys of important streams of governance research. They should compile the state of corresponding knowledge, integrate related literatures and provide promising avenues for future research.
For queries about this special issue, please feel free to contact the CGIR Editors-in-Chief, Konstantinos Stathopoulos (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Till Talaulicar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), or the editorial office of the journal (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
The full Call for Proposals can be found here: 



[SIG 02 - COGO - Corporate Governance] Call for Papers - Corporate Governance: An International Review. Special Issue on “Ownership and Corporate Governance across Institutional Contexts”
Submission Deadline: September 1, 2020
Guest Editors
Xavier Castañer, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Maria Goranova, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Niels Hermes, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Nikolaos Kavadis, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
Alessandro Zattoni, LUISS University, Italy
Abstract: The purpose of this special issue forum is to encourage integrative research on corporate ownership and how heterogeneity and changes in corporate ownership composition affects corporate governance, as well as to facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas across research streams and communities traditionally focused on different institutional contexts. In particular, we are interested in how the now more heterogeneous corporate ownership structures affect corporate governance mechanisms and their effectiveness in different countries. The ownership fabric of contemporary corporations has undergone a profound transformation, with global flow of investments heralding changes not only for the corporate governance demands faced by companies and their officers and directors, but also challenging our assumptions about shareholder interests, heterogeneity, and governance preferences. Against the background of ownership changes, new theory building and testing seems increasingly necessary to understand their implications for corporate governance.



[SIG 03 - ENT - Entrepreneurship] We wish to publish reports on the International Symposium ‘Intellectual Capital: Measurement, Risks and Reporting’, which we had held at the 9th of April.
Secondly, we wish to publish a notification that the first book of HSE in the Springer series 'Strategic Deals in Emerging Capital Markets. Are there Efficiency Gains?' is accepted for publication in 2019.
Our current initiative: the Springer Nature series ‘Advanced Studies in Emerging Markets Finance’
The first book ‘Strategic Deals in Emerging Capital Markets’ is accepted and submitted for technical process.
The second book ‘Corporate financial architecture and corporate performance in emerging capital markets’ will be submitted in December 2019.
The third book ‘Finance risk estimation and modeling in emerging markets’ will be submitted in 2020.



[SIG 04 – FABR - Family Business Research] We are excited to announce the publication of our Special Issue of ORGANIZATION STUDIES on “Advancing Organization Studies in Family Business Research”. The issue shows how family business research and organization studies can benefit from greater cross-fertilization. You have FREE ACCESS TO ALL PAPERS OF THE SPECIAL ISSUE – UNTIL JUNE 23RD.  To access the content of the Special Issue visit https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/ossa/40/6
Articles in the Special Issue:
Family Business Research with Organization Studies: Interpretations, issues and insights Family Firms as Institutions: Cultural reproduction and status maintenance among multi-centenary shinise  When Does the Family Matter? Institutional pressures and corporate philanthropy In a Family Way? A model of family firm identity maintenance by non-family members  Institutional Preservation Work at a Family Business in Crisis Socioemotional Favoritism: Evidence from foreign divestitures in family multinationals.  



[SIG 04 – FABR - Family Business Research] Family Business Group Phenomenon – Emergence and Complexities
Edited collection analyses the unexplored concept of the family business group, evaluating the opportunities and advantages that it creates for entrepreneurs. Raising a number of important questions, the authors construct a new research agenda for the complex topic of the family business group, which will ultimately assess its contribution towards the economy and society in general. The chapters provide a core understanding of the phenomenon and cover its formation, nature and complexities, as well as offering a holistic perspective and exploring factors such as scale, size and regional contexts. A useful tool for those researching small businesses, organisation, and business strategy, this book highlights the key advantages of family business group structures in both developed and developing countries, and local and national contexts.



[SIG 06 - INNO - Innovation] *Call for Paper* Special Issue  on creativity and innovation for sustainability - state of the art and future perspectives in "Sustainability" from MDPI: https://lnkd.in/dmsP5-Q 



[SIG 06 - INNO – Innovation] Call for Papers with Annalisa Croce, Massimo Colombo, Armin Schwienbacher and Elisa Ughetto for a special issue on digital technologies and the changing entrepreneurial finance landscape in Technological Forecasting and Social Change: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/technological-forecasting-and-social-change/call-for-papers/digital-technologies-and-the-changing 



[SIG 06 - INNO - Innovation] CfP for a special issue at the International Journal Innovation Management (IJIM).
This special issue encourages conceptual and empirical work on the corporate-start-ups relationship in the context of digital transformation. Interdisciplinary research that connects technology innovation management and entrepreneurship are particularly welcomed.
Please find all details here: https://www.worldscientific.com/page/ijim/callforpapers01 



[SIG 10 – PO - Project Organising] Ofer Zwikael published a new book on project management. The book, published by Springer, is entitled: "Project Management A Benefit Realisation Approach" - https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030031732



[SIG 13 - SM - Strategic Management] The world of banking is changing for several reasons. New financial service providers (Fintechs) are going beyond customer-facing applications and services to include all elements of the financial services production process. A new generation of services and financial intermediation frameworks are transforming the industry. Taking a transdisciplinary approach, the book is a comprehensive analysis of how conventional banking is undergoing its transformation and meeting new challenges. It outlines the importance of considering the traditional fundamentals of banking and fitting them into the modern times. Visions, strategies, business models and actions are a conscious step away from the past. This evolution will continue, because technological changes, customer habits and regulation are co-evolving so that banks and Fintechs will have to develop the ability to balance short-term targets and long-term goals, as well as short-term moves and a longer-term vision.



Recent Appointments

[SIG 10 – PO - Project Organising] Ofer Zwikael has been promoted to full Professor at the Australian National University.



[SIG 13 - SM - Strategic Management] Asmâa Hidki
On February 2019 has been an Associate Fellow in Clinical Informatics to the outstanding Faculty of Clinical Informatics in United Kingdom 'FCIUK'. 
Since the initial formation in 2015, The Faculty of Clinical Informatics intends to continue establishing clinical informatics as a fully recognised and respected profession, in line with its Mission, Vision, Values and Objectives. 
This recognition will definitely boost the skills, knowledge and more importantly the commitment to keep moving forward all the health professionals with more Innovation @ research projects in the field of Clinical Informatics and Information systems sciences.
More details-  visit our website 
Associate Appointments – February 2019
The following professionals were accepted as Associates Fellows by the Faculty Council in February 2019 and informed on 13th February 2019.



Research Networks and Centres

[SIG 01 - B4S - Business for Society] The project log at the URL below provides news on:

  • Progress in ongoing research project
  • Grant application success




[SIG 06 - INNO – Innovation] Social innovation could be considered as a new strategic aim for social banking in the EU. Indeed, some social experimentations are following, both in Belgium, Hungary, Romania and in France, by researchers on microfinance 
who try to understand which is the nature of this kind of social innovation under a banking inclusion approach. In France, we're working with the "Crédit Municipal" from Nantes - one of the French public pawnshop - about a social experimentation on solidarity-based savings product in order to develop a complete domestic model of microfinance, with social microcredit and social micro-insurance. The first results will be presented at the end of June 2019. The final research report could be available next November. This academic research is sustained by two French institutions: the "Banque de France" and the Territories' Bank which is a member of the "Caisse des Dépôts". To obtain more information about this academic research, you can send an e-mail to : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



[SIG 06 - INNO – Innovation] The Finnish Design Academy research project
Service design as a cross-disciplinary approach proposes new complementary ways to innovate and develop services to ensure customer/user-centricity, improved usability and experience in a participatory co-development projects in multi-professional settings for feasible and viable business solutions. This, in turn, impacts on how organisations are shaped, structured, and managed in future. The Finnish Design Academy (FDA) research project (2018-2020) funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture aims to reform Finnish Design Education by developing the university level education. The main goal of the project is to develop a new kind of collaboration model for and in collaboration with all Finnish university level design schools. Included is service design, which poses variety of challenges and opportunities for managers and management scholars in both the private and public sector.



[SIG 14 - General Track] Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is the first university in Lithuania implementing ERA Chairs programme funded project. Industry 4.0 Impact on Management Practices and Economics (IN4ACT)  project will contribute to strengthening KTU’s competitiveness among centres of excellence elsewhere in the European Research Area (ERA).
The main objectives of the Project are: designing the strategy for investigation of Industry’s 4.0 impact on business development and economy; attracting top-level researchers; and contributing to research management and development of International PhD School.
To date, 17 candidates submitted applications for the position of Principal Investigator of the project. Seven of them were approved for the next selection phase. The position of Principal Investigator will start on October 1, 2019. Then a competition for the remaining five project team members will be announced.



Scholarship and Doctoral Theses

[SIG 01 - B4S - Business for Society] Sherwyn Millette successfully defended his PhD Dissertation, “How to build upon sustainable entrepreneurial opportunities in developing economies”, at Rochester Institute of Technology under the joint supervision of Clyde Eiríkur Hull and Eric Williams.  A circular economy (CE) incubator model was developed, after which quantitative and qualitative data were collected in Trinidad and Tobago to validate the model.  Dr. Millette has now returned to Trinidad.



[SIG 09 - OB - Organizational Behaviour] Dr Wen Wang and Professor Roger Seifert have run an online staff survey for the Registers of Scotland, commissioned by the Public and Commercial Services Union, they have had 521 responses out of 800 staff, both Public and Commercial Services Union and the Senior Management Team.  The Registers of Scotland are very pleased with the outcome.  Wen and Roger are in the process of analysing the data. 


Workshops & Conferences

Trust PDW at AOM: Invitation to pre-register
We invite you to attend the 7th AOM Professional Development Workshop (PDW) on "Trust between Individuals and Organizations." Note that pre-registration is a requirement for participating in this PDW. Please find the details below or at https://aom.org/meetings/sess2019.asp?id=11054Scheduled: Saturday, Aug 10, 2019, 11:30AM - 1:30PM at Boston Hynes Convention Center / 204
Organizers: Bart De Jong, Oliver Schilke
Panelists: Darcy Fudge Kamal, Ranjay Gulati, M Audrey Korsgaard
Facilitators: Laura Huang, Dejun Kong, Tony Simons, Stefan Thau, Libby Leann Weber



[SIG 01 - B4S - Business for Society] The Humanistic Management Network most cordially invites the EURAM Community to the 2019 Seventh Annual Humanistic Management Conference taking place on October 10. – 11. in Krakow, Poland. The theme of this year's edition of this global boutique conference is Solidarity and the Common Good. 
At our 2019 conference we will therefore assess and test the hypothesis that acting with solidarity and catering to the common good are part and parcel of a Humanistic Management paradigm just as much as they are a necessity for us to find solutions to some of the most pressing challenges we face as a global community. 
You can find the program, speakers, call for papers and all conference related information on our conference webpage under www.humanisticmanagement.events 



[SIG 01 - B4S - Business for Society] Should the Academy encourage research and teaching on how managers can achieve the objectives of BlackRock, the largest investor in the world? BlackRock wants: “A new model of corporate governance” to provide benefits for all stakeholders, not just shareholders. Education may be required on how to redesign the constitutions, charters and/or by laws of organisations as commonly undertaken by stakeholder governed firms. Stakeholder governed firms like VISA Inc. in the US, The John Lewis Partnership in the UK and the Mondragon coops in Europe provides evidence that no changes in the law is required. Please contact us: Shann Turnbull at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and Michael Pirson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to collaborate as a proponent for a 2020 Symposium.



[SIG 06 - INNO - Innovation] Prof Elisa Salvador (ESSCA School of Management), Elena Castro-Martínez (INGENIO-CSIC, UPV), Ana Botella Nicolás and Rosa Isusi Fagoaga (University of Valencia) organize an international Workshop about “Cultural Festivals’ Organization and Management: new Challenges in the Digital Age?” on November 26th, 2019 at the University of Valencia, Spain, under the label of AIMAC and followed by a Special Issue of the International Journal of Arts Management (IJAM). There is no fee for researchers attending the Workshop. Speakers having sent a full version of the paper they will present at the Workshop will benefit from free accommodation (1 or 2 nights) and conference expenses (coffee breaks and meals) will be fully covered by the organizers. For more info, see the official website https://cfest.webs.upv.es/ 



[SIG 07 - IM - International Management] We are happy to invite you to our IÉSEG and IACCM conjoint conference from 31.10.-02.11.2019 and warmly invite submissions from both practitioners and academics alike.
Conference Title: "Intercultural competencies for a disruptive VUCA world: Exploring creativity, innovation, resilience & resistance in intercultural research, training & management".
Different contribution formats are available to suit different approaches and content. 
More Information online here: https://iaccm-congress.ieseg.fr/
And btw, did you know about our available student bursaries?
Our student bursary awards are for students and early career scholars who have submissions accepted for presentation at the IACCM-IESEG2019 Conference. Application deadline: June 10, 2019. All enquiries on bursary applications (subject: student bursary) should be directed to Dr. Barbara Covarrubias Venegas: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. How to apply? All details can be found online.
Like & share with our intercultural community – We’d love to see you in Paris!



[SIG 10 – PO - Project Organising] 5th International Scientific Conference CEPPIS 2019 was set out to pay attention to recent in construction project management trends especially Circular Economy implementation problems in those projects. It was held on May 22 in Bydgoszcz (Poland). More information: www.ceppis.pl


[SIG 13 - SM - Strategic Management] We cordially invite you to the PDW on Advancing Aspirations Research: Theorizing and Measuring Social Aspirations at this summer's AOM Annual Meeting. The PDW will be held on Friday, August 9, 11:15AM - 12:45 PM at Boston Park Plaza in room ‘Arlington’.
The PDW aims to achieve a deeper understanding of how social comparisons influence aspirations. While recognized as an important topic, suggestions for more nuanced theory and modelling have not been adopted widely. Scholars seeking to advance their work on aspirations and performance feedback will be able to develop a thorough understanding of the main challenges and trends in this area of research as well as to receive personalized feedback on their work by leading authors and scholars.
Full details: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dg02wu4ugciz8r1/PDW%20-%20Social%20aspirations%20-%20Program.docx?dl=0. Contact us for registration instructions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



[SIG 13 - SM - Strategic Management] The Chair “Strategic and Competitive Intelligence” at Université Paris Dauphine - PSL organizes on October 15, 2019 a workshop on Strategic Issue Management.
We invite authors to submit their work to participate to a poster and paper development session with Tomi Laamanen, board member and treasurer of the Strategic Management Society, editor-in-chief of the Long Range Planning journal and editorial board member of many other journals. Authors selected for the poster session will participate to a “meet the editor” and paper development session with Tomi Laamanen and other editors from recognized scientific journals.
For more information see http://euramonline.org/newsroom/news/724-strategic-issue-management-workshop-2.html
The deadline for submissions is 22sd of September 2019.
Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



[SIG 14 - General Track] Call for Poster Session contributions at the 27th CEEMAN Annual Conference 
We invite faculty members and researchers to showcase their work at the CEEMAN poster session related to the overall theme of the 27th CEEMAN Annual Conference: Management Education for a Changing World, taking place from 25 to 27 September 2019 in Wrocław, Poland. 
We encourage you to submit your proposal for a poster presentation in one or several of the following subtracks: 

  • teaching case study,
  • research work,
  • teaching tool & technique,
  • other experience.

The potential contributors need to submit their abstracts by 30 June to Prof. Zoltán Buzády at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Your submission should indicate the sub-track, presentation topic, what aspects you plan to present and how it relates to the conference theme. 
More info: http://www.ceeman.org/collaboration/posters2019
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



[SIG 14 - General Track] Decoding digital transformation in education at CEEMAN's EdTech Seminar
CEEMAN is inviting you to a highly interactive EdTech Seminar on Digital Technologies in Teaching and Learning, taking place on 14-16 October 2019 in Bled, Slovenia.
The seminar is intended for decision makers, as well as administrative and academic staff of management development institutions who would like to learn more about strategies, practices and tools for embedding digital technologies in teaching and learning.
Class sessions will include briefings by experts with significant experience from both education and business world, panel discussions, video conferences, technology demos, as well as group work and discussions where participants will be able to share their own experience and discuss new insights and ideas.
Early-bird deadline: 15 June 2019
More: http://www.ceeman.org/edtech
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 




Newsletter prepared by

Luisa Jaffé - EURAM Executive Officer

Eleonora Piacenza - EURAM Website Manager 




EURAM Job Market

Job market


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