Letter from President 

Dear colleagues and friends,

We are very pleased to have received more than 100 topics and close to 30 symposia proposals for our 2018 Iceland Conference! A large selection of tracks that deal with different aspects of management and various challenges the world faces will generate stimulating debates. Together with inspiring symposia, they will enrich our understanding of management. I would like to thank to all the track/symposium proponents and SIGs which will host them. Our website offers detailed information about each track accepted for our 2018 Conference.

This year we have a novelty! EURAM emphasises responsible research which foresees and assesses potential consequences and societal prospects of relevant questions. In line with this focus, EURAM has decided to support responsible research through research grants. We have now one large grant (50 000 USD) in collaboration with Project Management Institute. EURAM has also introduced smaller grants (5000 Euros) to support several small-scale research projects. Please do not forget to renew your membership to have access to our grants. I strongly encourage you to further check our website for conditions of application. 

After a successful first edition, we will have the second edition of the EURAM book award. Our website provides information about the rules in relation to the award. We are looking forward to receiving your nominations.

I would like to invite you to discover the opportunities EURAM offers!                                                                                                                 

Sibel Yamak, President





NEW – EURAM Grants

EURAM Grant Scheme

Call for Applications: EURAM Grants Scheme announcement

One of EURAM's aspiration is to support rigorous and relevant research in the field of business and management, with implications and relevance to the European research community.

EURAM is pleased to announce the launch of Research Grants Schemes for 2018. The Executive Committee has set the target of promoting research for our members, and devoted the sum of €25,000 funds for the scheme. Scholars at any stage of their career may apply for the scheme. Each proposal can be in the range of €3000-€5000. About 6-7 grants will be awarded.

Read More: http://www.euramonline.org/grants-and-awards/grants/479-euram-grant-scheme.html


Announcement of PMI Research Grant

The Project Management Institute (PMI) announces a research grant opportunity exclusively available to EURAM’s Project Organizing Track in partnership with the Innovation Track.  The Request for Proposal (RFP), along with eligibility criteria and submission guidelines, will be posted on 1 October 2017 on PMI’s website, www.pmi.org/SponsoredResearch, and remain open until 1 December.  EURAM will post a link to the RFP along with detailed information on application procedures on its website.

Read More: http://euramonline.org/grants-and-awards/grants/476-announcement-of-pmi-research-grant.html


EURAM Awards

Book Award 2018


Deadline for nominations: 31 January 2018

In 2017, a new “Best Book of the Year Award” was started by the Academy.
We are now very pleased to launch the second edition of this award which is accompanied with a cash prize of €2500. The award is granted annually to a scholarly authored book in the general field of management studies (single or multiple authored). Only scholarly books/monographs (not edited books or textbooks) may be nominated. The language of the book should be English (in the future we hope to extend this to more languages). Date of publication must be the last year before the conference (for 2018: books with 2017 as year of publication). All fields of management are included.

A nomination for a book can be made either by any Strategic Interest Group (SIG), or by any individual, including self-nominations. At least one of the authors of the nominated book should be either a current member of EURAM or become a member in order to accept the Award.

There is no formal nomination form, but the document should be no longer than 600 words (plus a short cover letter).

Nominations should be submitted to Vice President Research via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by 31 January.  A designated committee will choose the winner, based on the criteria of scholarly impact – rigor and relevance of the book – with consideration for the ‘European’ element of the book. 

The winner(s) will be announced at the EURAM Conference in Reykjavik in June 2018.


Call for submission - TUM-Research Excellence Award 2018 of the Peter Pribilla Foundation

On behalf of Professor Patzelt and Professor Reichwald it is our pleasure to announce the TUM Research Excellence Award 2018 in the field of “Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Leadership”.This bi-annual award is granted with 10,000 € for outstanding research of emerging scholars on the level of post-doctoral researchers as well as early career academics and professors. The award will be recognized at the 18th EURAM Conference, June 20 – 23rd 2018 in Reykjavik, Island. In addition, the winner will get the opportunity to present his/her research in the prominent setting of the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) at Technische Universität München.

More info: www.euramonline.org/images/euram/Docs/Newsletters/tum_PPS-Research-Excellence-Award-2018.pdf


EURAM Annual Conferences

EURAM 2018 Conference – 20-23 June 2018, Reykjavik, University of Iceland


Deadline for submission of papers: 10 January 2018


The story of the EURAM Experience in Iceland

The president of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, is opening the EURAM 2018 conference in Iceland, 20 June. Guðni is an academic, a historian, and can therefore appreciate the effort of scholars and the importance of the exchange of ideas and knowledge in an international setting. The story of EURAM 2018 in Reykjavik is already being written. The call for papers was sent out the 26th of September, following a call and development of topics. It was the first chapter. There are 89 tracks being offered in the call process which is a record number of tracks. EURAM 2018 is therefore already making history.

The preparation for the conference is in full swing and the aim of the local organizing committee is to make the conference a great experience. The location of Reykjavik, Iceland, is very unique but the ambition is to create moments and stories which will be remarkable. It should be an inspiration for story-telling. Moments are created because of the location but more importantly because of the networking and co-creation effort of academics and practitioners.

The organizers of EURAM 2018 can make the framework for inspiration and creative effort but the movement must come from the participants. The theme of the conference – Research in Action – Accelerating Knowledge Creation in Management – is an effort to inspire a certain type of research and dialogue which tries to bridge the gap between academia and practice. The EURAM 2018 conference is somewhat a bridge between academic and practical experience. It should be an experience for academic thinking, as well as the practical mind.

EURAM 2018 will hopefully inspire academics to tell new and interesting stories. Iceland has been called the story island, because of the old Viking sagas. The president of Iceland will be a part of the EURAM 2018 saga and hopefully there will be a collective effort to make EURAM 2018 a good story. Let’s make history together!

On behalf of the Local Organising Committee

Eythor Ivar Jonsson, Conference Chair



EURAM 2019 Conference – 26-30 June 2019, Lisbon, ICSTE-IUL


Deadline for submission of papers: To be announced  


EURAM Doctoral Colloquium - 17-19 June 2018, Reykjavik, University of Iceland


 EURAM Early Career Colloquium

Theme: Leaders of Tomorrow - Building a Successful Career in Management Academia

Dates: March 18-20, 2018

Location: LUISS University, Rome, Italy 



European Management Review – Special Issues

Leveraging cooperation for gender equality in management

Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2018 



Family involvement in management and firm growth

Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2018



Bohemian like you? Managing people and organizations in creative industries

Deadline for full paper submissions: October 31, 2018



European Management Review – Permanent Sections

European Management Review

Methodology Corner



Xenophobia Monitor



Open Positions





Call for Nominations: IACMR Presidential Award for Responsible Research in Management

Please visit http://www.iacmr.org/english.php?c=show&id=1528 for this award.
This award is to recognize research that exemplifies the principles of Responsible Research in Business and Management. Submission deadline is October 31, 2017.
We look forward to your nominations.

Anne S. Tsui and Neng Liang
Founding and Current Presidents IACMR


Books, Journals & Publications

Handbook of Research on Corporate Governance and Entrepreneurship
edited by Jonas Gabrielsson, Halmstad University (Sweden)
This Handbook provides a unique collection of research addressing issues of corporate governance in entrepreneurial contexts, including start-ups, owner-managed firms, fast-growing firms, and IPOs, as well as how corporate governance and board leadership is associated with entrepreneurship and innovation in both small and large established companies. The chapters span a wide range of topics, methodologies, and levels of analysis, all designed to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of when and how corporate governance matters in different entrepreneurial contexts.

More Info: www.euramonline.org/components/com_foxcontact/uploads/59b2a37bcfaa4-GabrielssonRHbkCorpGov-22.pdf


"Workplace Innovation: Theory, Research and Practice

A new Springer book on Workplace Innovation has been published recently (see attachment).

Peter R.A. Oeij, D. Rus, and Frank D. Pot (Eds.) (2017) "Workplace Innovation: Theory, Research and Practice, Springer publishing company (ISBN 978-3-319-56332-9).

This book focuses on workplace innovation, which is a key element in ensuring that organizations and the people within them can adapt to and engage in healthy, sustainable change. It features a collection of multi-level, multi-disciplinary contributions that combine theory, research and practical perspectives. In addition, the book presents new perspectives from a number of nations on policies with novel theoretical approaches to workplace innovation, as well as international case studies on the subject. These cases highlight the role of leadership, the relation between workplace innovation and wellbeing, as well as the do’s and don’ts of workplace innovation implementation. Whether you are an experienced workplace practitioner, manager, a policy-maker, unionist, or a student of workplace innovation, this book contains a range of tips, tools and international case studies to help the reader understand and implement workplace innovation.

The hardcover is quite expensive, but you can order a MyCopy paperback for €24,99.

More Info: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-56333-6 - Workplace-Innovation-Springer-book-Table-of-Contents-and-Authors


Critical review of quality management

Our lately published book The Problem with Quality Management: Process orientation, controllability and zero-defect processes as modern myths, by Bettina Warzecha illustrates logical contradictions and inconsistencies in quality management. With practical examples, she shows how QM procedures and certifications even reduce or ruin customer satisfaction.


Handbook of Sustainability in Management Education

In Search of a Multidisciplinary, Innovative and Integrated Approach Research Handbooks in Business and Management series

Edited by Jorge A. Arevalo and Shelley F. Mitchell

This Handbook strives to enhance knowledge and application within sustainability in management education (SiME) across different academic programs, geographic regions and personal/professional contexts. Cross-disciplinary and boundary-spanning, this book focuses on specific themes and is therefore split into four distinct sections: one on theory and practice, one on transformational interventions in business programs, one on the role of external agents and the last on innovative approaches in SiME.

More Info: https://www.elgaronline.com/view/9781785361234.xml?v=toc 


Call For papers on Borders: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal
Special Issue for the 10th Anniversary of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference

At the moment, countries around the world are experiencing unprecedented times where borders are being scrutinised, closed, renegotiated, and rebuilt.  Social and political instability, civil war, environmental disasters, collapsing economies, and widening income inequality have led to migration as an avenue for survival for many (cf. Ng and Bloemraad, 2015).  This large scale, forced migration in turn has led to various countries having reinstated borders (particularly in the EU) as a reaction to a surge in refugee streams over the past few years. In the US, President Trump unsuccessfully attempted to impose a travel ban for citizens from 7 Muslim majority countries.  His administration is now focused on building a wall along the US and Mexican border.  In the UK, citizens voted for “Brexit” to take back ‘control over their borders.’  Meanwhile, Presidential Candidate Marine Le Pen has called for France to reinstate its borders after a series of terrorist attacks.  Countries such as Canada and Germany, however, have opened their borders to refugees during the last summer. [...]

Paper may be submitted beginning October 1, 2017, and the deadline for submissions is February 1, 2018.
Please submit enquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..uk.  Submissions should be made through ScholarOne. 
Author guidelines and format for submitted manuscripts can be found on the journal’s website.

More Info: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/call_for_papers.htm?id=7280


Jeroen Veldman and Paige Morrow published 'The Purpose of the Corporation' in the 2017 ICGN yearbook.


The International Journal of Management Reviews (IJMR), edited by Caroline Gatrell (University of Liverpool, UK) and Dermot Breslin (University of Sheffield, UK), has reached a new Impact Factor (IF) high in 2016. With a 2-year IF of 5.578, and a 5-year IF of 7.731, IJMR is now Wiley’s top performing Business & Management title worldwide. This increase puts the journal in the top ten for global Business & Management journals. IJMR contributors range from across EURAM institutions, and approximately 50% of the 250,000 downloads for 2016 came from our community. The journal publishes reviews which make a clear conceptual contribution to the literature, and also welcomes papers with a multi-disciplinary reach, sowing the seeds for new approaches.

More Info: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1468-2370/homepage/ForAuthors.html (our publication criteria)


We would like to share with you a Journal of Business Ethics special issue call for papers on “Responsible Management Learning: Change and Innovation for Sustainability, Responsibility, Ethics”. The special issue focuses on the learning of the practicing manager and the connections that learning for sustainability, responsibility, and ethics have with organisational change and innovation. We seek contributions that focus on individual managers in their work environments. Submissions should explore how managers generate new and acquire existing knowledge and how they develop competences to make organisations sustainable, responsible, and ethical. The focus is on individual learning and development in an organisational context (rather than on organisational learning or on teaching in educational institutions).
Deadline: 31 March 2018. Editors are happy to discuss ideas for potential submissions.

More Info: http://static.springer.com/sgw/documents/1606110/application/pdf/Special+Issue_Laasch+et+al_Responsible+Management+Learning+-+Change+and+Innovation+for+Sustainability%252c+Responsibility%252c+Ethics.pdf

and https://www.researchgate.net/project/Special-Issue-Journal-of-Business-Ethics-Responsible-Management-Learning-Change-and-Innovation-for-Sustainability-Responsibility-Ethics


Call for papers for a special issue on Global Value Chains, Business Networks and Strategy

RBGN, an open access journal in business administration and accounting, with a 2016 Impact-Factor of 0.153 and a Scopus CiteScore of 0.400, has opened a call for papers for a special issue on Global Value Chains, Business Networks and Strategy. The special guest editor is professor John Humphrey from the University of Sussex, and the deadline is 30 November 2017.

More Info: https://rbgn.fecap.br/RBGN 


EURAM member Dr. Burr working with Director of Security for a major healthcare organization in North Carolina completed an article on Violence and Prevention in Healthcare. Challenges exist for healthcare workers, managers, patients and visitors related to Workplace Violence due to the dangerous and complex occupational hazards in hospital systems (McPhaul, London, Lipscomb, 2004). Specific organizational structures and purposeful organizational processes are required to address violence in healthcare systems due to the stress filled, fast paced environment particularly when violence is often tolerated and accepted as part of the job. Preventing violence in the healthcare setting was issued by the Joint Commission on June 3, 2010 as Sentinel Event Alert # 45 and updated February 2017. The focus is on understanding the types and causes of violence, security assessments, surveys and tools used to determine appropriate levels of and types of security in the health care sector as a security leader.


Jeroen Veldman has become a section editor for corporate governance at the Journal of Business Ethics.


Jeroen Veldman and High Willmott published 'Social ontology and the modern corporation' in the Cambridge Journal of Economics.


 BRQ-Business Research Quarterly
Call for Papers for a Special Issue

New Frontiers for Productivity Research in Management and Business
Submission Deadline: December 31, 2017

Guest editors
, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
A. K. Lovell, University of Queensland, Australia (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

More Info: www.euramonline.org/images/euram/Docs/Newsletters/BRQ_call_for_papers_siproductivity.pdf



University College of Southeast Norway (HSN) innovate in its educational portfolio by launching The Industrial Academia. The Industrial Academia is a joint collaboration between HSN and industrial companies in Norway. It's is organized as a three-year study where students are employed (50%) at a collaborative company while they are doing their master degree (50%). The HSN Industrial Academia is offering a Master in Systems Engineering, several more master programs will be included in the next years.


Workshops & Conferences

Academy of Management Specialized Conference - Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy - April 18-20, 2018 -Surrey, United Kingdom

Brief proposal submissions are now being accepted for the groundbreaking, three-day Academy of Management Specialized Conference on Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy. This exciting new conference, to be held just outside of London in April 2018, will be centered around six innovative track themes, and include a mix of dynamic paper, symposium, keynote and active learning sessions.

More Info: www.euramonline.org/newsroom/news/451-big-data-and-managing-in-a-digital-economy.html


Call for Papers - IMES 2018 - 2018 – May 31 – June 1, 2018, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic

We are pleased to invite you to the 6th International Conference on Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability – IMES 2018, which will take place on May 31 – June 1, 2018, at the University of Economics, Prague.
Roy Thurik, Ute Stephan, Michael Fritsch, Stefan Schaltegger, Marina Dabič and other keynotes will discuss the trends in the fields of innovation management, entrepreneurship and sustainability. Authors are encouraged to submit their full papers from December 1, 2017 to January 15, 2018.

More info: imes.vse.cz/


"Strategic Leadership Research in The Digital Age" – March 22-23, 2018, Geneva, Switzerland

9th EIASM Workshop on Top Management Team and Business Strategy Research

Keynote speakers:
Albert A. Cannella, Jr., Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, USA
Guoli Chen, INSEAD, Singapore

Submission deadline for paper proposals: December 1, 2017

More Info: http://www.eiasm.org/frontoffice/event_announcement.asp?event_id=1313
or download the file http://www.euramonline.org/components/com_foxcontact/uploads/59c10717cee93-EIASM_9thTMTWorkshop_2018_Geneva_CfP_short_vf.pdf


15th International Human Resource Management Conference – 13-15 June 2018, Madrid, Spain

It is my pleasure to announce the 15th International Human Resource Management Conference.
The conference’s theme is “Managing People in a Changing Global Environment”. It will be hosted by the Carlos III University of Madrid.
I am delighted to invite you to collaborate in the program by submitting abstracts of papers or by proposing symposia.

The deadline for submissions is 15th December 2017. More information on the Call for Papers can be found at the following link: http://www.ihrm2018.org/?page_id=11I would be very grateful if you could forward this message to other people (e.g. colleagues, PhD students) that may be interested in this conference.

For more information please visit our website: http://www.ihrm2018.org  

Prof Dr Jaime Bonache
Conference Chair


34th EGOS Colloquium, July 5–7, 2018, Tallinn, Estonia

Call for Short Papers
Sub-theme 55: Managers and managerial behavior in countries in transition
Convenors: Zlatko Nedelko / Tiit Elenurm / Thomas Steger

The aim of this sub-theme is to examine management behavior in countries in transition, where we strive for the bigger picture. We call for papers that will enhance our understanding of management behavior in those countries, by considering various possible factors that may have impact on management behavior, especially those not well-elaborated in the literature yet. Deadline for submission (via www.egosnet.org) is January 8, 2018.


Research Networks and Centres

A new Scientific Network "Temporary Organizing" with a core team of twelve post-doctorate scholars has been set up this summer. The network is funded by the German Research Foundation [DFG] and dedicated to the topic "Temporary Organizing under Tension: Between Stability and Change". Within a period of 18 months, the network will host 4 workshops on selected topics in the field of project-based organizing and temporary organizations. The first workshop took place in Berlin with keynotes by Stewart Clegg and Candace Jones.

More Info: https://www.temporary-organizing.com


Geneva Business School is delighted to announce that it has established a new international research Centre that will leverage its global campus network to generate new and useful knowledge for the wider business community. The centre was established in June 2017 and its work now begins in earnest with the launch of new research projects and collaborations between faculty and students in our network of campuses. 

More Info: http://gbsge.com/international-research-centre/


Professor Maike Andresen, Bamberg University, together with several international colleagues, received an EU project grant which allows to run an international research project on “Global mobility of employees” (GLOMO) starting in January 2018. 15 PhD-positions are to be filled; five of those are based in Germany, others in DK, FIN, FR, NL, UK. All sub-research projects are concerned with labour mobility across Europe (expatriation/migration) and its impact on careers. The objectives are to generate knowledge about the mobility phenomenon; to provide trainings to (further) develop researchers’ understanding of the complex multidisciplinary phenomenon of mobility, to expand their competencies in research methodology; and to derive implications and recommendations for individuals, organisations, European societies and economies.

Recruiting will start as of 1.1.2018 – then all information will be available at the webpage: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/en/bwl-pm/


News from Affiliated Societies


ACEDE 2017 - Report

ACEDE 2018 - Announcement

AIDEA 2017 - Report

BAM 2017 - Report

CEEMAN 2017 - Report




EURAM Job Market

Job market


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