Letter from President 

Dear colleagues and friends,

This has been a busy year that is full of stimulating achievements. We have undertaken new initiatives to foster the role of EURAM in management research, education and practice! Our new activities will advance our efforts to make management knowledge work to resolve intensifying complexities that societies face across the world. We have now series of grants to encourage responsible management research and practice. They will support our members in their endeavour of responsible knowledge creation, dissemination and implementation. As another means for acknowledging meaningful scholarship, we are eagerly waiting for your suggestions for the second edition of EURAM book award.  Our website provides detailed information in relation to these initiatives.

We are also undertaking different activities to improve our operational capacity. Our SIG chairs have been working on a document to improve the functioning of SIGs. I would like to thank each of them and our VP SIGs Remi Jardat for their commitment and dedication. We also carry out some works together with EIASM to develop our IT infrastructure. This is a very intensive work for which I am grateful to our VP Conferences Dorota Dobija, our executive officer Luisa Jaffé and EIASM Managing Director Nicole Coopman.

As part of our efforts in bridging the gap between practice and theory, our conference chair Eythor Jonsson, our VP Practice Stefan Guldenberg are going to organise new activities at the EURAM Conference in Iceland. This will help us establish a stimulating interaction between academics and practitioners. We will better understand the problems of the business community, better explain our position in relation to the issues of concern for practice and create theories and ideas to handle the complexities more effectively. I would invite you to mark 20-23 June 2018 on your calendars to attend this inspiring conference. The conference will be preceded by our doctoral colloquium. You may want to join us as mentors, participants and speakers between 17-19 June 2018. In fact, the submission deadline for our DC and annual conference is approaching fast!  Please submit your work and motivate your colleagues and students to do so.

Another deadline which is approaching even faster is that of EURAM Early Career Colloquium. This year LUISS University has kindly agreed to host the event in their lovely campus at the centre of Rome. Prominent scholars have agreed to act as mentors to support young colleagues. I would like to invite colleagues who are at the early stages of their career to attend this inspiring event. 

I wish you a nice holiday season and a very happy new year! 

Sibel Yamak

President, European Academy of Management 


NEW – EURAM Grants

EURAM Grant Scheme

Submission deadline: 30 April 2018 at 2 pm Brussels time. 

Call for Applications: EURAM Grants Scheme announcement

One of EURAM's aspiration is to support rigorous and relevant research in the field of business and management, with implications and relevance to the European research community.

EURAM is pleased to announce the launch of Research Grants Schemes for 2018. The Executive Committee has set the target of promoting research for our members, and devoted the sum of €25,000 funds for the scheme. Scholars at any stage of their career may apply for the scheme. Each proposal can be in the range of €3000-€5000. About 6-7 grants will be awarded.

Submit your application online http://grants.euram.org/r/scripts/register/default.asp

Read More: http://www.euramonline.org/grants-and-awards/grants/479-euram-grant-scheme.html


Announcement of PMI Research Grant

The Project Management Institute (PMI) announces a research grant opportunity exclusively available to EURAM’s Project Organizing Track in partnership with the Innovation Track.  The Request for Proposal (RFP), along with eligibility criteria and submission guidelines, will be posted on 1 October 2017 on PMI’s website, www.pmi.org/SponsoredResearch, and remain open until 8 December.  EURAM will post a link to the RFP along with detailed information on application procedures on its website.

Read More: http://euramonline.org/grants-and-awards/grants/476-announcement-of-pmi-research-grant.html



EURAM Awards

Book Award 2018

Deadline for nominations: 31 January 2018

In 2017, a new “Best Book of the Year Award” was started by the Academy.

We are now very pleased to launch the second edition of this award which is accompanied with a cash prize of €2500. The award is granted annually to a scholarly authored book in the general field of management studies (single or multiple authored). Only scholarly books/monographs (not edited books or textbooks) may be nominated. The language of the book should be English (in the future we hope to extend this to more languages). Date of publication must be the last year before the conference (for 2018: books with 2017 as year of publication). All fields of management are included.

A nomination for a book can be made either by any Strategic Interest Group (SIG), or by any individual, including self-nominations. At least one of the authors of the nominated book should be either a current member of EURAM or become a member in order to accept the Award.

There is no formal nomination form, but the document should be no longer than 600 words (plus a short cover letter).

Nominations should be submitted to Vice President Research via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by 31 January.  A designated committee will choose the winner, based on the criteria of scholarly impact – rigor and relevance of the book – with consideration for the ‘European’ element of the book. 

The winner(s) will be announced at the EURAM Conference in Reykjavik in June 2018.



EURAM Annual Conferences

EURAM 2018 Conference – 20-23 June 2018, Reykjavik, University of Iceland


Deadline for submission of papers: 10 January 2018 2 pm Brussels time.

To submit your paper: Submission Link

Registration Link

 Call for Reviewers

To organise a high quality and knowledge generating conference in Reykjavik, we need your full support. The track chairs rely on your commitment and expertise to build a meaningful programme. We hope to be able to count on you once more, or for the first time, and would like to you invite you to register as a reviewer for the EURAM 2018 Conference.

To do so, please go to http://2018.euramfullpaper.org/callfor-default.asp. It will take you 4-5 minutes to complete your profile. With this information, track chairs will be able to match papers with your area of expertise. If you registered as a reviewer in 2017, you will only have to check and update your profile. We kindly ask you to register as a reviewer or for any other voluntary roles by 31 December 2017. 

To register, go to http://2018.euramfullpaper.org/login.asp


EURAM 2019 Conference – 26-30 June 2019, Lisbon, ICSTE-IUL



EURAM Doctoral Colloquium - 17-19 June 2018, Reykjavik, University of Iceland

Deadline for applications: 24 January 2018 2 pm Brussels time.

 EURAM Early Career Colloquium

Theme: Leaders of Tomorrow - Building a Successful Career in Management Academia

Dates: March 18-20, 2018

Location: LUISS University, Rome, Italy 

Deadline for Applications: 18 December 2017, 2 pm Brussels time.

Each applicant should submit to Alessandro Zattoni’s email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.):

  • a short CV;
  • a cover letter stating you are applying to the EURAM EECC and you will attend the workshop if accepted;
  • a paper of maximum 10,000 words.



EURAM Activities



Business schools are undergoing tremendous change in a highly competitive environment. Strong research contributes to brand recognition, enhances schools' capacity to attract high level faculty and students, offers cutting-edge study programmes and engage with discerning client organisations. Research excellence is highly influential in national higher education policy with ongoing demands for accountability (for publicly funded institutions); research is assessed, ranked and accredited in national and international contexts.

Read More: http://euramonline.org/newsroom/events/491-research-leadership-programme.html


European Management Review – Special Issues

Leveraging cooperation for gender equality in management

Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2018 



Family involvement in management and firm growth

Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2018



Bohemian like you? Managing people and organizations in creative industries

Deadline for full paper submissions: October 31, 2018



European Management Review – Permanent Sections

European Management Review

Methodology Corner



Xenophobia Monitor



Open Positions




News from Strategic Interest Groups

Entrepreneurship SIG

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

These are new activities of our Entrepreneurship SIG:

  1. EURAM 2018 publication opportunities

ST03_04 Entrepreneurial decision making and behavior

Special Issue: “Negotiation and Conflict Management in Entrepreneurial Ventures and Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs),” Negotiation and Conflict Management Research

Special Issue: “Entrepreneurial Decision Making and Behavior,” Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship

Edited Book “The anatomy of entrepreneurial decisions and negotiations” by Springer

Calls for papers: https://goo.gl/ouaZnC.

T03_08 Growth Strategies & Internationalization for SMEs

Special Issue: “Growth Strategies & Internationalization for SMEs,” International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business (http://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=ijgsb).

T 03_10 Managerialization and Professionalization in SMEs and family firms

Special Issue: “Professionalization and Managerialization of Family SMEs,” International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems


  1. Follow the SIG ENTREPRENEURSHIP on ResearchGate and Facebook




Report from Poland

Our colleague, Marzena Starnawska, newly elected national representative for Poland and SIG Entrepreneurship programme chair elect, has recently participated in 3 different conferences in Poland, held at the University of Warsaw (16-17 November 2017), Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun (23-24 November 2017) and University of Lodz (29 November 2017-1 December 2017). “These are some of the best research universities in Poland, I have had a great opportunity to talk to my Polish colleagues and make enquiries about their future involvement in EURAM community. I have also encouraged them to consider new topic and track proposals for the Lisbon conference”, says Marzena.

place:  venue for Conference organized by Faculty of Economic Sciences Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń, from left to right: Aldona Glińska-Neweś (Dean for International Relations, current EURAM member), Maciej Zastempowski(Dean for Research) and Marzena herself.

place:  venue for Conference organized by Faculty of Economic Sciences Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń,
from left to right: Aldona Glińska-Neweś (Dean for International Relations, current EURAM member), Maciej Zastempowski(Dean for Research) and Marzena herself.



Resilience of Critical Infrastructures

Prof.dr. Alfons van Marrewijk has received two research grants from Dutch NWO/NGInfra for studying inter-organizational collaboration between infrastructure operators. One study (500 K €) gives special attention to  the unpredictable and untamed nature of the underground in the inter-organizational decision-making over infrastructure networks. The other study (500 K €), supervised by the TU Delft, focuses upon the use of data streams to support the integrated design, construction and management of interconnecting infrastructures. The study helps the infrastructure operators to materialize the full potential of synergy by facilitating a transformation towards more effective collaboration and joint decision-making.


Peiran Su (PhD, University College Dublin) has received BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant Award for his research project 'The process of ageing: Understanding firm longevity and historical strategic changes in A. F. Craig & Co. Ltd., c.1880-c.1980.' The British Academy is the UK’s national body for the humanities and social sciences. Dr Su is a Lecturer in Strategic Management at the School of Business and Enterprise, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, UK. His previous work received EURAM Best Paper in Strategic Management.


Recent Appointments

Ralitza Nikolaeva was elected to the Board of Trustees of the American University in Bulgaria.


Books, Journals & Publications

In December 2017 - "Staging Organizations: Plays as critical commentaries on workplace life"


Consisting of seven plays written by the author, each is followed by a stimulating commentary by a noted scholar, exploring the wider contexts and values of applying theatre to organisational environments and management education.


Call for Papers to a special issue of Futures [SSCI 1.918, Scopus, FNEGE, ABS] on “Futures of Management Theory”.
Deadline: September 15, 2018.
For further details, please see: https://wp.me/pvO07-16A 


Call For papers: Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management Journal, Special Issue on Governing by numbers: audit culture and contemporary tales of universities’ accountability

Recent decades have witnessed the increasing globalization, corporatization and hybridization of universities. As academics, professionals and students move across national boundaries, international rankings and ratings of universities have become widespread and influential, while various teaching and research measurement systems continue to be developed and applied. Since the 1990s, a radical growth of new managerial models, methods and “calculative technologies” (i.e. mission statements, output performance indicators, annual staff reviews, etc.) has aimed at enhancing performance and assuring quality of research and teaching […]

More Info: http://www.kozminski.edu.pl/qramj2018/

To help authors prepare their manuscripts for submission, a Special Issue Workshop will be held on 25 and 26 October 2018 at Kozminski University (Warsaw, Poland).
Contact details: For inquiries and further information please contact Giuseppe Grossi (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) recently published an overview of management problems in microfinance for poverty alleviation
Poverty alleviation is the UN's first and foremost sustainable development goal (SDG). Please contact me if you wish to collaborate on further multi-country research. Updates on the project can be followed here:

The project requires local collaborators who can work independently, conduct semi-structured interviews, translate, transcribe, and help with the analysis. Please assist in disseminating this information across your respective networks, and achieve societal impact beyond academic ‘impact factors’.


Global Opportunities for Entrepreneurial Growth: Coopetition and Knowledge Dynamics within and across Firms (publication date: December 7th, 2017)

Contemporary markets are increasingly complex and dynamic. Diverse business contexts have become closer, and are increasingly influenced by socio-economic and technological factors. Firms nowadays build alliances even with competing players to ensure entrepreneurial survival and growth. This publication aims to investigate, compare, and contrast the theoretical and practical elements of business concepts and models that are acclimated to the dynamic changes of our modern era. Furthermore, it describes and analyzes the current cooperative interactions among firms, and evaluates the contribution of knowledge dynamics in coopetition.

More Info: http://books.emeraldinsight.com/page/detail/Global-Opportunities-for-Entrepreneurial-Growth/?k=9781787145023


"Local clusters in Global Value Chains: linking actors and territories through manufacturing and innovation

edited by De Marchi, V., Di Maria, E. and Gereffi, G.; Routledge Studies in Global Competition (2018)

Drawing on detailed and fresh studies of different industries and countries and adopting insights the global value chains (GVCs) and management studies, this book describes the co-evolutionary trajectories of industrial clusters and GVCs. It explores the tension between place-based variables and global drivers of change, and the possibility for territories containing such clusters to prosper in the new global scenario – characterised by a high international fragmentation of economic activities – considering for the strategies of key firms.

For researchers and policy makers interested in the dynamic sources of competitive advantage in the global economy.

More Info: https://www.routledge.com/Local-Clusters-in-Global-Value-Chains-Linking-Actors-and-Territories-Through/De-Marchi-Di-Maria-Gereffi/p/book/9781138742864


Journal of Accountancy published Attracting and Retaining Diverse Talent in the Accounting Profession: A Case Study. The authors outlined organizational efforts in the accounting and professional services industry to attract, develop and retain diverse professionals with a focus on the inclusion of women and minorities in their talent pipelines. The case study included primary documentation and materials generated from face-to-face interviews with two accounting firms each representing a significant employee presence in Charlotte, NC. The firms represent a top 20 domestic firm and a Big 4, global firm. The authors evaluated the companies’ talent sourcing, learning and promotion goals within the context of the accounting industry. Internal stakeholders were interviewed including partners, senior managers, and representatives from human resources, and learning and development functional departments. Authors Dr. Catherine Burr and Rod Gravin, Charlotte Chamber. 



University College of Southeast Norway (HSN) innovate in its educational portfolio by launching The Industrial Academia. The Industrial Academia is a joint collaboration between HSN and industrial companies in Norway. It's is organized as a three-year study where students are employed (50%) at a collaborative company while they are doing their master degree (50%). The HSN Industrial Academia is offering a Master in Systems Engineering, several more master programs will be included in the next years.


Workshops & Conferences


Call for Papers - IMES 2018 - 2018 – May 31 – June 1, 2018, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic

We are pleased to invite you for the 6th International Conference on Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability – IMES 2018, which will take place on May 31 – June 1, 2018, at the University of Economics, Prague. Sound keynote speakers will discuss the trends in the fields of innovation management, entrepreneurship and sustainability. Authors are encouraged to submit their full papers from December 1, 2017 till January 15, 2018.

More Info: http://imes.vse.cz/


The 28th Annual Conference of ACEDE (Spanish Scientific Association for Business Economics and Management) will be held in Valladolid (Spain), next June 24-26, 2018.

The annual conference brings together all areas of management (entrepreneurship, management of operations, family business, international management, strategy, finance, corporate governance, innovation, marketing, human resources or teaching innovation) while simultaneously hosting a doctoral workshop in which senior researchers discuss the work of Ph.D. students.

Three types of prizes will be awarded: the prize for the best presentation, the prize for the best presentation among novel researchers, and a series of eight awards to the best papers on Operations management, Human resources, Family business, Marketing, Finance, International management, Entrepreneurship, and Business strategy.

More Info: http://www.acede.org/congreso


The 5th CAAG Critical and Alternative Approaches in Governance - 02-03 July 2018 – Barcelona

The political nature of corporations: back to the future

Special Issue “Governing complexity to challenge neo-liberalism? New democracy, new corporations, new markets” European Management Journal

  1. What new institutional arrangements are needed to help define the new role of businesses as political actors in a globalizing society?
  2. How will the new collaborative ‘means of production’ be governed and by whom?
  3. Are corporations, in their present form, able to address the sustainability challenge? 

Details here: https://www.tbs-education.es/en/international-governance-workshop

Special grants for this edition

Keynote speakers:

Professor Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro - Vice President and Program Chair of AOM

Professor Christos Pitelis  - Head of Brunel Business School

More Info:


Red Pilares Congress - 26-29 September 2018 – Santiago de Chile

Our group are now concentrate efforts about networks of recyclable materials, presented in EURAM 2017, to participate in the Red Pilares Congress (Pilares Network Congress), which will occur in 2018, in Chile. The aim of this congress is about new ways of organizations in Latin America, including the networks with commercial/social objectives.

For more information, access the site https://congresopilares2018.wixsite.com/inicio

If you know something about the situation in Europe, or want to change information, please send me a message.

Ernesto M. Giglio – UNIP- Universidade Paulista- Brazil This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


EGOS 2018, Sub-Theme 43: Multimodal Methods in Organization Research

Convened by: Joep Cornelissen, Curtis LeBaron, Matthias Wenzel

Deadline for Short Papers: 8 January, 2018

The aim of this sub-theme is to provide a forum for engaging discussions that continue and advance debates on the use of multimodal methods in organization research. Therefore, we invite papers that present surprising results based on multimodal data and unpack the complex practice of using multimodal methods in organization research. We welcome both conceptual and empirical papers that extend our understanding of the spectrum of possibilities that multimodal methods offer, reflect on the limits of collecting and analyzing multimodal data, and elaborate on ways in which organization scholars can constructively cope with these limits.

More Info:


Call for Papers: Special Issue on Governing by numbers: audit culture and contemporary tales of universities’ accountability

Deadline: Full paper submission: by the 15th January 2019

Recent decades have witnessed the increasing globalization, corporatization and hybridization of universities. As academics, professionals and students move across national boundaries, international rankings and ratings of universities have become widespread and influential, while various teaching and research measurement systems continue to be developed and applied. Since the 1990s, a radical growth of new managerial models, methods and “calculative technologies” (i.e. mission statements, output performance indicators, annual staff reviews, etc.) has aimed at enhancing performance and assuring quality of research and teaching. It has been also observed that teaching and research performance are now being quantified (Roberts, 2004; ter Bogt and Scapens, 2012; Kallio et al., 2017) more than ever before. […]

Read More: http://www.euramonline.org/newsroom/news/485-governing-by-numbers-audit-culture-and-contemporary-tales-of-universities-accountability.html 


Research Networks and Centres

Immagine: Interreg Alpine Space programme.png BIFOCAlps is an international research project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. It bases on the “Factory of the Future” (FoF) paradigm, an initiative of the European Commission. Its objective is to "boosting innovation in Factory of the Future value chain" and aims to enhance long-term sustainability of FoF practices and technologies, to create added value for competitiveness of manufacturing sector and to establish a standardised impact indicators system that allows to evaluate performance of FoF adoption and innovation patterns in line with smart specialisation strategies. The project interlinks human resources, technology and information equally to establish more performant and more efficient but also more intelligent, self-managing and autonomous manufacturing systems: cyber-physical systems, smart factories.



In 2017, the University of St. Gallen successfully started the Helvetia Innovation Lab in collaboration with Swiss insurance firm Helvetia. The Lab, involving one PostDoc and four PhD students, is focusing its research on the emerging phenomenon of Business Ecosystems. It is located at the chair of innovation management (Prof. Oliver Gassmann) and is being led by Dr. Bernhard Lingens. The Lab strives to both support Helvetia in establishing Business Ecosystems, going beyond the mere insurance business, as well as to become a leading institution in this domain of research.


A new Research Centre is established in the University of Liverpool Management School. Built around the strengths of the Operations and Supply Chain Management research group at the ULMS, and a long-standing commitment to supporting small, high-tech businesses, the Agility Centre provides a platform for world-leading research and knowledge exchange for both public and private-sector organisations in areas related to operations, supply chain, innovation and technology management.

As part of its mission, the Agility Centre aspires to:

  • provide leading edge, policy and practice-influencing research in operations, supply chain and technology management;
  • promote collaborative research with public and private-sector organisations;
  • provide knowledge exchange and advisory/consultancy services.


News from Affiliated Societies


ACEDE 2017 - Report

ACEDE 2018 - Announcement

AIDEA 2017 - Report

BAM 2017 - Report

CEEMAN 2017 - Report




EURAM Job Market

Job market


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