Inequalities in organisation and societies are related to a myriad of different dimensions including gender, race, social-class, age, sexuality, religion, and disability. These inequalities not only reinforce social injustice but also encourage exploitation and underutilization of human capital by organizations and nations.

Current debates in the area of gender, race, diversity, development and management research embraces inter alia social theory and inequality. This includes intersectionality and post colonialism, the extent to which globalization has facilitated the spread of western ideas (or not) around feminism, organization and management, and what feminism and broader social movements mean in diverse socio-cultural and geo-political contexts. In addition, the complexity and variety in human resources and management policies and institutional frameworks that address issues of social inequality.

Within the Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organisations (GRDO) Strategic Interest Group (SIG) and various tracks and sub-tracks organized by this SIG, we seek to analyse varying socio-demographic, cultural, and geo-political contexts and the implications for work organization, management, and human resource strategies. This incorporates critiques of gender, race, and diversity in a range of organizations, including transnational corporations, public and private sector organisations, NGOs, and international organizations.

We value theoretically inspired papers based on leading social commentators and empirically based research. We encourage contributions from scholars from a broad range of disciplines: management, economics, psychology, women's/ men's/ gender studies, geography, sociology, and development. We welcome conceptual and empirical papers and studies of single countries and comparative research

SIG chairs :

Dr Beverly Dawn Metcalfe - University of Manchester, UK (Transitional States, EU, Middle East),   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prof Jawad Syed -University of Huddersfield, UK (South Asia, Middle East, Europe) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr Hamid Kazeroony - Minnesota State Colleges & Uni, USA (USA and Latin America)  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr Faiza Ali - Liverpool John Moores University, UK, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For more detail on each track, please download the related document. If you cannot see the whole text on any of the Excel pages, please double-click. 


GT 05_00 Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organisations General Track

The GRDO General Track seeks to advance and disseminate new scholarship and debates, which address all forms of inequalities in the global political economy and address how policies may be devised to nurture the inclusion of marginalized voices to achieve social justice and well-being of all individuals and communities. The GRDO SIG, its general track in particular, also seeks to unravel the ways in which gender, race, and diversity are embedded within broader contemporary critiques of social, political, and economic stages of global capitalism. In line with EURAMs 2016 conference theme, of ‘manageable co-operation’ there is a need to broaden scholarship to explore how managing and organizing is shaping, or indeed being shaped by power relations and the governance of global institutions such as the World Bank, UN, MNCs, as well as state governments and INGOs..



T 05_01 Women in Management, Work and Organization

This track, sponsored by the Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organisations (GRDO) SIG, focuses on gender equality and women’s empowerment in management, work and organization. We invite scholars that address women issues in organizations from a variety of different perspectives.

T 05_02 Women's employment in the Middle East and North Africa

We call for examining the high education / low employment paradox of women living in the developing countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to ease their access to meaningful employment. These countries include Algeria; Djibouti; Egypt, Arab Republic; Iran, Islamic Republic; Iraq; Jordan; Lebanon; Libya; Morocco; Syrian Arab Republic; Tunisia; West Bank and Gaza; and the Yemen Republic according to the World Bank’s classification of the developing countries in the MENA. We invite to examine this phenomenon from various levels of analysis including: the international level (intergovernmental organizations and inclusion agendas); macro-level (government initiatives, public sector reform, employment policies, economic and social development agendas); and the level of the organization (HR engagement initiatives, affirmative action, career development plans). We encourage theoretical and empirical exploration of initiatives to address, overcome or sidestep sources of this pipeline block both within as well as outside of organizations.

T 03_ 07 Gender Issues in Entrepreneurship: What We Know and What We Should Know (Sponsored by the Entrepreneurship SIG-03- Co-sponsored by the GRDO SIG-05)

This track aims to increase the interest in these directions: government and other supporting policies and programs of gendered entrepreneurship, profiles of male and female entrepreneurs, gender and new business creations, determinants, motivations and constraints of gender in entrepreneurship, gender and innovation, gender and entrepreneurial intentions, perspectives on gender-based enterprises, growing, managing and planning the business, gendered understanding of corporate entrepreneurship, gender and economic growth, gender entrepreneurship in western and emerging economies, differences and similarities between male and female entrepreneurs, inspiring./pastconferences